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详细说明:Hardware Assisted Virtualization3 VMX non-root operation
3.1 Instructions that cause vm exit
3.1.1 Instructions That Cause VM Exits Unconditionally
3.1.2 Instructions That Cause v M Exits Conditionally
3.2 Other causes of VM exits
3 Changes to instruction behavior in VMX non-root operation... 25
3.4 Other Changes in VMX non-root operation
3.4.1 Event blockin
3.4.2 Treatment of Task Switches
4 Memory Virtualization
4.1 Processor Operating Modes Memory Virtualization
4.2 Guest Host Physical Address Spaces
4.3 Virtualizing Virtual Memory by Brute Force
4.4 Alternate Approach to Memory Virtualization
5 Handling interruptions in VMM
5.1 VMX
andling interrupts
5.2 External interrupt virtualization
5.2.1 Virtualization of Interrupt Vector pace
5.2.2 Control of Platform Interrupts
5.2.3 Examples of Handling of External Interrupts
A APPENDIX: First steps in programming a VMM
A 1 Discovering support for VMX
A 2 Enabling and entering VMX operation
A 3 Software Access to the vmcs and related structures
A.3.1 Software Access to the Virtual-Machine Control Structure 42
A.3.2 VMREAD, VMWRITE, alld Encodings of VMCS Fields. 43
A 3.3 Software Access to Related structures
A.3.4 VMXON Region
4.3.5 Using VMClEAR to initialize a vMCs region
A. 3. 6 VMCs states
A 4 Supporting processor operating modes in guest invironments
A.4.1 Emulating guest Execut
A.5 Using vmx instructions
A6 VMM setup tear down
A 7 Preparation and launching a virtual machine
A 8 Handling of VM exits
A.8.1 Handling VM Exits Due to Exceptions
A 9 Multiprocessor considerations
A.g.1 Initialization
A 9. 2 Moving a VMCS Between Processors
10 Perforin
1 Background, motivation and introduction to
Intel virtualization extensions
1.1 Challenges to virtualizing Intel architecture
Established and emerging applications motivate strong support for virtualiza
tion in both server and client computing systcms. Unfortunately, thc IA-32
and Itanium architectures impose many challenges to providing such support
Software techniques exist that address some of those challenges
Intel microprocessors provide protection based on the concept of a. 2-bit
privilege level, using 0 for most-privileged software and 3 for the least privileged
The privilege level deterInlines whether privileged instructions, which control
basic CPU functionality, can execute without fault; it also controls address
space accessibility based on the configuration of the processor's page tables
and, for IA-32, segment registers. Most IA software uses only privilege levels
0 and 3, as Figure la illustrates. For an Os to control the CPU, some of its
components must run with privilege level 0. Beca use a VMM cannot a llow a
guest OS such control, a guest OS cannot execute at privilege level 0. Thus,
IA-based V MMs must use ring deprivileging, a technique that runs all guest
oftware at a privilege level greater than 0. A VM could deprivilege a guest OS
Ning it either at privilege level 1(the 0/1 3 model) or at privilege level 3
(the 0/3/3 model
Figures 1b and lc illustrate thcse choices. Although thc 0/1/3 modcl sup
ports simpler VMMs, it cannot be used on IA-32 processors for guests in 64-bit
mode. The 64-bit mode is part of Intel's EM64T(Extended Memory 64 Tech
nology), the 64-bit extension to IA-32. Ring deprivileging causes numerous
virtualization challenges. Intel virtual techllology extensions (vt-x) solv
tualization challenges in part by allowing guest software to run at its intended
privilege level. Guest software is constrained, not by privilege level, but be
causc-for VT-x it runs in VMX non-root opcration. Figurc 1d illustratcs
this usage
l.l.l Ring aliasing
Ring aliasing refers to problems that arise when software is run at a privilege
level other than the level for which it was written. An example in IA-32 is the
PUSH instruction(which pushes its operand on the stack)when executed with
the CS register(part of which is the current privilege level). a guest OS could
casily dctcrminc that it is not running at privilege lcvcl 0
1.1.2 Addrcss-spacc comprcssion
Operating syst ems expect to have access to the processor's fulll virtual address
space, known as the linear-address space in IA-32. A VMM must reserve for
itself some portion of the guests virtual-address space. The VMM could run
ntirely within the guest's virtual-address space, which allows it easy access to
guest data, although the VMM's instructions and data structures might use a
substantial amount of the gucst's virtual-address spacc. Alternatively, the VMM
could run in a scparatc address spacc, but cven in that casc the vml must usc
a minimal amount of the guest's virtual-address space for the control structures
3 Applications
3 Guest applications
1 Guest operating syster
0: Operating system
01 VM monitor
3i Guest applicati
Guest operating systeIn
o Guest operating system
0: WM monitor
0: VM monitor
Figure 1: rings rings rings
that manage transitions between guest software and the VMM. For IA-32. these
structurcs includc the idt and thc gdt. which reside in thc lincar-addrcss
space. Thc VMM must prevent gucst access to thosc portions of the guest's
virtual-address space that the VMM is using. Otherwise, the VMl's integrity
could be compromised if the guest can write to those portions, or the guest
could detect that it is running in a virtual machine if it can read them. guest
attempts to access these portions of the address space inust generate transitiOns
to the VMM, which can emulate or otherwise support them. The term address
space compression refers to the challenges of protecting these portions of the
virtual-address space and supporting guest accesses to them
1.1. 3 Nonfaulting access to privileged state
Privilege-based protection prevents unprivileged soft ware from accessing certain
components of CPU state. In most cases, attempted accesses result in faults
allowing a vMm to emulate the desired guest instruction. However, the IA
32 architecture includes instructiOns that access privileged state anld do not
fault when executed with insufficient privilege. For example, the IA-32 regis
ters GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, and TR contain pointers to data structures that
control CPU operation. Software can execute the instructions that write to, or
load. these registers (LGDT, LIDT, LL.DT; and TTR) only at privilege level 0
Ilowever. software can execute the instructions tha.t, read. or store. from these
registers (SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, and STR)at any privilege level. If the VMM
Inlaintails these registers with unexpected values, a guest OS using the latter
instructions could determine that it does not have full control of the cpu
1.1.4 Adverse impacts on gucst transitions
Ring deprivileging can interfere with the effectiveness of facilities in the IA-32
architecture that accelerate the delivery and handling of transitions to Os sof
ware. The IA-32 SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions support low-latency
system calls. SYSENTER always effects a transition to privilege level 0, and
SYSEXIT Will fault if executed outside that privilege level. Ring deprivileging
thus has the following implic
Executions of SYSENTER by a guest application will cause a transition
to the VMM and not to the guest OS. The VMM must thus emulate every
guest execution of SYSENTER
Execution of SYseXIt by a guest os will cause a fault to the VmM.
Thus, the VMM must emulate every guest execution of SYSEXIT
1.1.5 Interrupt virtualization
Providing support for external interrupt s, especially regarding interrupt mask-
ing, presents some specific challenges to VMM design. The IA-32 architecture
provides mechanisms for masking external interrupts, preventing their deliv
ery when the Os is not ready for them. IA-32 uses the interrupt Hag(IF)in
the eFlags register to control interrupt Illasking A VMM will likely illaI
age external interrupts and deny guest software the ability to control interrupt
masking. Existing protcction mcchanisms allow such denial of control by cnsur
ing that guest attempts to control interrupt masking will fault in the context
of ring deprivileging. Such faulting can cause problems because some opera.t-
ing systems frequently mask and unmask interrupts. Intercepting every guest
attempt to do so could significantly affect system performance.
Even if it were possible to prevent guest ModificationS of interrupt Illaskiug
without intercepting each attempt, challenges would remain when a vMM has a
virtual interrupt"to deliver to a guest. A virtual interrupt should be delivered
only when the guest has unmasked interrupts. To deliver virtual interrupts in
a timely way, a VMM should intercept some, but not all, attempts by a guest
to modify interrupt masking. Doing so could signicantly complicate the design
of a Vmm
1.1.6 Ring compression
Ring deprivileging uses translation privilege-based mechanisms to protect the
VMM from guest software. IA-32 includes two such mechanisms: segment limits
and paging Bccausc segment limits do not apply in 64-bit modc, paging must
be used in this mode. Because IA-32 paging does not distinguish privilege levels
0-2, the guest OS must run at privilege level 3. Thus, the guest OS will run
at the same privilege level as guest applications and will not be protected from
them. This problem is called ring compression
1.1.7 Access to hidden state
Some components of IA-32 CPU state are not represented in any software
accessible register. Examples include the hidden descriptor caches for the seg
Inelt registers. A seginent-register load copies a referenced descriptor(froin the
GDT or LDT) into this cache, which is not modified if software later writes
to the descriptor tables. IA-32 does not provide mcchanisms for saving and
restoring these hidden components of a guest context when changing VMs or
for preserving them while the VMM is running
1.2 Addressing virtualization challenges in software
To address the virtualization challenges that the Ia-32 architecture presents
VMM designers have developed creative solutions that modify guest software
(source or binary ). There are examples of VMMs that use sourcelevel mod-
ifiations ill a teclmique called paravirtualizatiOll. Developers of these VMMs
Modify a guest-os kernel and its device drivers to create all interface that is
easier to virtualize. Paravirtualization offers high performance and does not
rcquirc making changes to gucst applications. A disadvantagc of paravirtual
ization is that it limits the range of supported operating systems. For example,
Xen cannot currently support an opera ting system t hat, its developers have not
modified, such as Microsoft Windows
A VMM can support legacy operating systems by making modifications di
rectly to guest-OS binaries. VMMs that use such binary translation techniques
include those developed by vMware as well as Virtual PC and Virtual Server
from Microsoft. Such VMMs support a broader range of operating systems,
albeit with higher performance overheads, than VMMs that usc paravirtualiza
A central design goal for Intel Virtualization 'Technology is to eliminate the
need for CPU paravirtualization and binary translation techniques and thereby
enable the implementation of VMMs that can support a broad range of unmod
ified guest operating systells while Maintaining high levels of perforimlallce
1.3 Intel Virtualization Technology
This section describes the basics of virtual machine architecture and an overview
of the virtual-machine extensions(VMX)that support virtualization of proces
sor hardware for multiple software environments
1.3.1 Virtual machine Architecture
Virtual-machine extensions define processor-level support for virtual machines
on IA-32 processors 'Two principal classes of software are supported. machines
Virtual-machinc monitors (VMM): A VMM acts as a host and has full con
trol of the processor(s) and other platform hardware. A VMM presents
guest software(see next paragraph) with an abstraction of a virtual pro-
cessor and allows it to execute directly on a logical processor. A VMM
is able to retain selective control of processor resources, physical memory,
interrupt lllanagelnlent. and I/ o
Guest software: Each virtual machine(VM)is a guest software environ
ment that supports a stack consist ing of operating system(Os) and ap
plication software. Fach operates independent ly of ot her virtual machines
and uses on the same interface to processor(s), memory, storage, graphics
and I/o provided by a physical platform. The software stack acts as if it
were running on a platform with no VMM. Software executing in a virtual
machine must operate with reduced privilege so that the vMM can retain
control of platform rcsourccs
1.3.2 Introduction to VMX operation
Processor support for virtua lization is provided by a form of processor operation
called VMX operation. There are two kinds of VMX operation: VMX root op
eration and VMX lOll-root operation. In general, a VMM will run il VMX root
operation and guest software will run in VMX non-root operation. Transitions
between VMX root operation and vMX non-root operation are called VMX
transitions. There are two kinds of VMX transitions. Transitions into VmX
non-root opcration arc called VM entries. Transitions from VMX non-root op
eration to VMX root operation are called vM exits
Processor behavior in VMX root operation is very much as it is outside
VMX operation. The principal differences are that a set of new instructions
(the VMX instructions) is available and that the values that can be loaded into
certain control registers are linited
Processor behavior in VMX non-root operation is restricted and modified to
facilitate virtualization. Instcad of thcir ordinary opcration, ccrtain instructions
(including the new VMCALL instruction) and events cause VM exits to the
VMM. BecauIse these VM exits replace ordinary behavior, the functionality
of software in vMx non-root operation is limited. It is this limitation that
allows the VMM to retain control of processor resources. There is no software
visible bit whose setting indicates whether a logical processor is iI VMX loLl
root operation. This fact may allow a vmm to prevent guest software from
ning that it
placcs restrictions cvcn on softwarc running with currcnt privilege lcvcl(CPL)O
guest software can run at the privilege level for which it was originally designed
This capability may simplify the development of a VMM
1.3.3 Life Cycle of vMM software
Figure 2 illustrates the life cvcle of a VmM and its guest software as well as the
interactions between them. The following items summarize that life cycle:
Software enters VMX operation by executing a. VMXON instruction
Using VM entries. a VMM can then enter guests into virtual machines(one
at a time). The VMM effects a VM entry using instructions VMLAUNCII
and VMRESUME; it regains control using VM exits
VM exits transfer control to an entry point specified by the VMM. The
VMM can take action appropriate to the cause of the VM exit and can
then return to the virtual Inlachine using a VM entry.
Guest 0
Guest 1
/M EXit
VM Entry
VM Monitor
Figure 2: Intera.ction of a Virtual-Machine Monitor and guests
Eventually, thie VMM inlay decide to shiut itself down and leave VMX
operation. It does so by executing the VMXOFF instruction
1.3. 4 Virtual machine Control structure
VMX non-root operation and VMX transitions are controlled by a data struc
ture called a virtual-ImachiIle control structure(VMCS). Access to the VMCs is
managed through a component of processor state called the vmCS pointer(one
per logical processor). The value of the VMCS pointer is the 64-bit address
VMPTRST and VMPTRTD. The VMM configures a. VMOS using the vl
of the VMCS. The VMCs pointer is rcad and writtcn using the instructio
RFAD. VMWRITE. and mclear instructions. A VMm could use a, differ-
ent vMos for each virtual machine that it supports. For a virtual machine with
multiple logical processors(virtual processors), the VMM could use a different
VMCS for each virtual processor
1.3.5 Restrictions ol VMX operation
VMX operation places restrictions on processor operation. These are detailed
In VMX operation, processors Illay fix certain bits in Cro and CR4 to
specific values and not support other values. VMXON fails if any of these
bits contains an unsupported valuc. Any attcmpt to sct onc of these bits
to an unsupported valuc whilc in VMX opcration(including VMX root
operation)using any of the CLTS, LMSW or MOV CR instructions causes
a general-protection exception. VM entry or VM exit cannot set any of
these bits to an unsupported value. (2)
NOTE The first proccssors to support VMX opcration rcquirc that the
following bits be l in VMX operation: CRO PE, CRONE, CRO PG, and
CRA.VMXE. The restrictions on CRO PE and cro Pg imply that vmx
operation is supported only in paged protected mode (including IA-32e
mode). Therefore. guest software cannot be run in unpaged protected
mode or in real-address mode natively. But there are techniques to support
these kind of guests with vt-X
VMXON fails if a logical processor is in A20M mode. Once the processo
is in vMX operation, A20M interrupts are blocked. Thus, it is impossible
to be in A20M mode in VMX operation
The INIT signal is blocked whenever a logical processor is in VMX root
operation. It is not blocked in VMX non-root operation. Instead, INITs
cause Vm exits
2 Virtual machine Control structure
2.1 Overview
The virtual-machine control data structure(VMCS) is defined for VMX opera
tion. A VMOS manages transitions in and out of VMX non-root operation(VM
entries and VM exits)as well as processor behavior in VMX non-root operation
This structure is manipulated by the new instructions VMCLEAR, VMPTRLD
Ⅴ MREAD. and VMWritE
A VMM can usc a diffcrcnt VMCS for cach virtual machinc that it supports
For a virtual machine with multiple logical processors(virtual processors), the
VMM can use a different VMOS for each virtual processor. Each logical pro-
cessor associates a region in memory with each VMCS. This region is called the
VMCS region. Software references a specific VMoS by using the 64-bit physical
address of the region; such an address is called a VMCS pOinter. VMCS pOint
ers must be aligned on a 4-KByte boundary(bits 11: 0 must be zero). A logical
processor may maintain any number of active VMCSs. At any given time, one
is the currentⅤMCS:
Software makes a VMCS active by executing VMPTRLD with the address
of the vmcs. The processor may optimize VMX operation by maintain
ing the state of an active Vmcs in memory, on the processor, or both.
Software should not make a VmCs active on more than one logical pro
ccssor. Softwarc makcs a VMCS inactive by cxccuting VMCLEAR with
thc address of the VMCS. A logical processor docs not usc an inactive
VMCS or maintain its state on the processor
Software Inakes a VMCS current by executing VMPtRLD with the ad
dress of the VMCS; that address is loaded into the current -VMCS pointer
and vmwrite operate on the current VMCS. a VMCS remains current
until either software executes VMPTRld with the address of a different
VMCS which then becomes the current vmoS or software executes VM
CLEAR with the address of the current VMCS (after which there is no
NOTE: This document uscs thc notation RAX. RIP. RSP RFLags. ctc
for processor registers because most processors that support VMX operation
For processors that do
t intel 64
architecture, this notation refers to the 32-bit forms of those registers (EAX
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