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F.E. Alzofon,波音航空航天公司
Co,西雅图,华盛顿州Anti-Gravity with Present
Technology: Implementation
and Theoretical Foundation
F.E. Alzofon, Boeing Aerospace
Co, Seattle, WAo It is shown that mass quanti zation in the
the gravi tati ona force. This we will try to
field follows from the theory.
show in the following. In the deve lopment of the
ideas to fol low, we shall not adopt the poi nt of
o a theory of a fundamental length fol lows
view that a single kind of element ary particle is
naturally fron the formul ati
res pons ible for the force. For if this were so,
Etneo Field equations are presented for bose.
it would then be necessary to expl ain why l ar ge
Einstein and Fermi-Dirac mass states as well as
extremes of physical states do not result in
associ ated quant: ties.
vari ation of the popul ations of the particles in
question, and a possible alteration of the gravi
o Since the theory is linear, and the
processes descri bed are readily visualized, it
is chos en below, one whi ch relies on a property el
tational force as a conse quence. A simpler mode
becomes easy to formul at e experimental tests of
to be found also on a cl assical scale, invol ving
theory and to interpret these. Moreover, since
gas kinetic properties whi ch are well understood
the processes discussed are agreed to exist, the
theory provides a unified framework into which to
In applying the model it is necessary to
fit the m any di verse phenomena associated with
show how subat omic particles, whatever their
very small and very 1 arge scales of meas urement
nature and frequency of occurrence, can all give
A consequence of such a formulation is that the
rise to the same kind of force field. The
experiment alist can expect to be able to predict
details of the interaction between elementary
how each of the fields, which can be generated by
particles will not be discussed; these should not
present day technology, can affect the other
be necessary if the force is a result of averag
fields represented by this theory. The propos ed
ng over a feature cormon to all of them. the
control of the gravit ational field discussed in
model is in the spirit (ar
ggested by)the
the first part of the paper is derived by such
kinematic des cript ion of a matter-energy field
consi derations
developed in Reference 1 and in Part iI of this
deri vat ion of the l aws of cl assical
paper, It deduces forces from a known moti on or
ph ysics
of the quantum mechanics from the
state, rather than relying upon a dynamic
proposed theory constitutes an experi mental
des cript ion whi ch requires detailed knowledge of
proof of same of the theory. In this sense, it is
the forces of the interaction fron which the
similar to the molecular and atomic theory o
motion of the ph ysical system can be deduced
matter before Einstein's paper on the browni an
Moreover, once having des cri bed a model of the
motion i,e,, many known macros copic properties
proces ses which gi ve rise to the force of gr avi
of matter could be expl ained and unified). It is
tation, a procedure can be proposed by which the
be lfeved that like the atomic theory, enough new
ce may be altered, i.e
kened or
results (asi de frail the application to the con.
strengthened. This is also described below.
trol of gravitation )will be deduced from the
theory to make it worthwhile. It is in this
We here depart from einstein's geometrical
expectation that the theory is propos ed. How-
formul ation of the gravitational field, which
ever. the clarification of the nature of inertial
does not indicate any physical process leading to
mass, gravitational mass, and the ether (1. e, its
the origin of the field. Moreover, the model
existence)and the provision of a clearly visual
adopted vieNs matter essenti ally as an aspect of
i zed struct ure to unify the dat a of modern
a matter-energy field, a concept developed ina
physics in exchange for a single additional
more consistent way in Part Il af this paper.
assumption, make the theary worth cons i derat i on
The latter concept is familiar to physicists
al though a unified des i pt ion of matter-radi a
A Model for the generation
tion is not, The remaining concepts employed are
of the Gravitational Force
taken from modern yisualizati ons of ph ysical
process es
0 Introduction
1.1 Kinematic Model for the Gravitational Force
The most evident property of the gravita
tional force is that it appears in the presence
The feature postulated as basically
of matter (measured by inertial mass)and not
respons ible for the gravi tat i onal force is the
therwise. it is remarkable that whatever the
stability of element ary particles during the time
state of matter from cold dust clouds to very hot
they exist. This stability is expressed in the
stars. the same law. Newton's Law of gravita-
fact that the mass m of the particle is constant
tional Force, remains an accurate repres entat i on
put it san ewhat differently, that i
of the force between two masses and that this is
Campton wavelength h/mc is constant
dependent solely on the masses and separat on of
the two bodi es
But the Compton wave length is a measure of
the extent of virtual processes associ at
This constancy of behavior ar gues a com
given particle.
nechanism operating to cause the force, inde-
pendent of variability of phys i cal state and
*As pointed out in Ref erence 1, and more
temper ature, Thus we seek common features of a11
explicitly descri bed in Part Ii, the Camptar
the fonms of matter known to exi st on an astro-
wavelength is a meas ure of the principal extent
nomical scale, for whi ch the gravitational force
of an el ementary particle matter-energy cloud
be comes appreciable. One such common feat ure is
essenti ally a field phenom enon, rather than a
the exper iment ally verifted obser vation that all
particle accompanied by the products of virtual
matter is conf ined to elementary particles, It
processes. As shown in Reference 1 and in Part
of elementary particles can be res ponsible for yJ
is therefore natural to enquire if sane propert
I altho
h/mc i
1 quantity, the
average effect of virtual processes leads to an
inverse square force1酬w。1e, these processes
extend be yond the Compton wave length
in the presence of another particle, and
subat omic noise in References 1 and 2, we suggest
with the above-mentioned non -localizability of
the use of pulsed dynamic nuclear orientation
both particles, the mass density distributi on of
applied to par amagnetic atons in a constant
the first particle is altered since the fields of
magnetic field, .The basic mechanism invoked is
the two partic
icles over ]ap and they share same of
to allow rapid ( i.e., faster than thermal
their masses with one another, and if this is
disordering) decay into a disordered state of
sO,then the mass of the first particle is
that part of the orf ent ed magneti c mament of the
altered f
tom△m, nd its Compton
paramagnetic nucleus due to creatton and
length also altered from h/mc to h/(m+a m)c or
annt hil at i on proces ses; this decay is due to
to approximately (h/mc )(1-4 m/m), a smaller
inter acti on with the earth's virtual particle
di aneter than the initi al one, To remain stable
cloud, It is asserted that this procedure wil
in the sense in whi ch we have defined stability,
reduce the mean energy of the disordered motion
an alterati on in the nass - energy distribut i on
of the earth's virtual particle cloud in the
must take pl ace, according to Lechateljerts
nei gh bor hood of the specimen and lead to a
Principle, which will compress the matter-energy
reducti on of the earth's gravitational force on
into a smaller volume with the smaller di ameter
the s pecimen,
given above and corres pondi ng to the new
stability configuration. The alteration is
For reas ons indi cated in the fol l owing
to the mat ter=energy contri buted by the second
discussion, we suggest use of a s pecimen composed
particle and results in the mass-energy contri
of a very pure‘ sotope of. al um1№(e,9。A
buted by this particle bef ng dr awn closer to the
iron inclusions (magnesium plus chromium inclu
central location of the first particle, The
sions are also possible candi dat es), Acting on
reaction to this re distri bution is an attracti
the specimen, a pulsed oscillating microwave
force exerted by the second particle on the
field orf ents the nuclei in the iron inclusi ons
first, Conversely, by symmetric reas oni ng, the
by dynamic nuclear orient ation. Small quantities
first particle exert
at tracti ve
force on the
of chromium incl uded in the aluninum will
second particle, again owing to its own
increase efficiency of the pulsed field in pene-
stabllity. The changes must be small in order
trati on of the specimen, since its effect wil
for these cons i derat i ons to be valid
to Increase the skin depth for mf crowave penetra
tion (the resistivity of chromium is greater than
It is asserted that the above mechani sm
that of aluminum). In addition chromium is a
which depends only on ass umpti ons incorporatin x
member of the iron group and thus wil] aid in the
the presently accepted view of matter and radi al
nuclei orf ation of the iron inclusions
energy, and does not rely on a det ailed des cr i p.
(Ref erence 3, Pp. 63-64)
tion of el ement ary particle forces, is res pons-
tble for the attracti on between two masses called
The nuclear orient ation of the iron
the gravitational force. Moreover, it sati sfies
inclusions wi 11 be commun cated to the nuclei of
the requirements outlined in Sec七」n1,0. A more
the aluminum matrix, diffusing throughout the
formal discussion of the origin of this force has
materi al. the ori entat fon of the aluminum nuclei
been given in Reference I, where the inverse
has a much】 onger lift俪 me with res pect to
square property has been deri ved and the
them a? decay than the orient at ion of the iron
attractive nat ure of the f orce al so deri ved on
more formal grounds. A classical l1. e.non-
nuclei(in the ratio of 9 to l--Reference 3,p.
64 and p
3. Hence the atrix acts as a
quant un mechani cal)model of the origin of forces
reservoir of nuclei orient ation so that the
of this general nature is provided in Appendix. A
induced fron nucle atentat i on generat es a pump-
but is not necessary for the pres ent expos i tion
ing action, amplifying the effect of the forced
the latter deri vat on concerns two macros copic
ortentati ons. Sane of the apparat us required ts
particles sus pended in an i deal gas, The ideal
shown in Figure 1
gas corres ponds to the virtual particle cloud
surrounding an element ary particle
Implementation of -an Anti-Gravity Device
2.0 Introduction
The cons i derations above sugges
t that a
process analogous to those which reduce gas
tenperature by allowing gas molecules to do work
against an external agent, converting internal
random di sor dered mot i on眈0 an externa」 rdered
motion, can be used to reduce the gravit ational
force between two masses .. The gas"in this case
is the cloud of. virtual particles surrounding
every subatomic particle, We discuss the ph ys ical
mechanism suggested to produce the effect, and
estimate its m agn itude be l ow
Summary of the Exper iment
For the pur pose of reducing the mean enet
of the processes whi ch have been characterized as Fis. 1 Some apparatus used for dynamic nucle ar
The interaction of the disordered matter
increase of temperature_ above very low he] ium
energy creat ion-ann ion cloud, generated by
temperatures(e.g. as T7 or T9---Reference3
the earth and the ordered aluminum nuc lei( and
The above-mentioned immers ion of ira .p.
inc lus ions) lead to a disordering of the aluminum
inclusions in an a luminum matrix was proposed to
nuclei (and inc lusions)orientation. This
overcome this drawback the diffus ion of
process occurs at the expense of the mean dis
or fetation into the aluminum matrix takes place
ordered motion of the earth's creation - ann thila-
in accord with a well-known process(Reference 3,
tion cloud and a consequent reduct ion in the
earths gravitational attraction exerted on the
a luminum (and inc lus ions)spec imen.
Nuclear thermal relaxation times have bi
As a corollary to the above cons ideratfons
accurately measured, ins)uding their dependence
on temperature. For
e relaxation time at
it is asserted that constantly driving the
40k is about 0.5 sec, and is proportional to 1/T,
wirtual processes by flipping the par magnetic
where t is the absolute temperature of the
nuc lef too rapidly to allow the virtual processes
specimen. If the latter proportionality be
to decay appreciably, should lead to an increase
extrapolated to room temperature (about 293k)
of the gravita fonal force, since then the mean
the relaxation time would be about 0.006 seci in
disordered motion of the earth's(as wel)as the
any case the latter lifetime will be very short
spec imen's) creation- ann tilation field will be
increased. This can be accomplished by a
Thus, if relaxation times are sufficiently
periodic reversal of the magnetic field which was
Harge with respect to thermal electron
held constant above in the usual process of
collisions, we can ex pect that the nuclear
dynamic nuclear orientation
orientation (or part of it) will re l ax owing to
other processes。硎 now estimate the1 fetime of
The remainder of this paper will concern
the ordered states subject to perturbation by
itself with the details and magnitudes of the
creat ion and ann ihi ion processes
effects generated by the procedures outlined
2.3 The Lifetime of virtual states
2.1 Dynamic Muc lear orientation
Quantum electrodynamics has demonstrated
that the fractional change in the electron 's magnetic
The principal source of the informat ion in
moment, owing to creat ion-annihi ]ation processes, is
this section s Reference 3. we describe the
given by
phys ical basis of dynamic nuclear orientat ion and
some of the magn itudes associated with it
Dynamic nuclear orientation of paranagnetic
nuclei consists of first imposing a fixed
where A e denotes the altered vatue of the
magnet ic fleld on a given specimen, caus ing the
magnetic moment andFoe its original value en/2m
electrons in a given atom to precess about the
magnetic field direct ion. An oscillating field
at right angles to the constant field is then
alogously to the estimation of the
app lied, with resonant frequency v determined
agnetic moments of proton and neutron by expres
by the magnitude of the fixed field
and the
sions similar to that used for th
for the electron(e. 9.
re】 at ion
幼/2 2Mp for the protor, where№1eqa】 to the
mass of the proton), we estinate the effects of
virtual processes on the magnetic moment of a
nucleon by a relation simflar to 2.2
where g is the spectroscopic splitting factor
for the electron,Ag is the magnetic moment of
the bohr magneton, and h is planck's constar
Typical orders of magnitude are g3,AB10
n * 5.1 10 erg/oe, the energ
stored in the magnet ic interaction with virtual
The oscillating field adds energy at
processes is (g3, Reference 3, p. 2---here g
resonant frequencies to the electrons in the
is def ined somewhat differently than the
atoms, causing transitions to higher energetic
reference, but the calculation is essentially the
spin states, increas ing the electron populat ion
same l
in these states. Due to thetr closeness to the
nuclei of the atoms the electron orientation
induces nuc1e讠 orientation。
ortentat ion of nuc let orientation in a given
For a paramagnetic ion, the nug leus experiences a
sense can be obtained with external fields less
agnetic fieid, locally, of 105 to 106 oe,so
than 10-oe at temperatures of the order of
that (2. 4)may reach a value of 1.5 10-/ erg
per paramagnet ic ion nucleus. The frequency
associated with the latter energy is then AE/h
2.2 The thermal Lifetime af Nuc lear Orientation
or about 2, 3 x 10 Hz and the complementarity of
frequency and time implies a lifetime for the
The rate of relaxation of nuclear orfenta
state of about 4.3 10-0 sec, that is, the
tion in paramagnetic atoms due to thermal
processes is very rapid and rises quick ly with
iifet ime of the virtual states in question are
so that an appreciable part of it would be
very much shorter than nuclear orientation
removed ir several seconds. on the bas is of this
thermal lifetimes, A pu l sed oscillating field
simple mode。
will therefore serve to keep the paramagnetic
nuclei oriented insof ar as thermal decay is
It would be of interest to perform the
oncerned and, properly timed, will allow that
proposed experiment so that the mode] proposed
part of the magnet ic moment due to virtuaT
can be tested and improved
processes to become disordered. in the relaxa
tion by par amagnetic impurities, the nuclei act
2.5 Vehicle Design
as though they are coupled together (Reference 3,
Anti-gravity(l。e。 weakening the gravita
tional force)alone is evidently not enough to
2.4 Experiment Parameters and comments
propel a vehicle. Its principal use would be to
reduce the power needed to propel the vehicle,
The above estimates have been in the spirit
when near a body of astronomical scale, such as a
of Reference 3 (e.g. pp.2-3 and p. 73),taken
planet or sun.
more to illustrate the principles proposed than
as accurate representations of physi cal quant i
within a pl 's atmos phere, there are many
ties. since the basic parameters do not appear to
possible ethods of propelling a vehicle, based
be accurate ly known. However these principles
on a thrust against the atmos phere of the pl anet
have been borrowed from other and we 1-known
Since it is likely that the generated field will
app i ons in classical physics; the techno-
reduce the inerti al mass of the vehicle to some
logy of dynamic nuclear orientation is also we 1-
extent, very htgh velocities and accelerations
deve loped. Hence it seems highly desirable and
would be possible.
possible to do an exper iment of the sort
proposed, especially to determ t ne more accurate-
The method of app lying thrust will depend to
ly the parameters. est imated. In this connection
some extent on the shape of the vehicle. It
the following comments are made:
would be economical to choose a circular cross
section since the generator of the anti-gravity
a The calculation of the energy stored in
field would then be equi-distant from the met a
the order ing af virtual processes was performed
structures making up the vehicle. These are
for a single nucleon. The est imate was deliber
ately made much smatler than is like lyi this
imagined to be sheets of aluminum with iron
inc Tusfons, as mentioned above. These sheets
follows from the greater complexity of the
will be too thin to supply structural strength to
proton's structure than that of the electron
the vehicle and wil be attached in panels to the
(e.g. remarks by 8. L: Cohen in Reference 4,p
underlyi ng structure. Because of the circul ar
8).Moreover, the iron nuc leus is sti11 more
cross section, the propuls fve force in the atmo-
omplex than the aluminum nucleus
sphere will be applied in a symmetrical manner
relative to this cross section. For example, i
o For the proposed exper iment, it is 1ikely
a spherical shape is used, a slotted rim rotating
that the des ired effect can be obt ai ned for
about the center of the craft, parallel to the
temperatures much higher than those at which
planets surface, can be used to lift the
con ventional. nuctear orientation processes are
vehicle. A central jet engine with exhaust open-
and virtual state lifet imes for inclus tons ana1
performed due to the wide difference in thermi
ings about the sides of the vehicle can supply
horizonta thrust for maneuverability. Figure 2
illustrates a poss ible conf i guratto.. Figure
The magnetic fields and frequenc fes of the
oscillating fields can be selected as those often
used in dynamic nuc lear orientation. For
example, with a fixed magnetic fteld of 660oe
one can employ a pu l sed oscillating field at 3000
MHz. Pulses of the oscillating field are to last
for 2 microseconds with a duty cycle of from 2 ta
6 milliseconds, The optimum quantity of iron to
be embedded in aluminum must be determined by
exper iment; combination of the to metals is
aided by the difference in their melting points
since iron has a higher melting point than alumi
num:iron inc just ons can be added to molten
aluminum which is then stirred to obtain a uni
form distribution in the spec men
If, for example, the ratio of iron nuclei
aluminum nuc1e讠i的e
of a spec
be about i in i0 then (provided the above esti
mates are realistic) of the order of a oule of
cavitational energy can be removed per dut
cycle. At the earth's surf ace, there are 6.3x
Fg。2 Conceptua】 drawing of vehicle using
104 Joules per gran mass of gravitational energy
anti-gravity screens.
Because of the harmful effect of microwave
That Einstein recogn izes the weakness of a
radi on on the crew, the microwave generator
theor y desi gned primarily for mathematical
will be shielded from the crew's quarters: its
simp]icity, as indicated above, is further
logical placement would be in the lower part of
emphasized by his remark that. Pure logical
the sphere。
thinki ng can give us no knowi edge what soever of
the wor ld of experience all knowledge ab
The design suggested makes this kind of
reality begi ns with experience and terminates in
vehicle a good choice for a shuttle vehicle
it, m6 The relevance of the special theory of
between planet surf ace and a space ship in orbit
elativity to exper iment. for ex ample, arose out
about the planet, since it can not only maneuver
of Einstein's recognition of the empirical fact
within the atmos phere of the planet, but also
of the const ancy of the speed of light and his
leave its surface to go into a conventionally
assertion of the nature of distant clock synchro-
chosen orbit. For the latter pur pose, as well as
nization, a feat ure of the use of light signals
taking off to explore interplanetary space, the
(1. e. a field) to establish a coordi nate system
suggested design is useful, since no large take
His later work was more mathematically oriented
acceleration is required. Once in space,
small rocket or gas jets offer a con venfent means
t was the questioning, by an empiricist, of
of maneuvering. Since i ar ge amounts of prope l1
the geometrization of space-time in the general
ant do not need to be used in takeoff and
theory of relativity, which led to experinents
I anding it will be possible to accelerate the
claimed to cast doubt on the foundations of the
vehicle for part of an interplanet ary trip and te
ate for the latter part of the trip, thus
reducing travel time by a considerable mar gin.
The above remarks tead one to enquire what a
worthwhile formulation of a physical theory
should be. In this connection, the history of
II. Unified Field Theory
science provi des several guide lines for d
physical theory's useful
3.0 Introduction
must not on\y make numerical formulations oF o/
Experience has shown that, to be of genera l
The second part of this paper proposes to
interest to the scientific community a theor
de f
provide a formal bas is for the gravitation mode
in Part i
It is not a theory of gravitation
corre l at ions bet ween events but do so in a
alone; it is a unified field theory which
readily visualized manner. In addition in the
presents the electromagnetic field(Naxwel1's),
appropriate context, it must reduce to the
the gravitation field and field properties which
equivalent of foregoing concepts and theories
can be i dentified with forces on a subat omic
t must, also, yield simpler and more direct
level as different aspects of the same field
nter pretations of reality than its competitors
Both matter and radiation are exhibited as
e.g. preceding theor f
In a final test. a
different aspects of the field, i.e.ass
theory must offer attractive opportunities for
particles are a special state of the field.
formul ation and interpretation of experiments
The question of the value of such a formula
tion may ar ise, although the unity of matter and
deve l opment of the following theory and theo
The above considerations have gui ded the
radiation, owing to obser ved transformations of
course of the discussion below
the unifica-
one into the other, is not in question. In this
tion of the concepts and flelds proposed is
connection, one is reminded of the advantages
correct, then an alternative to the unitary field
which fo] lowed fγ oMf the unif」ca讠 on of the
af A, Einstein has been accomplished, Its reso-
electric and magnetic fields, into the electro
lution of same of the conceptual difficulties of
agnetic fleld, and the unificat i on performed by
the quant um mechanics and removal of infinities
the atomic theory, as a justification for the
of the Coulomb-like laws is an added usef u
effort. There remains, however, the questi on of
feat ure, while the unification of fleld and
how this unification ought to be carried out and
particle concepts resolves a difficulty recog-
what the properties of such a unification ought
nized by A. Einstein. If these and other
to have。
conceptual conveniences were the only features of
the theory, it would have only the value of the
A. Einstein found it necess ary to defend his
atomic theory in its initial stages, 1.e. offer
approach to the problem of unify ng the fields
ing a unificat i on of al ready-known observations
aithough he never doubted the desirability of
Hawever, to the extent that the considerations of
such a unificati on, As Einstein states, The
Part I are relevant to the formal theory, a bas ic
characteristics whi ch es pectally distinguish the
requirement for a useful theory will have been
general theory of relativity and even more,. the
unitary field theory, from other physical
theories are the degree of formal speculation
4.0 General Background
the slend
irical basi
he funda
mental relf ance on the uniformity of the secrets
The followi ng theory is based on the
of natural law,,,It is this feature which appears
addit on of a new ass umpt ion about the pro paga
is a weakness to physicists who inc line toward
tion of the real electrom agnetic field (in
realism or positivism, but is especi ally attrac-
distinction to Maxwe11's field), to the
ti ve,... to the specu lati ve mathematical mind. "
assumptions of the special theory of rel at ivity,
as well as a closer adherence to practical
as pects of field meas urements
There are many reasons to befeve that the
or field properties. In addition, on an atomic
light signal (1,e. electromagnetic field
scale or smaller it is necessary to allow for the
behavior used by Etns tein should be altered
random nature of all physical processes. On the
Since the special theory of relativity was first
other hand one must also be able to deri ve fran
roposed many new exper imental properties of the
field have been discovered, one of the most the
the mode the properties of mass particles on a
macros copic scale, including Newtonian
prominent be i ng the conversion of radi at ion to
mechanics as in Reference 1
matter and the converse. These convert ons may
occur on a scale of the order of h/mcs(m a mass
of the electron, for example)and also on a
If the metric of space-time is to be
elati vely long time scale. The former are
established by means of light signals, so that
termed virtual processes and are conceded to have
the results of the speci al theory of relativity
a real exi stance, as shown by the correctness of
may be reco vered then in the context of a
the predictions of the quantum electrodynamics
unified field th
the metric is to be
estab】 shed by
only one state of the uni-
As an example of how a light signal might be
fied field, the Maxwe1 electramagnetic field
altered by the creation of matter, consider the
in accord with the anal ys is of the Lamb
case of a light source trave ling toward the
Retherford 1ine shift and other results of the
observer at a speed sufficient to ratse the
quantum electrodynamics, an electrom agnetic
frequency of the rad t at ion to the level of gamma
field signal participates in the motion of other
rays. The presence of heavy nuclei to absorb
states of the unified field and theref ore cannot
momentum)near the obser ver wi11 permit pair
preser ve its identity in the presence of matter
creation at the expense of the energy of the
And since there must always be a material
gamma rays and theref ore an alteration in the
generator and receiver of a radiation signal
character of the light" signal expected. An
there must always be a finite probability that
observer at rest relat i ve to the source would not
the light signal will lose its identity for part
( according to the special theory of relativity)
see such events, suggesting a logical contradic-
probability becames significant for sufficient]
small regions of space and time.
while the pair creation imagined above
However, if a single state of the unified
occurs on a time scale suitable to atomic
field is used to establish a metric the other
physics, virtual processes of creat ion and
states of the field wi appear as int
annthilation of matter occur on d much shorter
in the propagat ion of that stngle state: this is
time scale, And, a1 though the special theory of
a notion borrowed fram cl assical dispersion
relativity predicts an equi valence between
theory, A brief des cription of the theory is
inertial ass and radt ation the nature of the
presented in the next section
equi valence is not featured in the foundations of
the theory.. However if the success of the
4.2 Dispersion Mode1 App1ied to the Light Signal
special theory of relativity has been based on a
recognition of a property of the elect
The classical theory of dispersion f
field not included in the Maxwe l1 theory of the
to visualizing the route of deve lopment chosen,
field(1. e. the constancy of the speed of radi a-
e, to preserve the electronagnetic signal in a
tion, independent of the speed of the observer),
vacuum characterizing the speci at theory of
then it is fitting to enquire what advantage may
relativity, while adding one pro perty to its
be derived by adding to the properties of the
motion. The latter approach is in accord with
field the known phenomena of the creation and
the description of the desirable formulation of a
ann许h订 ation of matter
theory in app licat i on of the scientific method
Role of the Light Signal in a Unified Field
We imagine, for simplicity, a plane wave
d in a vacuum
The mo de pro posed in Reference 1 was mot i
vated by the obser vation that if there is in
reality a unified field, any field model must
recognize that experiments such as the
nci dent nomally on a cubic crystal lattice
Davisson-Germer experiment imply that, on asub-
Most of the crystal lattice, according to the
atomic scale of phenamena, matter exhibits wave
ory, is composed of a vacuun and yet
capable of altering the phase velacity c of
abo ve wave in a drastic manner The classical
EThe obser ver at rest relat i ve to the signal
dispersion theory res oi ves this apparent paradox
emitter may obser ve such events on a very sma11
by imagining the electrical charges of the atams
time scale (e g, virtua pair creati on )relati ve
set into vibration by the plane wave and re
to the scale on whi ch these events are observed
radi ating to form (by coherent interference )a
in the reference frame in motion relative to the
new plane wave, again characteristic of
source, owing to time inter val dilation,: How-
propagat i on in a vacuum, There wfll be, however
ever this does not alter the asserti on that a
a shift in phase due to the interaction:
11ght si] can have a more camplex structure
than allowed in the speci al theory of relativity.
Each crystal lattice plane adds another phase
fluctuation processes giving rise to the new
shift of the same amount so that when the plane
metric and leading
the addit ional degrees of
wave emerges from the crystal, the total phase
freedom. The splitting of the coordinates used
shift is proport ional to the thickness of the
into an average and a fluctuation contribut ion is
crystal, call it a. The number of such phase
in consonance with a theorem proved by A
shifts is approx imated by a/d, where d is the
Einstein to hold in an approximate manner.More
total phase shift is approximately ab/oore the
separation of the lattice planes. Therefo
over, th is concept corresponds to the manner i/
which the results of observations of fields
using fiiters, are analyzed, the latter remark
ince the thickness of the crystal and the
is es pec fally relevant to the logical consistency
time interval of passage are known, however, it
of the splitting of the coordinates into an
is convenient to interpret the phase shift as a
average part and a fluctuating part, as success
change of phase velocity and to introduce an
fully carried out for molecular forces in a wel1
index of refract ion as a measure of this altera-
known and analogous, analysis of the Brown i an
motion by Lange in
In the present theory, we shall introduce
5.0 Physical Back ground
phase shifts to indicate processes occurring in
the radiation signal propagating in a vacuum
It was first recognized, in connection with
with the difference that the average value of the
the analys is of the spectral energy distribut ion
phase shifts is zero for the electromagnetic
of the radiation emitted by a bl ackbody, that the
field on a macroscopic scale. This condition
iiss fon and absorpt ion of the radt at ion occurred
describes the Maxwell electromagnetic field and
an uncontrollable manner if the scale pf
will not necessarily be valid for other fields
nergy transfer were sufficiently small.More-
It is imaginable, for example, that all the phase over, the bal ance of energy in a blackbody cavity
shifts for the monochromatic waves comprising a
was later shown to be close ly re lated to the spon
wave packet will be equal, as in the class ical
taneous emission of radi ation (cre
on of photons
dispersion theory. In such case, the entire wave
again an uncontrollable phenomenon
packet will be shifted in location from what
events which occurred outside the control of the
would be expected on the bas is of the electro
experimenter were eventually shown to be inserted
magnetic theory alone. Correspond ing to the
nto the whole domain of atomic phenomena; this
poss ibi lity of this kind of event and a similar
observation became a universal law of nature as
translation in the time scale, we interpret the
the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. I
phase shift as a translation in space and ti
coordinates rather than as an alteration in the
More recently, it has been demonstrated that
phase velocity, Thus is preserved the observa
it is necessary to include the spontaneous
tion of the constant speed of 1i ght; moreover
creation and annihilation of particles in the
like the dispers ion theory, there is the con-
description of nature. For example, notable
venience of using a wave motion characteristic of
success has been achieved with explanation of the
a vacuum.
Lamb-Retherford 11ne shift in the hydrogen
4.3 Field Theory and Filter
in the presence of a polarized vacuum. messes
spectrum by means of virtual radiat ive pro
tions of t
and the exper
But the introduction of the notion of noisy
datas differ by no more than 0.5 MHz
In agree-
signals from communication theory is not enough
ment so accurate that it has been remarked that the
for an adequate correspondence with reality
polarization of the vacuum, as a consequence of
For along with the admiss ion of noise as well as
an electron-positron field, is a well-
signal as fundamental phenomena in establish ing a
established phenomenon. M17Further verification
metric of space-time, is the essenti al concept of
of the reality of the polar ization of the vacuum
filters used by both generator and receiver of a
even if the energy available from the radiant
given signal. In a more general sense, every
quanta be less than
ne■ mass of the
experiment is a filter: a serfes of operat ions
electron and cespeed of 1ight), follows from the
in which desi red effects are to be admitted to
fine structure of the positronium, ground state
observation, if they exist, and undes ired effects
and level shifts of mesic atoms, 14
shut out of observation, But undesired effects,
i.e. noise, are never completely eliminated;
Earlier it had been shown that the infra-
hence noise, it is proposed, must be taken into
red and the ultra-vfoleto catastrophes in the
account in a fundamental way in estab l ishing a
theory of the scattering of an electron by a
metric of space-time. Moreover, this concept
central force field, could be removed by account.
corresponds in a more realistic manner to how
ing for virtual processes. The latter was
measurements of signals are made, as well as
cons idered to be in the nat ure of a formal diffi
more generally, how physical systems interact
culty, rather than a reflect ion of reallty.
through fields
Relevant to the filter concept, the manner
conveniently imagined, at least in paeans is
in which the expanded type of mot ton of the
to the creation, followed by the annthilation of
unified field is introduced in Reference 1
particles (mesons), The magnetic moments of
characterizes the field in a kinematic manner as
neutron and proton20. as well as the
e quadrupole
distingu ished from a dynamical model, i.e.an
moment of the deuteron are imagined to exist as
assumption is made about the motion of the field
a consequence of virtual charge creat ian
rather than about the forces responsible for the
In the above discussion, na sharp distinc-
balance of radiation in a blackbody cavity indt
tion was drawn between a virtual and a spontane
cates that th is unpredictability is linked to
ous process. In the following, it wi1
uncontrollable and spontaneous emiss ion of radi
assumed that a virtual process owes its existence
ation. One may therefore aser ibe the delay to
to spontaneous creations and annthilation which
the intervention of spontaneous processes not
are not resolved by the scale of measurement
initiated by the experimenter and it may be ex
employed. Thus, on an atomic scale, no net
pected that
aplete descr iptf
the gen
change in the number of particles or in the net
eration of a 1ight signal can be obtained without
charge will be observed due to virtual processes
expl icit introduction of the effect of sponta.
processes on the sign
As a consequence of the above-noted pheno
mena, virtual processes are assumed to have a
The viewpoint to be deve loped in the present
real existence and to proceed without cessation
paper is that the discrepancy between the
they are not considered to be initiated by the
schedu led and the actual time and place of enis
action of the observer
sion of radiat ion is evidence of internal motion
unresolved by the experimenter, rather than a
But the existence of additional nodes of
consequence of an elementary and unresolvable
motion of the real electromagnetic field argues
uncontrollability in the excitation of the
the existence of degrees of freedom additional to
radiation field
those which customarily in thi
state of the field。 In Section5化tw11be
On an atomic level, this virtual notion can
shown how th is cons ideration effects the formula only be inferred; the methods of the quantum
tion of the spec fal theory.
mechanics appear adequate to explain all expert
mental evidence. However on a smaller scale
5.1 Light Signals and Spontaneous processes
the creations and ann thilations which give rise
to similar discrepancies are resolved and the
perturbation ethods of the quantum mechanics no
magnetic wave packet of specified shape which re
longer apply.. If, for example, one specifies an
sults from a given series of interactions of
electron positron pair ann tilation as the gen-
material bodies, these interactions terminating
erator of a signal
garma ray),then
there is the
at a given time and place, The serfes of inter
possibility that the gamma ray will again create
actions and the time and pl ace of termination(or
a pair*, etc, the process repeating itself a
determinable as accurately as required,* o
eats ion of the packet)will be assumed
great number of times. It is then seen that the
uniqueness of the time and location of the event
of signal
generation is itse?
f lost
Bυ t here a difficulty appears。 For so long
degree, the interact ion of the material bodies
as space and time intervals of terrestrial magni
being displaced in space and time.
tude are tavo Ived the series of interactions
results in the excitation of many atoms, followed
The latter feature of the model does not
immediately"by the emission of radiation. But
introduce any essential difficulties rather
on a smaller: scale, if only a few atoms for one
one can then introduce the concepts of interna
atom)are invo lved, all the experimenter can do
motion, virtual processes, etc. relative to the
fs to excite the atams and observe whether or not
light signal itself after its generation,There
the emiss lon takes place at the given time and
is then removed any essential distinction between
If the emission of radiation takes place
the 1ight signal and the material system which
on schedule,it is inferred that the signal has
ed it. These considerations will be
been generated by the experimenter. If the
expanded in the discussion of the dispersion
em iss ton of radiation does not take place on
schedule, 1. e. spontaneously
one may infer that
the inherent unpredictibi11ty of atomlc phenome-
The situat」 on descr讠 bed above; s not new in
na is at fauIt. But Einstefn's analys is of the
the history of natural phi losophy; it character
ized the growth of the atomic theory. For
example ,. the Brownian motion is caused by
processes which could not be resolved by the
*Although the term"light signal"is usually used
opttcal microscopes observing the motion; these
in connection with a source of radiation and an
processes would then be classed as yfrtual
observer who ( in principle establishes a coordt
Analysis of the inferred processes 2i required
nate system by observations made with their aid
postulation of degrees of freedom additional to
the point of view adapted here is that the
those descriptive of macr
pic notion, But
success of such a procedure in establishing a
although the latter, new, degrees of freedom do
hys ical thecry is evidence that material systems
not differ in their essential character from
interact with one another through the electro-
thase descrtpt tve of macroscopic motion, the case
magnetic fleid on an atomic level of observation
of the Light signal is unique in that no measure-
and in no other way. It is proposed below that
ments on other phys ical entities can be used to
aterial systems ' on a subatomic level also
interact through fields and in no other way. The
metric is a measure of how space-time coordinates
are related in this interaction, e. g. whether the
*The model of creation of pairs intended here
differs from that inferred fram the formalism of
interaction is or is not poss ible.
the quantum mechanics. The fact that the for-
lIsm to be. Introduced r
quantum mechanics, where appropriate indicates
that the model here proposed does not contradict
pts as they apply to atomic phys i
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