Automated Reasoning for Systems Biology and Medicine
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详细说明:Automated Reasoning for Systems Biology and Medicine,2019Endorsed by the International Society for Computational Biology, the
Computational Biology series publishes the very latest, high-quality research
devoted to specific issues in computer-assisted analysis of biological data. The main
emphasis is on current scientific developments and innovative techniques in
computational biology(bioinformatics), bringing to light methods from mathemat
icS, statistics and computer science that directly address biological problems
currently under investigation
The series offers publications that present the state-of-the-art regarding the
problems in question; show computational biology/bioinformatics methods at work:
and finally discuss anticipated demands regarding developments in future
methodology. Titles can range from focused monographs, to undergraduate and
graduate textbooks, and professional text/reference works
Pietro lio. Paolo zuliani
Automated reasoning
for Systems Biology
and medicine
Pietro lio
Paolo zulia
Department of Computer Science
School of computing
and technology
Newcastle University
niversity of Cambridge
Newcastle UK
Cambridge UK
Issn 2662-2432 (electronic)
Computational Biology
ISBN978-3-030-17297-8( e Book)
C Springer nature Switzerland ag 2019
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This book originates from the International Workshop on Automated Reasoning for
Systems Biology and Medicine (arsbm 2016) that was held on 20 September
2016, at the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge. This Institution
truly a place of innovators-has a long, successful tradition for cultivating
interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. In the same spirit, this volume presents
the very best research in an exciting new, multidisciplinary area: the application of
formal, automated reasoning techniques for analysing complex models and data in
Systems Biology and Systems Medicine
Automated reasoning is the field of computer science devoted to the develop-
ment of algorithms that return trusted answers, so that sound logical reasoning can
be built upon. The main focus of the workshop was on the theory of
delta-decidability (Gao, avigad, Clarke. Delta- Decidability over the reals, LICs
2012) and its biological and biomedical applications however, in reality, the
variety of scientific topics discussed ranged from computational modelling,to
formal methods, to machine learning and other fields of computer science. The
workshop predated the conference CMSB 2016 so it generated cross-fertilisation
and resonance particularly between fundamental issues and innovative applications
Systems Biology and Systems Medicine started in the past 20 years as efforts to
understand the enormous complexity of life from a computational point of view
This has generated a wealth of new knowledge in the form of both computational
models and data, whose staggering complexity makes manual analysis methods
infeasible. Sound trusted and automated ways to analyse models and data are thus
required in order to be able to trust the models' predictions and data analysis
outcomes. Overall, this is crucial to engineering safe biomedical devices and safe
linical protocols, and reducing our reliance on wet-lab experiments and clinical
trials, thus reducing both economic and societal costs
Some examples of the questions tackled in the area include: can we automati
cally revise medications in patients with multiple chronic conditions? Again,can
we verify that an artificial pancreas system delivers insulin in a way that type 1
diabetic patients never suffer from hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia? Finally, can
we predict the effect of a mutation on cancer cells?
These aspects are clearly reflected in the book, which contains 17 high-quality
hapters from world-leading researchers working on related fields. Each chapter has
been peer-reviewed by at least two independent reviewers from an international
pool of experts(see the Reviewers list below). The chapters are grouped in four
different clusters based on the technique used
Model Checking
Formal Methods and logic
Stochastic Modelling and Analysis
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
To help the reader with a life sciences background, another organisation of the
chapters can be given in terms of application areas touched upon
Application area
Artificial pancreas
Calcium dynamics
Cardiac cells
Cell cycle
Clinical environments guidelines
Diabetes(see Artificial pancreas)
Epidermal differentiation
Genetic circuits(see Synthetic biology)
Iron homeostasis
Metabolic networks
Myeloid differentiation
Signalling pathways
Stem cells
Synthetic biology
This volume makes the most advanced contribution of the international commu
nity to the research issues surrounding the fascinating world of automated reasoning
in Systems Biology and Systems Medicine. We hope that you enjoy the chapters as
much as we enjoyed organising the workshop and putting this collection together
We thank the invited speakers to the workshop and the authors who submitted
their work to this volume. and we thank the reviewers for their hard work il
reviewing the submissions and taking part in post-review discussions. Finally,we
would like to express our sincere thanks to Springer for their support during the
production of the volume
Cambridge, UK
Pietro lio
Newcastle UK
Paolo zuliani
Part I Model Checking
Model Checking Approach to the Analysis
of Biological Systems
Nikola benes. Lubos brim Samuel Pastva and David Safranek
2 Automated Reasoning for the synthesis and analysis
of Biological Programs
Sara-Jane dunn and Boyan Yordanov
3 Statistical Model Checking-Based Analysis of Biological
Bing Liu, Benjamin M. Gyori and P s. Thiagarajan
4 Models, Devices, Properties, and Verification of Artificial
Pancreas Systems
Taisa Kushner, B. Wayne Bequette, Faye Cameron
Gregory Forlenza, David Maahs and Sriram Sankaranarayanan
5 USing State Space Exploration to Determine How Gene
Regulatory Networks Constrain Mutation Order in Cancer
Matthew A. Clarke, Steven Woodhouse, Nir Piterman
Benjamin A. Hall and Jasmin Fisher
Part Ii Formal Methods and logic
6 Set-Based Analysis for Biological Modeling
Thao Dang, Tommaso Dreossi, Eric Fanchon, Oded maler.
Carla piazza and alexandre rocca
7 Logic and Linear Programs to Understand Cancer Response
Misbah razzaq, Lokmane Chebouba, Pierre Le Jeune,
Hanen mhamdi. Carito Guziolowski and jeremie bourdon
8 Logic-Based Formalization of System Requirements
for Integrated Clinical Environments
Cinzia bernardeschi. Andrea domenici and paolo masci
9 Balancing Prescriptions with Constraint Solvers ........ 243
Juliana K f bowles and marco b. caminati
10 Metastable Regimes and Tipping Points of Biochemical Networks
with Potential Applications in Precision Medicine
Satya Swarup Samal, Jeyashree Krishnan, Ali Hadizadeh esfahani
Christoph luders Andreas weber and ovidiu radulescu
Part Ili Stochastic Modelling and Analysis
11 Stochastic Spatial Modelling of the Remyelination Process
in Multiple sclerosis Lesions
Ludovica luisa vissat, jane hillston and anna williams
12 Approximation Techniques for Stochastic Analysis
of Biological Systems
Thakur Neupane, Zhen Zhang, Curtis Madsen, Hao Zheng
and Chris j. myers
13 A Graphical Approach for Hybrid Modelling of Intracellular
Calcium Dynamics Based on Coloured Hybrid Petri Nets
Amr Ismail, Mostafa Herajy and monika Heiner
14 Methods for Personalised Delivery Rate Computation for IV
Administered Anesthetic Propofol
Alena Simalatsar, Monia Guidi, Pierre Roduit and Thierry Buclin
Part Iv Machine Learning and artificial Intelligence
15 Towards the Integration of Metabolic Network Modelling
and Machine Learning for the routine analysis
of High-Throughput Patient Dat
Maria pires pacheco. Tamara bintener and Thomas sauter
16 Opportunities and Challenges in Applying Artificial
Intelligence to Bioengineering
Fusun yaman. aaron adler and jacob beal
17 Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks
for Histopathology Image analysis
Dragan bosnacki, Natal van riel and mitko veta
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