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详细说明:Top 10 Most Common Java Performance Problems by AppDynamicsIntroduction
My career in oaro mance bagan, as you might guess, Wtr wreaked havoc in an app bt for the most pat pe formance issues
a catastrophe. was wo king as en a chiect at a maker g in eve are a petty cookie cutter In tas eBook, I'l talk aoout
omoany that runs surveys, anc o"e of our promotions took o. some o the most common oroolems I've encountered durng ny
It was featured on te AOL homepage, and thousands o people time as a per ormance analyst, alog wt how to recognize and
Degar vstng our
te cat started as a grest success addess these issues to minimize their impact and prevent ther
cuckly tured into a cris s as our apolication se s bega to fom occ,rg you application, ve sorter the most common
all over unde the uc precedented oad
ssues to three main categories
eppl cation environmant was actua ly pretty heavy-duty or te Database Proolems Most applications o scale w
tme. we ec a cisco load baance ir front of four webl ccic
evetua y be bac ed by some form of elational o" non
instances ru ring on So aris with a Occle c.ste behind them
elational database, so for the purposes o tois OBoo
We were grossly . nderoreoarec, however or tre load we were
foCus on three common elational database pooler
about to receive. As soon as the romotion apoearec on te
persistence cor figura or (lazy vs, eager loading
AC- "orrierace I watched our sess on couts stat clirmoing ron
caching, erd database connecton oo co io.atior
10 to be bo, and o,0OC at wncr po nt things started headin
COwnhill cuickly I wias restarting the webLogic stances as fast as Menory Problens: Java memory management is
could ike a terrib e garne o wcack-a-Mole Venta y howeve
halleng rg and can lead to al kinos of performance
t got ot of our hancs we ad to ask AOL to remove our survey
sees, cc.s on what I cave cose vec to oe the tvc
Fromterromerage, because we simply coulcr't handle the trafic
most common memo"y issues: gabage collection
f curatie and memoy leak
Wne this"appe ned I had v tually no experie ce with perornerce
analyss, but I cucky ealize ow importat performance was to
corcure"cy Problams As the complexity of appl cat"s
eve yone i' the business Over t'le next 13 veas leaned
ceases we irid O'seves writing code that per or'r
CO.d aoout Eva ce tormance ard architecture so trat cou
moe actions coc.rrertly In this section I oC.s" three
help my company ard clients to get their apos up to soeed. Over
common concurrency ss es thread deadlocks, toread
13 vears I saw my fsi
of perfo rnance-related issues
Ind thread pool corf curation iss es
and noticed a disturbing tred: Vost oarfo mance issues ir Java
an oe attrib. ted to a hend ul of root cases, Sure acces one y
Steven -eines
saw sone bizarre corner cases that came out o the ble anc
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
The back bone of any modern web application is its data Back pool may be improperly sized, or the database itself may be
in 1995, when businesses first began building web applications missing indices or otherwise in need of tuning. In this section
to house their marketing content, the database wasn't such a we'll focus on three of the most common performance issues on
necessary feature of most web apps- the content was static the application side of the equation (it's probably best to leave
and there was virtually no user interaction. Today, however, database tuning for another e Book):
applications are much more complex and perform many more
functions than before. As a result the database is critical to the
Excessive database queries (sometimes called the
functionality and performance of the application
N+1 problem
Executing database queries that should be served from
It should come as no surprise that the database is, therefore
a cache
the biggest source of performance issues for Java applications.. An improperly configured database connection poo
Problems can occur in many places: your application code may
access the database inefficiently, or the database connection
1. Death by 1,000 Cuts: The Database N+1 Problem Problem
Back in the J2EE days when we were building Entity Beans, and specifically Bear
A common problem with Java applications that access a database is that they
Managed Persistence(BMP)Entity Beans, there was a problem that was referred sometimes access the database too often, resulting in long response times and
to as the"N+1"problem. Let's say I wanted to retrieve the last 100 entries from unacceptable overhead on the database. Most of the time this is not deliberate. The
my Order table. To do this, I 'd have to first execute a query to find the primary keys
example describes the state of the database access a few years ago, but if
of each item, such as
you're not careful, this problem can reemerge in modern Hibernate and JPA code
SELECT id FROM Order Where
Hibernate and other JPA implementations provide fine-grained tuning of database
access. The most common option for database tuning is the choice between
And then I'd execute one query for each record
eager and lazy fetching. Consider querying for a purchase order that contains 10
line items. If your application is configured to use lazy fetching but the business
requirement calls for the application to show all 10 line items, then the application
In other words, it would take me 101 queries to retrieve 100 records (N+1). Wed will be required to execute an additional 10 database calls to load that purchase
call this problem "death by 1,000 cuts"because even though each individual order. If the application is configured to use eager fetching, however, depending on
query was fast, I was executing so many of them that the cumulative response the persistence technology, you may have one or two additional queries, but not 10
time of the transaction was huge, and the database was subjected to enormous
Persistence technologies have improved since then, but the "N+1 problem hasnt
completely disappeared, and neither has " death by 1, 000 cuts. It's important to
understand the implications of configuration options on both your database and
your persistence engine
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
fg 3+
Database cont'd
news is that once you ve diagnosed this problem, fixing it is usually pretty
When an application requests an objecl Irom the database, thal objecl may reference
traightforward Just be careful when making changes to your persistence engine
other objects. For example, a Purchase Order object may reference mulliple LinelleImt
configurations, because ditterent use cases will have different consequences for
objects. Eager fetching means that when the Purchase Order object is requested, all
application performance
referenced Lineltem objects will be retrieved from the database at that time. Lazy
fetching means that when the PurchaseOrder object is requestec, the referenced
Lineltems will not be retrieved from the database but when a lineltem is accessed. it
will be loaded from the database. Eager fetching reduces the number of calls that are
After observing the symptoms of this problem, troubleshooting the root cause
made to the database, but those calls are more complex and slower to execute and
can be challenging. In order to be able to effectively troubleshoot an N+1 problem
they load more dala inlo memory. Lazy etching increases the number of calls thal are
you need the following information
made lo the database, bul each individual call is simple and last and il reduces the
memory requirerment lo only those objects your applicalion aclually uses
Counters for the number of database calls
Counters for the number of executed business transactions
A correlation between a business transaction and the number of database calls
it's maki
So which strategy should you use? The answer, of course, depends on your use
An understanding of the business rules governing the business transaction
case. If you have no intention of looking at the line items 99% of the time then lazy
that are exhibiting the problem (you don't want to fix a performance problem
fetching is the correct strategy because querying for a single line item is much faster
just to learn that you just broke a business rule)
han all 10. But if 90% of the time you're going to look at the line then eager fetching
is your friend, because a couple slower queries are better than a hundred fast ones
The business transaction and database counters can be used to confirm that you
The point is that you need to understand how your application will be used before you have this problem, but the most important piece of information is the correlation
configure your persistence engine
between business transactions and the database calls they make One warning
to be aware of is that the nature of this problem is in the persistence logic, so
you may very well have multiple business transactions exhibiting this problem
If you can correlate business transactions to persistence logic then you ll be in a
The primary symptom of the N+1 problem is an increased load on, and therefore
very good place to properly remediate the problem
a slower response time from, the database. The problem will be hard to detect
under low user load because the database will have plenty of processing power,
but as application load increases it will become more and more problematic. If
Avoiding this problem
the application load and database load increase at the same rate then you are The best way to avoid this problem is to understand both your business domain
probably making good use of your database, but if an increase in load on the and the persistence technology you're using. Making sure you're solving the
application results in a disproportionate increase in load on the database then correct business problem is up to you, but here's some general advice about the
you might have an N+1 problem
technology side of things
Do not accept the defaults without understanding what they are. In the case
of eager versus lazy loading, most persistence engines default to "lazy, which
may or may not be appropriate for your application. If
t, you may be
inflicting unnecessary load of your database
Understand tuning options in your persistence tier. Eager vs. lazy loading
s one example, but there are other options that can cause issues. To truly
only rate the impact of this problem as a 6 because, even though it's fairly
be eftective, you need to pair up the configuration options of your chosen
common, you have an easy mitigation strategy: simply increase the capacity
of your database. It it's not a long-term solution, but it ' ll do the job. The good
persistence technology with the business problem you're trying to solve
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
Database cont'd
2. Credit and debit only, No cache
The Importance of caching
Stateful objects represent specific object instances, such as a specific Purchaseorder
ific child. Stateless abjects
cal objects, such as a Phillips head
Years ago, Marc Fleury, the creator of JBoss, wrote a paper called"Why I Love
screwdriver or a supermarket checker. When a slaleful object is accessed il is imporlant
EJBs. In it he argues that it's faster to read data from an entity bean in memory lo retrieve a specific objecl, but when a stateless objecl is accessed, any objecl of thal lype
than it is to make a database call across a network. while I'm not as in love with
ill d
EJBs as Marc, I can't deny that database calls can be very expensive from a
performance standpoint. This is why, in recent years, many organizations have
turned to caching to optimize the performance of their applications -it's much
faster to read data from an in-memory cache than to make a database call across
Because caches are stateful, you must configure them to a finite size so as not to
a network
exhaust memory. When the cache is full, then the cache must respond based on its
configuration. For example, it might remove the least recently used object from the
Problems with Caching
cache to make room for the new object. This means that sometimes the requested
object may no longer be in the cache, resulting in a"miss a miss typically results in
1. No cache. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to understand that it's faster
a database call to find the requested object. The higher your miss ratio, therefore, the
ess you're taking advantage of the performance benefits of the cache It's important
to serve content from memory than to make a network trip to a database that has to to optimize your cache settings carefully, so that you maintain a good"hit ratio
execute a query to retrieve your data. Unless you have specific reasons not to cache
you should be caching
without exhausting all the memory in your JVM
2. The cache is not configured properly. There are various levels and various
3. Distributed caching. If you have multiple servers in a tier all writing to their
implementations of caching, from a level 2 cache that sits between your persistence
own caches, how do they stay in sync? If you do not configure the caches to be
engine and your database to a stand-alone distributed cache that holds arbitrar
distributed, then they wont. Depending on which server you hit, your results may
business objects. Your persistence technology, such as Hibernate, should have
vary(which is usually a bad thing). Most modern caches support a distributed
support for a level 2 cache that behaves as follows: when a request for an object is
paradigm so that when a cache is updated it will propagate its changes to other
made, first check the cache to see if the object is already in memory; if it is and it
members in the cache. But depending on the number of cached nodes and the
hasnt expired, then return that cached object, otherwise make the database call, save
consistency of data you require, this can be expensive Consistency refers to the
the object to the cache, and return the object to the caller. In this capacity, frequently
integrity of your data at a point in time: if one cache node has one value for an
object and another node has a different value then the two cache nodes are said
used objects will be resolved without requiring interaction with a database
to be inconsistent. On the loose end of the spectrum, caches can be eventually
Caches are not the be-all end-all solution, but once you have decided to use a cache
consistent, meaning that your application can tolerate short periods of time when
the caches on different nodes do not have the same values. For example, if you
there are a few things you need to consider
post a new status on Facebook you'll see it immediately, but your friends won't
Caches are a fixed size
see it for a couple minutes. On the other end of the spectrum, you might require al
Distributed caching is a non-trivial problem
cache nodes to have the same value before that update is considered committed
The performance challenge is to balance your distributed caching behavior with
Caches hold stateful objects, unlike pools, which hold stateless objects. For your business rules: try to opt for the loosest distribution strategy that satisfies
example, imagine a pool as the registers at a supermarket. When you re ready to your business requirements
check out, you go to whichever register is free it doesn't matter which one you
get. Caches, on the other hand, are like children at daycare. When you go to the
daycare to pick up your child, you don't just pick up whichever child is available first
you're only interested in picking up your own child. Pools contain stateless objects
Cache consistency. sometimes referred to as cache coherence refers to the validity of data
meaning it doesn't matter which connection you get -all connections are equal
across your entire cache. A cache is consistent if every instance of the same object in the
but caches contain stateful objects because you go to a cache looking for a specific
cache has the same value. In recent Limes, Large-scale applications have adcpled eventual
piece of data
consistency, which means thal there will be periods of time when different instances of the
sane object will have different values, bul evenlua lly they will have the same value
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
Database cont'd
cache hit count or hit ratio and the cache miss count or miss ratio. A cache hit
The main symptom of an application that is not using a cache properly is increased cache did not service the request. If you observe a high miss count then o
means that the cache serviced the request and a cache miss means that th
database load and slow response times as a result of that load. Unlike the N+1
cache is sized too small
performance problem, the relative database load increases in direct proportion
to your application load. If you're using caching correctly, database load should
not increase in proportion to application load, because the majority of requests
Avoiding this problem
should be hitting the cache. The negative impact of this problem is that as your Plan, plan, plan! Whenever I develop an application, no matter how small, I always
load increases, the database machine is subjected to more load, which increases
err on the side of performance and scalability. This is not to say that you should
its CPu overhead and potentially disk l/o rate, which degrades the overall
go to extraordinary lengths to overengineer your application. It just means that
performance of all business transactions that interact with the database
before you begin, you should ask yourself the question: if I face performance
Issues, is this an object that could be cached? If so, go ahead and build the object
in such a way that it can be easily added to a cache later, by doing things like
making the object serializable
7 A AA A△△△△△
you're building an application of substance then I would recommend
plementing caching anywhere it seems appropriate. Youll avoid many problems
further down the line for a relatively small investment.
I only rate a missing cache as a 7 because adding a cache is really a performance
enhancement, not a necessity. If you see increased load in your database and
degraded performance, one of the biggest enhancements you can make for
Java celines the notion ol serialization as lollows: an objecl is serializable if il implements
your application is adding a cache. It would be best to plan for a cache from
the beginning, but caches can be added after the fact with minimal code
the java. io Serializable interlace and il only contains primitive types, Strings, and other
serializable objects. Praclically. serializable objects can be converted inlo a form thal can
rewrites. Depending on where you insert your cache and your cache providers
be transported lo and from olher servers or even lo disk Mosl caching solutions leverage
requirements, the code impact may vary, but it's rarely significant
Java s support for serialization to send objects from one machine to another
Identifying the need for a cache is accomplished by examining the performance of
your database, its resource usage, and the amount of load that your application is
sending to the database. If you observe problems with your databases resource
utilization then you should examine your business requirements and determine
whether or not a cache would be a good option
Once you have determined that you need a cache, sizing the cache appropriately
is the next issue. A cache adds the most value if the cache can service the
majority of queries made to the cache, meaning that it contains the majority
of the most frequently accessed objects. If the cache is sized too small then a
significant number of queries will require a call to the backend data store because
the cache doesn't contain the value. If the cache is sized too large then it could
consume an excessive amount of memory. Caches frequently publish metrics.
such as through JMX, about their performance. Two common metrics are the
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
Database cont'd
3. Does anyone have a connection I can borrow?
Database connection pools
The main symptoms of a database connection pool that is sized too small are
increased response time across multiple business transactions, with the majority
In the last chapter we compared pools to the registers or checkers in a supermarket
of those business transactions waiting on a DatasourcegetConnection() call, in
A set number of checkers are open at any given time, and the shopper doesnt conjunction with low resource utilization on the database machine. At first glance
care which checker they get, then they choose the first available checker so they
this will look like a database problem, but the low resource utilization reveals that
can get out of the store as soon as possible
the database is, in fact, under-utilized, which means the bottleneck is occurring in
the application
To take this analogy a step further, imagine now that only two registers are open
during a busy time at the supermarket. What happens? If you've never experienced The symptoms of a database connection pool that is sized too large are increased
this (lucky you) then you can probably imagine that there would be a long line
response time across multiple business transactions, with the majority of those
of angry customers. This is analogous to what happens when your database business transactions waiting on the response from queries, and high resource
connection pool is too small. The number of connections to your database controls
utilization in the database machine
how many concurrent queries can be executed against it. If there are too few
connections in the pool then you'l have a bottleneck in your application, increasing So while the external symptoms between these two conditions are the same, the
response times and angering end users (who, like Inigo Montoya, hate waiting
internal symptoms are the opposite. In order to correctly identify the problem, you
need to find out where your application is waiting on the database (for a connection to
the database or on the execution of a query) and what the health of the database is
Database connections are pooled for several reasons
Database connections are relatively expensive to create, so rather than
create them on the fly we opt to create them beforehand and use them
whenever we need to access the database
The database is a shared resource so it makes sense to create a pool of
connections and share them across all business transactions
The database connection pool limits the amount of load that you can send to
The impact of a misconfigured database connection pool rates an 8 on my scale
your database.
because the performance impact will be observable by your users. The fix is simple
but will require time and effort: use load testing and a performance analysis tool to
The first two points make sense because we want to pre-create expensive resources
find the optimal value for the size of your database connection pool, and then make
and share them across our application. The last point, however, might seem counter-
the configuration change
intuitive. We pool connections to reduce load on the database because otherwise
we might saturate the database with too much load and bring it to a screeching halt
The point is that not only do you want to pool your connections, but you also need
to configure the size of the pool correctly
If you do not have enough connections, then business transactions will be forced to
wait for a connection to become available before they can continue processing. If
you have too many connections, however, then you might be sending too much load
to the database and then all business transactions across all application servers will
suffer from slow database performance. The trick is finding the middle ground
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
Database cont'd
dentifying that you truly have a database connection pool configuration problem
requires insight into what your application is doing
If your application
iting on calls like Datasource getConnection( and
your database is underutilized then your connection pool is too small
If your application is waiting on database query executions, such as
PreparedStatement execute() and the database is over-utilized then your
connection pool is too large (or your database and your queries need to be
Avoiding this problem
Database connection pool problems are really a combination of connection pool
size tuning, SQL query tuning, and database tuning. If your queries are optimized
and your database is properly tuned then your database can support more load
than if your queries are sloppily written and the database is not tuned. Therefore
recommend the following approach
1. Tune your SQL queries, either manually using your favorite SQL tuning
book as a guide or automatically using a tool like SQL Optimizer. Ensure
that your sQL is top-notch (and this includes your HoL and EJBQL
as welD)
2. Estimate the relative balance between the various queries your application
will be executing (determined by your estimation of business transaction
balance and your understanding of the queries executed by each business
3. Execute a load test against our database and tune your database to
optimally support these qu
4. Load test your application in a production-like environment (same number
and same class of machine if possible). Run multiple itera
different database connection pool settings and choose the best fit for your
pplication. You want to ensure that you do not saturate the d
if you can find the number of connections just below that saturation point
then you have your golden valu
Top Ten Most Common Java Performance Problems
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