文件名称: 802.3-2018_SECTION8.pdf
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 详细说明:Section Eight—Includes Clause 116 through Clause 126 and Annex 119A through Annex 120E. Clause 116 through Clause 124 and associated annexes include general information on 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s operation as well the 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Physical Layer specifications. Clause 125 and Clause 126 include general information on 2.5 Gb/s and 5 Gb/s operation as well as 2.5 Gb/s and 5 Gb/s Physical Layer specifications.118.2 FEC Degrade 118.2.1DTEⅹ S FEC Degrade signaling…… 118.2.2 PHY XS FEC Degrade signaling ... 44 118.3 200GXS and 400GXS partitioning example 44 1184200 GXS and400 GXS MDIO function mapping…………… 44 118.5 Protocol implementation conformance statement(PiCS) proforma for Clause 118 200GMII EXtender, 400GMII Extender, 200GMII Extender Sublayer(200GXS), and 400GMII Extender Sublayer(400GXS) 48 118.5.1 Introduction 48 118.5.2 Identification .48 118.5.2. 1 Implementation identification 48 118.5.22 Protocol summary……………… 48 118.5.3 Major capabilities/options 118.5.4 PICS proforma tables for 200GMII Extender, 400GMII Extender, 200GMII EXtender Sublayer(200GXS),and400 GMII Extender Sublayer(400GXS)………49 Transmit fu 118.5 4.2 Receive function 50 118.54.364B/66 B coding Scrambler and descrambler 51 Alignment markers.... 51 118.5.5 Test-pattern mode 118.5.6 Bit order 118.5.7 Management .52 118 5.7.1 State diagrams Delay constraints 53 119. Physical Coding Sublayer(PCS) for 64B 66B, type 200GBASE-R and 40OGBASE-R.....54 119.1 Overview …54 119.1. Scope 54 119. 1.2 Relationship of 200GBASE-R and 400GBASe-R to other standards 54 1 19.1.3 Physical Coding Sublayer(PCS).......... 119. 1.4 Inter-sublayer interfaces 119.14.1 PCS Service interface(200GMI400GMID………… Physical Medium Attachment(PMA)service interface.... 119.1.5 Functional block diagram 56 119.2 Physical Coding Sublayer(PCs) 57 119.2.1 Functions within the Pcs 57 119.2.2 Use of blocks 57 l19.2.364B66 B code… 58 119.2.3 Notation conventions…………… .58 64B/66B block structure 58 119.2.3. 3 Control codes alid and invalid blocks…… 59^)… ....59 59 119.2.3 7 Terminate(T/) 119.2.3. 8 Ordered set(O/...... 1192.3.9Eror(E/) 119.2.4 Transmit 119.2.4 Encode and rate matching…… 11924.264B66B10256B/257 B transcoder… .60 Scrambler Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved Alignment marker mapping and insertion 119.2.4. 4.1 AM creation for the 200GBASE-R PCS ............ 63 119.2.4. 4.2 AM creation for the 40OGBASE-R PCS 119.2. 45 Pre-Fec distribution 67 119.2.,4.6 Reed-Solomon encoder 67 119.2 4.7 Symbol distribution Transmit bit ordering and distribution.... Test-pattern generators 119.2.5 Receive function Alignment lock and deskew Lane reorder and de-interle Reed-Solomon decoder .72 119.2.5 4 Post Fec interleave Alignment marker removal Descrambler 256B/257B to 64B/66B transcoder 74 Decode and rate matching. …74 119.2.6 Detailed functions and state diagrams State diagram conventions State variables 1 Constants Variables 75 Functions .77 79 State diagrams..... 79 1193 PCS management…… 84 119.3.1 PCS MDIO function mapping 84 119.3.2 Fec corrected cw counter ∴,85 119.3. 3 FEC uncorrected cw counter 85 119.3.4 FEC symbol error counter i 85 119.4 Loopback 119.5 Delay constraints 119.6 Protocol implementation conformance statement(PICs)proforma for Clause 119, Physical Coding Sublayer(PCS) for 64B/ 66B, type 200G BASE-R and 400GBASE-R 87 119.6.1 Introduction 119.6.2 Identification 87 119.6.2. 1 Implementation identification 87 Protocol summar 87 119.6.3 Major capabilities/options 119.6.4 PICS proforma tables for Physical Coding Sublayer(PCS)64B/66B type 200GBASE-R and 400GBASE-R Transmit function Receive funct 64B/66B coding rules Scrambler and descrambler 90 Alignment markers .................. 90 Test-pattern modes Bit order 91 91 State diagrams. Loop 119.6.4. 1 Delay constraints 120. Physical Medium Attachment(PMA) sublayer, type 200GBASE-R and 400GBASE-R 93 Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved 120.1 Overview……… 120.1.1 Scope………….….….…, 120. 1.2 Position of the PMa in the 200GBASE-R and 400GBASE-R sublayers 120 1.3 Summary of functions 93 120.1.4 PMA sublayer positioning…… 94 120.2 PMA interfaces 96 120. 3 PMA service interface 中····· 96 120. 4 Service interface below pma 120.5 Functions within the pma 100 120.5. 1 Per inpul-lane clock and data recovery 100 120.5.2 Bit-level multiplexing 120.5,3 Skew and Skew variation 101 120.5.3 1 Skew generation toward SP1 120.53 2 Skew tolerance at sP1 120.5.3 3 Skew generation toward SP2 120.5.3 4 Skew tolerance at SP5 120.5.3 5 Skew generation at SP6 Skew tolerance at SP6 103 120.5 4 Delay constraints 103 120.5. 5 Clocking architecture 103 120.5.6 Signal drive 4 120.5.7 Gray mapping for PAM4 encoded lanes 10 120.5. 8 Link status 105 120.5. 9 PMA local loopback mode(optional) 105 120.5. 10PMA remote loopback mode(optional) ·…·······*······4············ 10 120.5. 1IPMA test patterns(optional) 106 120.5. 11. 1 Test patterns for NRZ encoded signals 106 I PrBS3I test pattern …106 120.. 1.2 PRBS9 test pattern 107 120.5.11. 1.3 Square wave test pattern 120.5.l1.2 Test patterns for PAM4 encoded signals……… .108 120.5. 11. 2.1 PRBS13Q test pattern 120.5. 11. 2. 2 PRBS31Q test pattern....... 108 120.5.1 1.2.3 SSPRQ test pattern 110 120.5. 11. 2. 4 Square wave(quaternary)test pattern 11 120.6 PMA MDIO function mapping 120.7 Protocol implementation conformance statement(Pics)proforma for Clause 120, Physical Medium Attachment(PMA) sublayer, type 200GBASE-R and 400GBASE-R 116 120.7.1 Introducti 116 120.7.2 Identification Implementation identification 120.7.3 Major capabilities/options 117 120.7. 4 Skew generation and tolerance 119 120.7.5 Test patterns……….….…… 119 120.76 Loopback modes..............,120 121. Physical Medium Dependent(PMD) sublayer and medium, type 200GBASE-DR4 121 121.1 Overview 121 121.1. Bit error ratio 121.2 Physical Medium Dependent(PMd)service interface 122 121.3 Delay and Ske 123 121.3.I Delay constraints l23 Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved 121.3.2 Skew constraints 121.4 PMD MDIO function mapping.... 124 121. 5 PMD functional specifications 124 121. 5. 1 PMd block diagram 121.5.2 PMD transmit function 121.5. 3 PMD receive function 125 121. 5.4 PMd global signal detect function 125 121.5.5 PMD lane-by-lane signal detect function l26 121.5.6 PMD reset function 126 121.5.7 PMD global transmit disable function(optional) 126 121.5. 8 PMD lane-by-lane transmit disable function(optional) 127 121.5.9 PMD fault function(optional) 127 121.5.10PMD transmit fault function(optional) 127 121. 5.11PMD receive fault function(optional) 121.6 Lane assignments 中············ 27 121.7 PMd to MDI optical specifications for 200GBASE-DR4 127 121.7. 1 200GBASE-DR4 transmitter optical specifications 128 121.7.2 200GBASE-DR4 receive optical specifications 128 121.7.3200 GBASE-DR4 illustrative link power budget……… 129 121.8 Definition of optical paramelers and measurement methods 130 121.8.I Test patterns for optical parameters 130 121.8.2 Wavelength and side mode suppression ratio(SMSR)……… 130 121.8.3 Average optical power 131 121.8.4 Outer Optical Modulation Amplitude (omaouter) 13 121.8.5 Transmitter and dispersion eye closure for PAM4 (TDECQ)............13 1 121.8.5. 1 TDECQ conformance test setup Channel requirements 132 121.8.5. 3 TDECQ measurement method 133 121.8.5. 4 tDECQ reference equalizer 136 121.8.6 Extinction ratio ………………………136 121.8. 7 Relative intensity noise(RIN21. 4OMA) 136 121.8. 8 Receiver sensitIvity 137 121.8.9 Stressed receiver sensitivily……………………… 137 121.8.9. 1 Stressed receiver conformance test block diagram 中+++++ 138 Stressed receiver conformance test signal characteristics and calibration .............139 Stressed receiver conformance test signal verification 139 Sinusoidal jitter for receiver conformance test 140 121.9 Safety installation, environment, and labeling 140 121.9. 1 General safety 140 121.9.2 Laser safety 141 121.9.3 Installation 41 121.9.4 Environment 121.9.5 Electromagnetic emission 121.9.6 Temperature, humidity, and handling 141 121.9.7 PMD labeling requirements 141 121.10 Fiber optic cabling mod 142 121. 1 1 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling(channel) 142 121. 11. 1Optical fiber cable 14. 121.11.2Optical fiber connection 143 Connection insertion lOss…… 143 Maximum discrete reflectance 14 121. 11.3Medium Dependent Interface(MDI) 144 Optical lane assignments…………… 144 121 11.3.2 Medium Dependent Interface(MDI)requirements l44 Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved 121 12 Protocol implementation con formance statement(PICS ) proforma for Clause 121, Physical Medium Dependent(PMD) sublayer and medium,type200 GBASE-DR4…………………….,145 12112. Introduction .145 121 12. iDentification 145 121 12.2.1 Implementation identification 145 Protocol summary 145 121 12. 3 Major capabilities/options.. 46 121.12. 4PICS proforma tables for Physical Medium Dependent(PMD) sublayer and medium, type 200GBASE-DR4 146 121 12.4.1 PMD Functional specilications 146 nt functions 147 121 12.4.3 PMD to MDI optical specifications for 200GBASE-DR4 147 121 12.4.4 Optical measurement methods 148 121 12. 4.5 Environmental specifications 148 121.124.6 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling and mDI…………148 122. Physical Medium Dependent(PMD) sublayer and medium, type 20OGBASE-FR4, 200GBASE LR4. 400GBASE-FR8 and 400GBASE-LR8 149 122.1 Overvie 149 122.1. Bit error ratio l50 122.2 Physical Medium Dependent(PMD) service interface………… 122.3 Delay and Ske 151 122.3. 1 Delay constraints 122.3.2 Skew constraints 151 122. 4 PMD MDIO function mapping 152 122.5 PMD functional specifications 153 122.5.1 PMD block diagram.……,… 153 122. 5.2 PMD transmit function 153 122. 5.3 PMD receive function …154 122.5. 4 PMD global signal detect function 122.5. 5 PMD lane-by-lane signal detect function.. 155 122.5.6 PMD reset function 15 122.5.7 PMD global transmit disable function(optional) 155 122.5.8 PMD lane-by-lane transmit disable function 122.5. 9 PMD fault function(optional) 122.5.1OPMD transmit fault function(optional) 155 122.5.1IPMD receive fault function(optional) 156 122.6 Wavelength-division-multiplexed lane assignments 156 122.7 PMD to MDI optical specifications for 200GBASE-FR4, 200GBASE-LR4 400GBASE-FR8. and 400GBASE-LRS 157 122.7. 1 200GBASE-FR4. 200GBASE-LR4 400GBASE-FR8 and 400GBASE-LR8 transmitter tical specificatio 157 122 7.2 200GBASE-FR4.200GBASE-LR4. 400GBASE-FR8 and 400GBASE-LR& receive optical specifications.………….……… 160 122.7. 3 200GBASE-FR4 200GBASE-LR4 400GBASE-FR8 and 400GBASE-LR8 illustrative link power budgets 122.8 Definition of optical parameters and measurement methods 162 122.8. 1 Test patterns for optical parameters.... 122.8.2 Wavelength and side mode suppression ratio (SMsr)...... 122.8.3 Average optical power 163 122.8.4 Outer Optical Modulation Amplitude(OMaouter) 122.8.5 Transmitter and dispersion eye closure for PAM4(TDECQ) .164 TDECQ conformance test setup Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved Channel requirements 165 TDECQ measurement method. 166 122.8.5. 4 tDECQ reference equalizer 166 122 8.6 Extinction ratio .166 122.8. 7 Relative intensity noise(rini7IOMA and rini56OMa) 166 122.8.8 Receiver sensitivity 167 122.8.9 Stressed receiver sensitivity 168 122.8.9I Stressed receiver conformance test block diagram Stressed receiver conformance test signal characteristics and calibration..... 169 Stressed receiver conformance lest signal verification 170 122.9 Safety, installation, environment, and labeling 170 122.9.1 General safety…… 170 122.9.2 Laser safety 1229. 3 Installation 170 122.9. 4 Environment 122.9.5 Electromagnetic emission 171 122.9.6 Temperature, humidity, and handling 171 122.9.7 PMD labeling requirements 122. 10 Fiber optic cabling model.... 171 122. 1 1 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling(channel) 172 122.11.1Optical fiber cable. .172 122. 1 1.2Optical fiber connection 173 122.11.2 1 Connection insertion loss 122.1 1.2.2 Maximum discrete reflectance 122 12 Protocol implementation conformance statement(PICS)proforma for Clause 122, Physica 73 122.1 1.3Medium Dependent Interface(MDI)requirements........ Medium Dependent(PMD) sublayer and medium, type 200GBASE-FR4, 200GBASE LR4. 400GBASE-FR8 and 400GBASE-LR8 …174 122.12. 1 Introduction 174 122.12.iDentification 174 122 12.2.1 Implementation identification .174 22. 12. 3 Major capabilities!/options 中中中······ 122 12.4PICS proforma tables for Physical Medium Dependent(PMD) sublayer and medium type 200GBASE-FR4, 200GBASE-LR4, 400GBASE-FR8, and 400GBASE-LR8..175 122 12.4.1 PMD functional specifications .175 122 12.4.2 Management functions 176 122 12.4.3 PMD to Mdi optical specifications for 200GBASE-FR4 177 122 12.4.4 PMD to MDi optical specifications for 200GBASE-LR4 177 122 12. 4.5 PMD to MDi optical specifications for 400GBASE-FR8 177 122 12.4.6 PMD to MDI optical specifications for 400GBASE-LR8 122 12. 4. Optical measurement methods 178 122 12 4.8 Environmental specilications .178 122 12 4.9 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling and MDI 178 123. Physical Medium Dependent(PMD)sublayer and medium, type 400GBASE-SR16....... 179 123.1 Overview 1, 179 123.1. 1 Bit error ratio 180 123.2 Physical Medium Dependent(PMd) service interface 180 123.3 Delay and Skew 123.3. 1 Delay constraints 123. 3.2 Skew constraints 123.4 PMD MDIO function mapping... l82 8 Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved 123. 5 PMD functional specifications 123.5. 1 PMD block diagram 182 123.5.2 PMD transmit function 123. 5.3 PMD receive function 123.5. 4 PMd global signal detect function 84 123. 5.5 PMD lane-by-lane signal detect function 184 123 5.6 PMD reset function 184 123. 5.7 PMD global transmit disable function(optional) 123.5.8 PMD lane-by- lane transmit disable function( optional)……… 18: 123.5. 9 PMD fault function(optional) 123.5.10PMD transmit fault function (optional) 185 123.5. 11PMD receive fault function(optional) 185 123.6 Lane assignments.... 18 123.7 PMD to MDI optical specifications for 400GBASE-SR16 186 123.7. 1 400GBASE-SR16 transmitter optical specifications ........................................186 123 7.2 400GBASE-SRI6 receive optical specifications 186 123.7. 3 400GBASE-SR16 illustrative link power budget 18 123.8 Detinition of optical parameters and measurement methods 123.8.1 Test patterns for optical parameters 186 123.8.2 Center wavelength and spectral width 187 123.8.3 Average optical pow 123.8. 4 Optical modulation Amplitude(oma) 187 123. 8.5 Transmitter and dispersion eye closure(TDeC) 187 123.8.6 Extinction ratio 123.8.7 Transmitter optical waveform(transmit eye) 123.8. 8 Stressed receiver sensitivity 187 123.9 Safety, installation, environment, and labeling 123.9. 1 General safety ············· 188 123.9.2 Laser safet 123.9. 3 Installation 123.9. 4 Environment 18 123.9 5 Electromagnetic emission 188 123.9.6 Temperature. humidity, and handling...........….……………,188 123.9.7 PMD labeling requirements.. 189 123.l0 Fiber optic cabling model……… 18 123 11 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling(channel) 189 123. 11.1Optical fiber cable 123. 11.oPtical fiber connection 190 123.11. 2.1 Connection insertion loss 90 123 11.2.2 Maximum discrete reflectance 190 123.11.3 Medium Dependent Interface(MDI)…… l90 123. 1 1.3. 1 Optical lane assignments 123 11.3.2 Mediun Dependent Interface (MDIrequirements 123. 12 Protocol implementation conformance statement(PICS)proforma for Clause 123, Physical Medium Dependent(PMD)sublayer and medium, type 400GBASE-SR16 192 123 12.1 Introduction ·:······· 192 123.12.iDentification 123. 12. 2. 1 Implementation identification 1192 123.12.3M biliti ptions 123. 12.4PICS proforma tables for Physical Medium Dependent (PMD)sublayer and mediu,y type400 GBASE-SR16…… 123 12.4.1 PMD Functional specifications .193 l23.12.4.2 Manas t functions 194 Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved 123 12.4.3 PMD to MDI optical specifications for 400GBASE-SR 16 123 12.4.4 Optical measurement methods 195 123. 12.4.5 Environmental specifications .195 123 12.4.6 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling and mdI 195 124. Physical Medium Dependent(Pmd) sublayer and medium, type 400GBASE-DR4 197 124. Overview 124.1.1 Bit error ratio 124.2 Physical Medium Dependent(PMd) service interlace 198 124.3 Delay and skew… 199 124.3. 1 Delay constraints .199 124.3.2 Skew constraints ·· 199 124.4 PMD MDIO function mapping 124.5 PMD functional specifications 中中中······ .….200 124.5. 1 PMD block diagram 124.52 PMD transmit function 124.5 3 PMD receive function 222 124.5. 4 PMd global signal detect function.... 201 124.5.5 PMD lane-by-lane signal detecT function 124.5.6 PMD reset function .202 124.5.7 PMD global transmit disable function(optional) 202 124.5. 8 PMD lane-by-lane transmit disable function(optional). 124.5.9 PMD fault function(optional) 20 124.5. 10PMD transmit fault function(optional) 203 124.5.1IPMD receive fault function(optional) 203 124.6 Lane assignments……… 124.7 PMD to MDI optical specifications for400 GBASE-DR4………….….…………….……..,203 124.7. 1 400GBASE-DR4 transmitter optical specifications 204 124.7.2 400GBASE-DR4 receive optical specifications 204 124.7.3 400GBASE-DR4 illustrative link power budget 20 124.8 Definition of optical parameters and measurement methods 20 124.8. 1 Test patterns for oplical parameters 20 124.8.2 Wavelength and side mode suppression ratio (SMsr) 206 1248.3 Average optical power…… 207 124.8.4 Outer Optical Modulation Amplitude(OMAouter).. 207 124.8.5 Transmitter and dispersion eye closure for PAM4 (TDECQ) 207 124.8.6 Extinction ratio 207 124.8.7 Relative intensity noise(RIN21.4OMA) 208 124.8.8 Receiver sensitivity 208 124.8.9 Stressed receiver sensitivity 208 124.9 Safety, installation, environment, and labeling ) 124.9.1 alley 209 124.9.2 Laser safety.…… 209 12493 Installa 209 12494 Environment.……… 209 124.9.5 Electromagnetic emission 210 124.9.6 Temperature, humidity, and handling · 210 124.9.7 PMD labeling requirements.. 210 124.10 Fiber optic cabling model 210 124. 1 1 Characteristics of the fiber optic cabling(channel) 210 124.11 1 Optical fiber cable 210 124.11.oPtical fiber connection 211 124.IL.2. Connection insertion loss…… 2II 10 Copyright o 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved



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