文件名称: Computer Program for combustion
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 详细说明:航空发动机燃烧室计算,这里面包含了如何具体的计算燃烧室里的各种污染物排放,在详细计算航空发动机污染物排放的时候,需要对发动机燃烧室建模,建立燃烧室火焰模型,以及燃油雾化模型,并且在具体的计算中还涉及到燃烧室化学平衡,需要计算化学平衡过程中各种污染物的摩尔分数,需要对燃油雾化过程进行建模,并且建立燃烧液滴模型,换需要考虑回流的影响,这篇文章中主要讲了具体实现的原理和方法。Preface This report presents the latest in a number of versions of chemical quilibrium and applications programs developed at the NASa Lewis research Center over more than 40 years. These programs have changed over the years to include additional features and improved calculation techniques and to take advantage of constantly improving computer capabilities. The minimization-of free-energy approach to chemical equilibrium calculations has been used in all versions of the program since 1967 The two principal purposes of this report are presented in two parts. The first purpose, which is accomplished here in part L, is to present in detail a number of topics of general interest in complex equilibrium calculations. These topics include mathematical analyses and techniques for obtaining chemical equilibrium; formulas for obtaining thermodynamic and transport mixture properties and thermodynamic derivatives; criteria for inclusion of condensed phases; calculations at a triple point; inclusion of ionized species, and various applications, such as constant-pressure or constant-volume combustion, rocket performance based on either a finite-or infinite-chamber-area model, shock wave calculations, and Chapman Jouguet detonations The second purpose of this report, to facilitate the use of the computer code, is accomplished in part II, entitledUsers Manual and Program Description. Various aspects of the computer code are discussed, and a number of examples are given to illustrate its versatility X PAGE PLANK NOT FNMED PAGE二帐 TENTIONAL:!" k;”x着 Contents 1. Introduction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e1 2. Equations Describing Chemical equilibrium 2.1 Units 2.2 Equation of State .,,,.. 2.3 Minimization of Gibbs Energy 即■p■ 2.3. 1 Gibbs Iteration equations 2.3.2 Reduced Gibbs Iteration Equations 2.4 Minimization of Helmholtz Energy ........... 8 2.4.1 Helmholtz Iteration equations 2.5 Thermodynamic Derivatives From Matrix Solution 2.4.2 Reduced helmholtz Iteration equations ....10 2.5.1 Derivatives With respect to Temperature 10 2.5.2 Derivatives with respect to Pressure 2.6 Other Thermodynamic derivatives 12 3. Procedure for Obtaining Equilibrium Compositions 13 3.1 Initial estimates 13 3.2 Magnitude of Species Used During Iteration 13 3.3 Convergence 昏■■■章■ ,,,,,,,14 3. 4 Tests for Condensed Phases 15 3.5 Phase Transitions and Special derivatives .16 3.6 Singularities 3.7 Iteration Procedure and Tests for ions 17 4, Thermodynamic Data .,,,19 4. 1 Assigned Enthalpies 4.2 Least-Squares coefficients 19 5. Thermal Transport Property Data 21 5. 1 Data for Individual Species 21 5.2 Mixture Property Data 21 5.2.1 Viscosity and Frozen Thermal Conductivity ..... 21 5.2.2 Reaction Thermal Conductivity 22 5.2.3 Specific Heat for Gases OnI 23 5.2.4 Prandtl number 6. Theoretical rocket Performance 曾甲··圈【■■■●b鲁·鲁鲁● 25 6. 1 Assumptions 25 PRIOMDi\s PAG五 ANK NOT FILMED PAGE iNTENTIONALLY BLANK 6.2 Parameters 鲁·,●4 26 6.2.1 Conservation Equations 26 6.2.2 Velocity of Flow 6.2. 3 Force 6. 2. 4 Specific Impuls 26 6.2.5 Mach Number 6.2.6 Characteristic Velocity 27 6 2.7 Area per Unit Mass Flow Rate .27 6.2.8 Coefficient of Thrust ,,,,,,27 6.2.9 Area ratio 6.3 Procedure for Obtaining Equilibrium Rocket Performance for IAc model 6.3. 1 Combustion Conditions 。自 28 6.3.2 Exit Conditions 28 6.3. 3 Throat Conditions 28 6.3.4 Discontinuities at Throat 28 6.3.5 Assigned Subsonic or Supersonic Area Ratios ..... 29 6.3.6 Empirical Formulas for Initial Estimates of PinP 29 6.3.7 Analytic Expression for Improved Estimates 29 6. 4 Procedure for Obtaining Equilibrium Rocket Performance for fac model 30 6.4.1 Initial Estimates for Pf and aJa 30 642 Improved Estimates for Pinf and A!A∵………31 6.5 Procedure for Obtaining Frozen Rocket Performance 31 6.5.1 Exit conditions,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.31 6.5.2 Throat Conditio 6.5.3 Thermodynamic Derivatives for Frozen Composition 7. Incident and reflected shocks 3 7.1 Incident Shocks 7. 1.1 Iteration Equations 34 7. 1.2 Corrections and convergence 35 7.1.3 Initial Estimates of T2/T1 and P2Pl 1 and 35 7.2 Reflected Shocks 36 7.2.1 Iteration Equations .,,..,,,..... 36 7.2.2 Corrections and Convergence 37 7. 2.3 Initial Estimates of Ts/T2 and Ps/p2 37 8. Chapman-Jouguet Detonations..…………………3 8. 1 Iteration equations 8.2 Corrections and Convergence 40 8.3 Initial Estimates of T2/Ti and P2/PI 40 9 Input Calculations Appendix- Symbols Reference Chapter 1 Introduction Knowing the chemical equilibrium compositions of (a) Temperature and pressure, tp a chemical system permits one to calculate theoretical (b)Enthalpy and pressure, hp thermodynamic properties for the system. These proper (c) Entropy and pressure, sp ties can be applied to a wide variety of problems in (d) Temperature and volume(or density),tv chemistry and chemical engineering. Some applications (e) Internal energy and volume(or density),uv are the design and analysis of equipment such as f) Entropy and volume (or density),sY compressors, turbines, nozzles, engines, shock tubes, heat 2)Calculating theoretical rocket performance for exchangers, and chemical processing equipment a finite- or infinite-area combustion chamber For more than 40 ycars the NaSa Lewis research (3)Calculating Chapman-Jouguet detonations Center has been involved in developing methods and (4) Calculating shock tube parameters for both inci- computer programs for calculating complex chemical dent and reflected shocks equilibrium compositions and thermodynamic properties of the equilibrium mixtures and in applying these Some problems handled by the program use just one properties to a number of problems(Gordon et al., 1959, combination of assigned states--namely the tp, hp, sp 1962, 1963, 1970, 1976, 1984, 1988; Huff et al., 1951; tv, uv, and sv problems. For example, the tp problem, Svehla and McBride, 1973 and Zeleznik and Gordon, which consists of a schedule of one or more assigned 1960,1962a, b, 1968) Earlier versions of the chemical temperatures and pressures, might be used to construct equilibrium computer program(Zeleznik and Gordon, Mollier diagrams. The hp problem gives constant 1962a; and Gordon and McBride, 1976 have had wide pressure combustion properties and the uv problem gives acceptance. Since the last publication this program has constant-volume combustion properties. Other problems been under continuous revision and updating, including make use of more than one combination of assigned several substantial additions. One addition is an option thermodynamic states. For example, the shock and for obtaining the transport properties of complex detonation problems use hp and tp; the rocket problem mixtures(Gordon et al 1984)by methods simpler than uses hp or tp and also sp those of Svehla and McBride(1973). A second addition This report consists of two parts. Part I, containing is an option to calculate rocket performance for a rocket the analysis, includes motor with a finite-area combustor (Gordon and McBride, 1988). The present report documents these and (1)The equations describing chemical equilibriun other additions and revisions to the program since 1976. and the applications previously mentioned (i.e, rocket The revised program is called CEA (Chemical performance, shocks, and Chapman-Jouguet detonations Equilibrium and Applications 2)The reduction of these equations to forms pro. The program can now do the following kinds of suitable for mathematical solution by means of iterative es. procedures () Equations for obtaining thermodynamic and (1)Obtaining chemical equilibrium compositions transport properties of mixtures for assigned thermodynamic states These states may be specified by assigning two thermodynamic state func- Part II, a program description and users manual, tions as follows discusses the modular form of the program and briefly describes each subroutine. It also discusses the prepara- Svehla (1962), and Zeleznik and gordon (1961). In tion of input, various permitted options, output tables, addition to data calculated by us, other thermodynamic and error messages. A number of examples are also data included in our files are taken from sources such as given to illustrate the versatility of the program Chase et al.(1985), Garvin et al .(1987), Gurvich et al In addition to the work in chemical equilibrium ( 1989), and Marsh et al.(1988). Files distributed with calculations and applications over the past 40 years, the computer program are described in part ll progress in computer programs, data generation, and data Various versions of the equilibrium program or fitting has also been made at NASA Lewis for the ther- modifications of the program have been incorporated modynamic and thermal transport properties of indi- into a number of other computer codes. An example vidual species required for the equilibrium calculations. is Radhakrishnan and Bittker (1994) for kinetics cal Some examples of this effort are Burcat et al.(1985), culations McBride et al..(196l,1963,1967,1992,1993ab), 2 Chapter 2 Equations Describing Chemical Equilibrium Chemical equilibrium is usually described by either of two equivalent formulations--equilibrium constants or Symbol minimization of free energy. Reports by Zeleznik and quantity Gordon(1960, 1968)compare the two formulations ength meter Zeleznik and Gordon(1960)shows that, if a generalized method of solution is used, the two formulations reduce Mass kilogram to the same number of iteration equations. However, Time with the minimization-of-free-energy method each species can be treated independently without specifying Tet kelvin K a set of reactions a priori, as is required with equilibrium Force newton constants. Therefore the minimization-of-free-energy Pressure formulation is used in the CEA program newton per Nm square meter The condition for equilibrium can be stated in terms of any of several thermodynamic functions, such as the Work, energy 」ou minimization of Gibbs or Helmholtz energy or the maximization of entropy. If one wishes to use tempera ture and pressure to characterize a thermodynamic state, he numerical values of a number of fundament contants are taken from Cohen and Taylor(1987).For Gibbs energy is most easily minimized inasmuch as temperature and pressure are its natural variables example, the value of the gas constant R taken from this Similarly, Helmholtz energy is most easily minimized if reference is 8314.51 J/(kg-mole)(K). In those sections dealing with the computer program, other units are used the thermodynamic state is characterized by temperature in addition to or instead of si units and volume(or density) Zeleznik and Gordon(1960) presents equations based on minimization of Gibbs energy. Some of thes 2.2 Equation of State equations are repeated and expanded herein for convenience. In addition, a set of equations based on In this report we assume that all gases are ideal and minimization of Helmholtz energy is also presented. that interactions among phases may be neglected. The However, because only ideal gases and pure condensed equation of state for the mixture is hases are being considered, the general notation of Zeleznik and Gordon(1960)is not used PV= NRT (2.1a) 2.1 Units The International System of Units(SI)used in this nRT (21b) p report Is 3 where p is pressure(in newtons per square meter),V specific volume (in cubic meters per kilogram), n moles per unit mass of mixture (in kilograms-mole per MW= kilogram), T temperature (in kelvin), and p density (in kilograms per cubic meter). Symbols used in this report are defined in the appendix. For a reacting chemical system the number of moles n is generally not constant. Equation (2. 1) is assumed to be correct even when small amounts of condensed species (up to several Molecular weight is given the symbol MW in equa percent by weight) are present. In this event the tion( 2.4a)to differentiate it from M. The two different condensed species are assumed to occupy a negligible definitions of molecular weight, M and mw, give differ volume relative to the gaseous species. An example ent results only in mixtures of products containing con- given in part I of this report illustrates the validity of densed as well as gaseous species. only M is given in this assumption. In the variables V, n, and p the volume he output, but Mw may be obtained from m by means and mole number refer to gases only, but the mass is for of the entire mixture including condensed species. The wordmixture"is used in this report to refer to mixtures MW=M I of reaction products as distinguished from mixtures of 2引 24b) reactants, which are referred to as"total reactants On the basis of this definition, n can be written as where x; is the mole fraction of species j relative to all species in the mixture. Some additional discussion of the G differences in these molecular weights is given in part II (22) f this report where n; is the number of kilogram-moles of species j 2.3 Minimization of Gibbs Energy per kilogram of mixture and the index Ng refers to the number of gases in the mixture. The molecular weight of the mixture M is defined as For a mixture of NS species the Gibbs energy per kilogram of mixture g is given by 1 ∑ (2 or equivalently as where the chemical potential per kilogram-mole of species i is defined to be NS ∑ M (23b) NG an (2.6) ∑ TP The condition for chemical equilibrium is the minimiza- tion of free energy. This minimization is usually subject where M, is the molecular weight of species j and the to certain constraints, such as the following mass-balance index NS refers to the number of species in the mixture. constraints In the CEa computer program, among the NS species gases are indexed from I to NG and condensed species from ng+I to Ns NS More conventionally, molecular weight is defined ∑q 0(i=1,,0(2.7a)



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