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详细说明:语音识别LAS结构where d and y, are MLP networks. After training, the a; distribution Table 1: WER comparison on the clean and noisy Google voice
is typically very sharp and focuses on only a few frames of h; ci car
search task. The CLDNN-hMM system is the state-of-the-art, the
be seen as a continuous bay of weighted Teatures of h. Figure 1
Listen, Attend and Spell (LAS)models are decoded with a beam
shows the las archilecture
size of 32. Language Model (LM)rescoring can be beneficial
Clean Wer Noisy WER
2. 3. Learning
We train the parameters of our model to maximize the log probability
of the correct sequences. Specifically
LAS LM Rescoring103
t, however we note that the cldnn uses unidirectional lstms
where vi-1 is the ground
previous character or a charac
and would certainly benefit from the use of a blstm architecture
ter randomly sampled(w
probability) from the model,i.e
Additionally the las model does not use convolutional filters which
Character Distribution(si-1, Ci-l)using the procedure from [20]. have been reported to yield 5-7% WEr relative improvement [221
For the listen function we used 3 layers of 512 pBLSTM nodes
2.4. Decoding and rescorin
( e, 256 nodes per direction) on top of a BLSTM that operates on
the input. This reduced the time resolution by 8=2 times.The
During inference we want to find the most likely character sequence Spell function used a two layer LSTM with 512 nodes each.The
given the input acoustics
weights were initialized with a uniform distribution Z(0.1,0.1
Asynchronous Stochastic Grader
y=arg max log P(yx
training our model [23]. A learning rate of 0. 2 was used with a ge-
ometric decay of 0.98 per 3M utterances(i.e 1/20-th of an epoch)
We use a simple left-to-right beam search similar to 8]. We can also We used the DistBelief framework [23] with 32 replicas, each with
apply language models trained on large external text corpora alone, a minibatch of 32 utterances. In order to further speed up train
similar to conventional speech systems [21]. We simply rescore our ing, the sequences were grouped into buckets based on their frame
beams with the language model. We find that our model has a small length [8]. The model was trained until the results on the validation
bias for shorter utterances so we normalize our probabilities by the set stopped improving, taking approximately two weeks. The model
number of characters y c in the hypothesis and combine it with a was decoded using N-best list decoding with beam size of N-32
language model probability plm(y
Alog Plm(y)
We achieved 14.1%o Wer on the clean test set and 16.5%C wer on
where A is our language model weight and can be determined by a the noisy test set without any dictionary or language model. We
held-out validation set
found that constraining the beam search with a dictionary had no
ER. Rescoring the top 32 beams with the same n-
gram language model that was used by the ClDnn system using
a language model weight of A= 0.008 improved the results for
We used a dataset with three million Google Voice Search utterances the clean and noisy test sets to 10.3 %o and 12.0% respectively. Note
(representing 2000 hours of data) for our experiments. Approxi- that for convenience, we did not decode with a language model, but
mately 10 hours of utterances were randomly selected as a held-out rather only rescored the top 32 beams. It is possible that further
validation set. Data augmentation was performed using a room sim- gains could have been achieved by using the language model during
ulator,adding different types of noise and reverberations; the noise decoding. Table I summarizes the Wer results
sources were obtained from You tube and environmental recordings
The content-based attention mechanism creates an explicit
of daily events [22]. This increased the amount of audio data by alignment between the characters and audio signal. We can visual
20 times with a Snr between 5dB and 30dB [22]. We used 40- ize the attention mechanism by recording the attention distribution
dimensional log-mel filter bank features computed every 10ms as the on the acoustic sequence at every character output timestep. Fig-
acoustic inputs to the listener. A separate set of 22K utterances repre
ure 2 visualizes the attention alignment between the characters and
senting approximately 16 hours of data were used as the test data. a the filterbanks for the utterance "how much would a woodchuck
noisy test set was also created using the same corruption strategy that chuck". For this particular utterance, the model learnt a monotonic
was applied to the training data. All training sets are anony mized and distribution without any location priors. The words"woodchuck?"
hand-transcribed, and are representative of Google's speech traffic
and"chuck" have acoustic similarities. the attention mechanism was
The text was normalized by converting all characters to lower slightly confused when emitting "woodchuck "with a dilution in the
case English alphanumerics (including digits). The punctuations: distribution. The attention model was also able to identify the start
space, comma, period and apostrophe were kept, while all other to- and end of the utterance properly
kens were converted to the unknown (unk) token. As mentioned
We observed that LAS can learn multiple spelling variants given
earlier, all utterances were padded with the start of- sentence(sos) the same acoustics. Table 2 shows top beams for the utterance that
and the end-of-sentence(cos tokens
includes "triple a. As can be seen, the model produces both"triple
The state-of-the-art model on this dataset is a CLDNN-HMM a"and"aaa "within the top four beams. The decoder is able to gener
system that was described in [22]. The Cldnn system achieves ate such varied parses, because the next step prediction model makes
a WER of 8.0% on the clean test set and 8.9% on the noisy test no assumptions on the probability distribution by using the chain rule
Alignment between the Characters and audio
CTC has also been applied to end-to-end training with phoneme
targets and n-gram language models using FSTs in [26, 27, 6]. How
ever, unlike the methods above, these methods use pronunciation
dictionaries and language models within Fsts. End-lo-end training
here implies training of the acoustic nodels with fixed dictionaries
and language nodels, instead of training Models that recognize char-
≤ space
acer sequences directly. In this respect these Models are end-Lo-end
trained systeIns, rather than end-Lo-end nodels
While ctc has shown tremendous promise in end-LO-end
peech recognition, it is limited by the assumptions of indepen-
dence between frames-the output at one frame has no influence
at the outputs at the other frames- much like the unary potential
of Conditional Random Fields. The only way to ameliorate this
problem is through the use of a strong language model [2]
The model proposed here is based on the sequence-to-sequence
architecture [8, 10] and does not suffer from the above shortcomin
LAS models the output sequence given the input sequence using the
hain rule decomposition, starting at the first character As such this
model makes no assumptions about the probability distribution and
is only limited by the capacity of the recurrent neural network in
modeling such a complicated distribution. Further, this single model
Fig. 2: Alignments between character outputs and audio signal pro- encompasses all aspects of a speech recognition system -the acous-
duced by the Listen, Attend and Spell (las) model for the utterance tic, pronunciation and language models are all encoded within its pa-
how much would a woodchuck chuck". The content based allen- rameters. We argue that this makes it not only an end-to-end trained
Lion mechanisIn was able Lo idenLify the starl position in the audio system, but an end-to-end model. This makes it a very powerful
sequence for the first character correctly. The alignment produced is model for end-to-end speech recognition. Future work is likely to
generally monotonic without a need for any location based priors
plore how to use increasingly more complicated models for im-
proved performance over what was achieved in this paper. Further,
Table 2: Example 1: triple a"vs "aaa" spelling variants
these models are likely to benefit from even larger datasets since the
decoder is able to overfit the small number of transcripts
Beam Text
logp wer
The model described in [14] is the closest to our model, with
some slight differences. We use a pyramidal encoder while they use
Truth call dad roadside assislance
call aaa roadside assistance
an encoder in which the higher layers subsample the hidden states of
call triple a roadside assistance
1.54 50.00/ the layers below. In addition they use an FST to incorporate a lan-
all trip way roadside assistance
guage model, while we use language model rescoring and a length
call xxx roadside assistance
dependent language model blending(see section 2. 4). We note that
4.44 25.00 these two works were performed concurrently and independently
decomposition. It would be difficult to produce such differing tran
scripts using CTC due to the conditional independence assumptions, We have presented Listen, Attend and Spell (LAS), a neural speech
where the distribution of the output y/i at time i is conditionally inde
recognizer that can transcribe acoustic signals to characters directl.
pendent of distribution yi+1 at time i+ 1. Conventional DNN-HMM
systems would require both spellings to be in the pronunciation dic
without using any of the traditional components of a speech recogni-
tionary to generate both transcriptions
tion system, such as HMMs, language models and pronunciation dic-
tionaries. We submit that it is not only an end-to-end trained system,
but an end-to-end model. Las accomplishes this goal by making no
conditional independence assumptions about the output sequence uS-
ing the sequence-to-sequence framework. This distinguishes it from
There has recently been an explosion in methods for end-to-end models like CTC, DNN-HMM and other models that can be trained
trained speech models because of their inherent simplicity compared end-to-end but make various conditional independence assumptions
to current speech recognition systems [2, 24, 6, 25, 14]. However to accomplish this. We showed how this model learns an implicit
these methods have inherent shortcomings that our model attempts language model that can generate multiple spelling variants given the
to address. here we describe in more detail the relationship between same acoustics. We also showed how an external language model,
our work and prior approaches
trained on additional text, can be used to re-rank the top hypotheses
nitially. [2] showed that CTC could perform end-to-end speech We demonstrated that such an end-to-end model can be trained and
recognition on WSJ, going straight from audio to character se
be competitive with state-of-the-art CLDNN-HMM systems. We are
quences. [24, 25] subsequently showed strong results with CTc optimistic that this approach will pave the way to new neural speech
on larger datasets and Switchboard. However it was noted in [24, recognizers that are simpler to train and achieve even better accura-
2] that good accuracy could only be achieved through the use of a cies than the best current speech recognition systems
trong language model during beam search decoding; the language
models use are themselves fixed and trained independently of the
I We note that we used three million utterances for training but that is d
CtC objective
very small corpus for an RNn language model
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