Automatic 3D Spiral Toolpath generation for SPIF.pdf
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详细说明:三维空间上单点渐进成形轨迹的开发自动生成策略描述。Top contour
Lofted surface
Fig. 2 Points generated on the contour toolpath
Fig. 2), so that the 3D spiral toolpath(Fig. 3) can be subsequently
generated by linear interpolation between consecutive contours
Fig 4 Schematic of volumetric error calculation
2.2 Generation of 3D Spiral Toolpath. A methodology simi-
lar to that used by Lee [14] was used in this work to generate 3D Surtace model between the two contours, closing the top and bot-
spiral loolpaths fron contour loolpaths. A 3D helix is generaled
tom surfaces. and then calculating the volume of the solid thus
between two successive contours by interpolating linearly be-
tween corresponding points(Eq.(1)on the two contours. The
The shaded region in fiy. 4 is the difterence between the lofted
same operation is performed for all pairs of consecutive contours
and actual solids between two successive contours. Volumetr
to generate a continuous 3D spiral toolpath for the entire compo-
error(vol_error) is calculated as
abs(part volume - lofted volume)
voi error
part_ volume
Figure 5 shows a profile view of the actual semicircular tool
profile curves for a 3D spiral toolpath. The profile of the tool is
generated at a number of points on each piecewise generated 3D
spiral path, and the intersection between consecutive tool profile
curves in the z direction is obtained. as shown in Fig. 5. the
distance between this intersection point and the shortest normal
projection of this point onto the CAD surface is the scallop height
at that
here pr is the lth point on the ith slice, pi is the /th point on the
2.3.2 Insertion of Slices. The insertion of slices is carried out
(i-1)th slice, and N is the number of points on each contour slice. based on two measures, namely, volumetric error and scallop
The 3D spiral toolpath is generated until this step assumes that height. Values of maximum tolerable volumetric error (vol_error
the region of the component between two consecutive slices is a_max), maximum tolerable scallop height(scallop_max),and
uled surface. It is quite possible that this is not true, especially minimum incremental depth allowed (z- min) are required
when the toolpath is generated with a certain constant Az for a
puts. The value of z_min incorporates constraints on the reso
freeform component. In such cases, the 3D spiral toolpath may lie lution in the z direction for the CNC heing used. A contour is
outside the envelope of the actual component. Sec. 2.3 will ad- inserted at half the z distance between two existing co
dress how the newly developed methodology avoids this problen. if either one of the following two conditions are met
is if the
2.3 Adaptive slicing procedure
volumetric error between two contours is found to be greater than
vol_error_max. The other is if the scallop height at any point is
2.3.1 Calculation of Volumetric Error and Scallop Heights. found to be greater than scallop_max. However, if such a prospec
Volumetric error (vol error) is calculated between two consecu- tive insertion of a contour causes the slice thickness between any
Live contour paths(Sec. 2.1)according to Ey.(2). The lofted_vol- two consecutive contours to be reduced to below z_min, then the
ume term is the volume of the solid obtained by lofting the bottom insertion does not occur In the case that a confict arises between
contour onto the top contour and closing the top and bottom faces. the criteria for insertion and noninsertion of a slice, priority can be
The part_ volume term is obtained by extracting the region of the explicitly given to the volumetric and scallop height criteria or to
the z_min criterion depending on the importance of each in the
final desired function of the component. If slice insertion, the
adaptive slicing criteria are re-evaluated to see if further slice
Tool、 profile
Scallop height
Fig3 3D spiral toolpath generated from contour toolpath
Fig 5 Schematic of scallop heights calculation
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
xer Input CAD ITMlel,
alop max, vol error_ maky/
ate Datin, initial slices with AFz max
Top contour
Top contour
Paint on 3D Inserted
Points on
3D spiral
3D spiral
Evaluatevol error and scallop height
between slices i and (i+1
Fig. 8 Schematic illustrating adaptive slicing for 3D spiral
toolpath generation
vol errorvol emor max
Scallophts >scallop max
(Figs. 8(b) and &(c) the points on the 3D spiral toolpath move
closer to the intended geometry. This effect becomes even more
important when the component is large and consists of one or
more asymmetric and symmetric surfaces.
Insert slice at half the z distance between
slices and(i+ 1h update N,
To understand why trapezoidal build edges are used for volu-
update the array containing the slice
metric error determination instead of rectangular build edges. a
part consisting only of planar faces, as shown in Fig 9, is consid
ered. The difference between trapezoidal and rectangular build
edges [14] is illustrated in Fig. 10. As stated earlier, from the
geometric accuracy point of view, slice insertion is not required
ig. 6 Flowchart showing slice insertion methodology used
In such cases, using rectangular build edges will
result in nonzero volumetric error between two consecutive slices
which may exceed vol_error_max, leading to unwanted slice in-
insertion is required. Insertion of slices between any two slices is Sertion. The use of trapezoidal build edges ensures that the volu
carried out until the volumetric error between the two slices be
metric error between two slices in such cases is always zero
comes lesser than vol_error_ max and the scallop height is lesser
thereby avoiding unwanted slice insertion or deletion
than scallop_max. A flowchart of this process is shown in Fig. 6
The scallop height calculation used in this work(Sec. 2.3. 1)is
Geometric error is calculated on a global basis between the two a conservative estimate of the scallop height in a
local region of
consecutive contours by using volumetric error measure presented the component. It does not account for stretching of material be-
as chordal deviation would require discretization of each of the scallop heights of the component actually formed to a value bele
n Sec. 2.3. 1. Using a local measure of geometric deviation such tween two successive helixes during forming, which may reduc
contours into smaller corresponding intervals along which the
the calculated value. Therefore, the scallop height calculated is the
maximum possible scallop height in that local region of the com-
tionally very expensive, especially for larger components. The ponent for a particular combination of incremental depth and tool
volumetric error criterion ensures that the geodesic on the surface
size. Using this kind of a conservative scallop height criterion
of the component between any point on the top slice and the
ensures that the maximum possible scallop heights in any region
closest corresponding point on the bolon slice is as close lo a
of the component are below the maximum specified scallop height
straight line as required to achieve a specified level of geometric
(scallop_ max)
accuracy. For example, contour toolpaths generated without adap- 2.3.3 Deletion of Slices. The extra slices are removed, which
tive slicing with a constant Az of 2 mm are shown in Fig. 7(6). will not adversely affect the accuracy of the forned componenL. If
Some features of the component that are omitted are highlighted. the volumetric error percentage between slice n and slice(n+1)is
These features are not omitted when the same component is adap- found to be lesser than a predefined value (vol_error min)and the
tively sliced, as shown in Fig. 7(c)
difference in z-height belween slice n and slice (n+2) is noL
As stated in Sec. 2.2, for some components, the 3D spiral tool
greater than the predefined value (z max), then slice (n+1)is
path may lie outside the envelope of the component's geometry deleted. The value of vol error min allows a lower limit on the
when a constant incremental depth is used. Even though a very volumetric error and may or may not be used depending on the
small 4z may make the 3D) spiral toolpath accurate enough, it
ould also increase forming time in most cases unnecessarily
Adaptive slicing is indispensable for ensuring that the 3D spiral 2.4 Generation of Tool Size Compensated Toolpaths. The
toolpath lies on the surface of the component to be formed with- 3D spiral path shown in Fig 3 consists of the points at which the
out increasing forming time unnecessarily In Fig. 8(a), the 3D hemispherical ended forming tool should make contact with the
spiral point is generated between two corresponding points on the sheet. In Fig. ll, Ice is the center of the hemispherical part of the
top and bottom contours when no adaptive slicing is done
tool, Ten is the point on the tool at which the tool should contact
As the number of contours increases due to adaptive slicing the sheet (obtained from the 3D spiral toolpath calculated in Sec
Fig. 7 (a) Part to be formed, (b) contour path generated without adaptive slicing and(c)contour
path generated with adaptive slicing
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Transactions of the asme
Wall angle(e)
Fig 12 (a) CAD model of the pyramid formed to examine the
surface finish and(b) schematic of the incremental forming
Fig 9 Component consisting of planar surfaces
Step 5: If a new contour is inserted, then repeat steps 2-4 for
the newly inserted contour and the corresponding top contour
Otherwise, move onto the next pair of contours and perform
2.2), n is the unit vector normal to the surface of the component at
steps 1-4 again until all the contours are processed
Tcp, and Ttip is the tip of the hemispherical end of the forming
Step 6: Perform slice deletion(Sec. 2.3.3)to get the final set of
contour slices
tool. Assuming that a three-axis milling machine is being used for
forming the component and R is the radius of the forming tool
Step 7 Generate the final 3D) spiral toolpath(Sec. 2.2) from the
contour slices in step 6
toolpath compensation is applied according to Eqs. (3)and (4). In
Step 8: Perform tool size compensation(Sec. 2. 4)to generate
case a hive-axis machine is being used, compensation has to be
toolpaths for a three-axis CNC
applied differently as the tool can have additional rotational de
grees of freedom and can be oriented along the normal to the 3 Experiments
All the experiments were performed using AA5052 blank ma
Tce=ten+ rn
(3) terial. Tool feed was 250 mm/min: tool rotation was absent and
high pressure lubricant was used between the blank and the tool
(4) The capability of the developed methodology to achieve the scal
lop heights below the specified value and to achieve good geo
2.5 Summary of Toolpath Generation Procedure. The metric accuracy were evaluated by forming square pyramids and
overall algorithm for 3D spiral toolpath generation combines the freeform components using 3D spiral toolpaths. The square pyra
procedures described in above sections and the sequence in which mids were chosen to test the capability for forming components
they are used is presented below (details can be seen in Ref. [17J). with scallop heights less than scallop_max since scallop heights
Step 1: Generate contour toolpaths(Sec. 2. 1)with a constant are easier to measure on flat surfaces. Since pyramids have the
incremental depth z_max
same slope throughout, constant scallop heights are generated by
Step 2: Generate 3D spiral toolpaths from the contours(Sec. uSing the adaptive slicing criterion. Three pyramids with wall
angles of 20 deg, 40 deg, and 60 deg(Fig. 12)were formed using
Step 3: Calculate volumetric errors and scallop heights (Sec
three tools of 4 mm. 6 mm. and 8 mm diameter for two values of
maximum permissible scallop heights(scallop_max) of 10 um
Step 4: Use the adaptive slicing criterion(Sec. 2.3. 2) to evalu
and 50 um. The scallop heights were measured using a white
ate if a new contour needs to be inserted
light interferometer(MicroXAM Surface mapping microscope,
resolution 10 nm in the z direction) and each experiment was
repeated twice. The CAD model of the pyramid component and
the schematic of the setup used are shown on Figs. 12(a)and
12(b), respectively. The list of experiments for forming the pyra-
mids is shown in table 1
The freeform component shown in Fig. 13 has a depth of 15
mm and the Cad model was made in solidworks by lofting
Trapezoidal build
a circle onto a rectangle along a spline guide curve. The guide
curve was drawn freehand so that along the guide curve the com-
build edges
ponent has a truly freeform shape. Therefore, the results obtained
by forming this shape can be regarded as applicable to symmetric
Fig 10 Schematic showing the difference between trapezoidal and asymmetric shapes. This component was formed using a 3D
and rectangular built edges
spiral toolpath generated by the toolpath generation methodology
developed during the present work, with zmax=1.0 mm
Tool centre
vol error max=1.0%, vol error min=0.50%, scallop max
=0.5 mm, and z min=0.001 mm. The same component was also
formed using the 3D spiral toolpath generaled by the milling mod-
ule in a commercial CAM package with constant Az values of 0.5
Tool tip (Ttp)
Tool contact point T
tively). All the freeform components were formed using a 9.5 mm
Current sheet
hemispherical ended tool. The geometry of the formed compo-
nents was measured using a Brown and Sharpe Microval coordi
nate measuring machine (CMM). To the best of our knowledge,
Final sheet Configuration
no module of any commercial CAm package is able to take input in
terms of required geometric accuracy or scallop heights to gener
ate a 3D spiral toolpath for the component shown in Fig. 13
Fig 11 Schematic of tool radius compensation
Various machining modules of commercial CAM packages were
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Table 1 List of experiments performed for testing scallop heights criterion
Scallop height
Wall angle
Tool dia
from code
deviation (o
xp. NO
tried out with the scallop height requirement as an input but the scallop height of 50 um. In this case, the actual scallop heights
CAM module always failed to generate a 3D spiral toolpath for the are qualitatively similar to the calculated scallop heights but quan
Fig 13
titatively there is
derable diffe
The effect of the tool size becomes more apparent by compar
4 Results and discussion
ing the scallop heights for the three pyramids with different wall
angles formed using three different tool sizes(figs. 16 and 17). In
This section shows experimental results
which confirm that the Figs. 16(a)and 16(b)(4 mm and 6 mm tool diameters, respec-
methodology developed in this work is capable of generating 3D
spiral toolpaths for SPIF such that the scallop heights of the
tively), it can be seen that for all three pyramids formed with a
formed components are below scallop-max. Moreover, the profile scallo
of the component is as close or closer to the required geometry as
Ote rofile scallop_max of 10 um, the actual scallop heights and the scallop
heights calculated from the code are qualitatively and quantita-
compared with the formed profile generated by commercial CAM
tively in good agreement
packages without unnecessarily increasing the forming time. Sec
However, Fig. 16(c) shows that under the same conditions us
tion 4. I deals with the scallop heights criterion and Sec. 4.2 deals
ing a larger tool( 8 mm diameter) results in considerable quanti
with the geometric accuracy and forming time
tative difference between the formed and the calculated scallop
heights. Figure 17 shows that when scallop max is 50 um, no
4.1 Scallop Heights Criterion. The scallop heights criterion, matter which size of tool was used for all three pyramids, there is
Is described in Sec. 2, was tested by forming pyramids having considerable qualilative and quantitative deviation belween
three different wall angles with three different tools and two dif- formed and calculated scallop heights. Figures 14-17 indicate that
Terenl maximun allowable scallop height(scallop_max)values. the toolpath generation methodology developed during the present
Figure 14 shows the comparison between the measured scallop work can be used effectively to limit the scallop heights of the
heights. the scallop heights calculated from the developed code formed component to lower than the maximum scallop height
and the maximum allowable scallop heights(10 um here)for all (scallop_max)specified as input.
three pyramids
However, since the forming tool has surface contact, it also
It can be seen that the maximum deviation between the mea- stretches the material between consecutive helixes (as mentioned
sured and calculated values is for the 8 mm diameter tool. Al- earlier in Sec. 2.3.2). As a result, the scallop height between con-
though there is a quantitative difference at other two tool diam- secutive helixes reduces as well. Effect of stretching between con-
ters,the values at those diameters are qualitatively and secutive helixes in a 3D spiral toolpath is going to increase with
quantitatively more closely in agreement with the values calcu- tool diameter as larger tools have greater contact area as compared
lated from the developed methodology presented in this paper. with smaller tools. This agrees with the experimental results in
Figure 15 shows a similar comparison for a maximum allowable Figs. 15 and 16i.e, using the 8 mm tool results in greater discrep
Fig. 13(a) Isometric view and (b) side view of freeform component formed to examine the geo
metric accuracy and forming time
0610036/Vo.132, DECEMBER2010
Transactions of the asme
Tool Diameter(mm
Tool Diameter mm
scallop heights
k scallop hieghts
c alculated from
c ode
scallop heights
Tool Diameter(mm)
Fig. 14 Comparison between scallop heights, measured, calculated from code, and maximum
specified (10 um) for (a)20 deg pyramid,(b )40 deg pyramid, and (c)60 deg pyramid, each
formed with three different tool sizes
ancy between the desired and the actual scallop heights than using corresponding scallop heights calculated from the developed
the 4 mm and 6 mm tools. This stretching effect may also be methodology are higher as well. The stretching effect does not
responsible for the scallop heights being much lesser than the allow the formed scallop heights to rise close enough to the higher
calculated scallop heights when a scallop_max of 50 um is speci- calculated scallop heights for any of the tools sizes used in this
fied(Figs. 15 and 17). When the scallop_ max value is higher, the work. Since the methodology developed in this work calculates
Tool D a neter(mm)
Tool Dameter(mm
scallop heights
Dec ified
上 scallop hieghts
calculated fr
scallop heights
Tool Diameler(mmk
Fig. 15 Comparison between scallop heights, measured, calculated from code, and maximum
specified (50 um) for(a)20 deg pyramid,(b)40 deg pyramid, and (c)60 deg pyramid, each
formed with three different tool sizes
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Wa le(degree
scallop heights
A scallop hieghts
calculated from
scallop heights
Wal Angle【 degrees
Fig. 16 Comparison between scallop heights, measured, calculated from code, and maximum
specified(10 um) for(a)4mm tool,(b)6 mm tool, and(c)8 mm tool for all three pyramidal
Wall Angle(Deg rees)
scallop heights
spec ified
r scallop hieghts
calculated from
4· measured
scallop heights
Wall Angle(Degrees
Fig. 17 Comparison between scallop heights, measured, calculated from code, and maximum
specified(50 um) for(a) 4mm tool,(b)6 mm tool, and (c)8 mm tool for all three pyramidal
061003-8/Vo.132, DECEMBER2010
Transactions of the asme
UG (30 slices constant)
-UG(50 slices consta)
Fig 20 Components formed using 3D spiral toolpaths gener
ated by the developed methodology
Fig. 18 Comparison of cross-sectional profiles between CAD
component and components formed using developed method-
ology(adaptive slicing) and commercial CAM software
nent formed by using toolpath generated with the proposed meth
odology is as close or closer to the desired Cad geometry as
scallop heights without taking into account this stretching effect,
compared with the proti le of the component formed using CAM
module generated toolpaths. In addition, the forming time is
there is a discrepancy between the actual and calculated scallop higher by a percentage of 15.6%, 43. 75%, and 106.25%o for the
heights. However, the scallop heights of the actual component are
components formed using Cam, as shown in the table 2. There
esser than the maximum specified(scallop max) for all the pyra fore, the 3D spiral toolpath generated using the developed meth-
mids formed, which in addition to being one of the goals of this odology is able to achieve better or similar geometrical accuracy
ne in mo
with lesser forming times than the 3D spiral toolpath generated by
4.2 Geometric Accuracy. To evaluate the developed toolpath commercial CAM package
generation methodology in terms of geometric accuracy and form
Furthermore, it can be seen in Fig. 19 that the base of the
ing time, the freeform component shown in Fig. 13 was formed components formed using the 3D spiral toolpath generated by
using the 3D spiral toolpath generated from the developed meth- CAM is not flat. However, the base of the component formed using
odology. The same component was also formed using the 3D spi- the toolpath generated by the developed methodology is fat and
ral toolpath generated by the CAM module with three constant conforming to the caD geometry. This indicates that there may
incremental depths
also be a problem with the tool compensation methodology used
Figure 18 shows a comparison between the measured geom- in commercial CAM packages. It should be noted here that all the
etries for these component and the four formed components are component geometries were measured without cutting them out
shown in Fig. 19. Table 2 shows the forming times for the com- fron the unformed blank but unclamped ron the fixture the
ponents formed by a 3D spiral toolpath generated using CAM with cutting operation induces an additional geometric inaccuracy al-
constant incremental depths and for the component formed by a though an important consideration is outside the scope
3D spiral toolpath generated using the methodology developed in paper. The methodology described in this work was also used to
this work. It can be seen in Fig. 18 that the profile of the compo- generate 3D spiral toolpaths for other freeform components, and
some components formed using the same methodology are shown
Fig. 20
5 Conclusions
SPIf has attracted researchers due to its flexi bility and high
formability. However, it has not been widely adopted hy the in
dustry due to long process time and the lack of geometric accu
racy. Here, an attempt has been made to resolve these issues from
a toolpath generation point of view. Currently, 3D spiral toolpaths
for SPif are generated based on commercial CAM nodules and are
not capable of using specified constraints on both geometric ac
curacy and maximum scallop heights as inputs to generate a 3D
spiral toolpath that simultaneously minimizes the forming time
The methodology developed in this work is dedicated to tool
path generation for single point incremental forming and deals
with tradeoffs that exist between geometric accuracy, surface fin-
Fig. 19 Freeform components formed using toolpath from(a)
ish, and forming time. The use of variable incremental depths
CAM(30 slices),(b) CAM(40 slices ),(C)CAM(50 slices), and (a) based on the local geometry of the component and constraints on
developed methodology
geometric accuracy and surface finish naturally minimizes the
forming time. Experiments conducted have shown that this meth
Table 2 Comparison between forming times for the freeform odology can form components with better or similar geometric
component formed using 3D spiral toolpath generated by CAM accuracy as compared with commercial CAM Loulpaths with much
modules and by the methodology developed in this work
lesser forming time. Experiments also show that by using a scal-
lop height criterion that uses rigorous computation instead of em
Forming time pirical formulae, the scallop heights of the formed components
Method used
can be constrained to be lower than the specified maximum per
0.5 (constant)
missible scallop height (scallop_max). In summary, the developed
methodology is able to automatically generate 3D spiral toolpaths
0.3 (constant)
for forming asymmetric(freeform) and symmetric shapes with
Developed code
similar or better geometric profiles than the commercial CAM tool-
paths and with scallop heights lesser than a user specified maxi-
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
mum limit while simultaneously minimizing the forming time
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6 Future Work
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Notice that the developed approach is purely based on part
eometry and a process mechanics based toolpath generation
[G Kopac, J, and Kampus, Z, 2005, "Incremental Sheet Metal Forming on CNC
Milling Machine-Tool, Mater. Process. Technol., 162-163, pp 622-628
methodology with the methodology developed in this work as a [7] Attanasio, A, Cerei, E, and Giardini, C, 2006, "Optimization of Tool Path
foundation needs to be developed. SPif inherently does not give
in Two Points Incremental Forming, J. Mater. Process. Technol., 177, pp
very good geometrical accuracy and the geometric accuracy may
be further improved by using a supporting tool. Moreover, the
[8]Bambach, M, Ames, J, Azaouzi, M, Campagne, L, Hirt, G, and Batoz, L
2005, Initial Experimental and Numerical Investigation Into a Class of New
geometric inaccuracy that is induced in the part after it is cut out
Stratcgics for Single Point Incremental Shcct Forming(SPIF), Procccdings of
from the sheet needs to be investigated. To make the scallop
the rapid prototyping and rapid tooling esa form 2005 Conference. pp
height criterion more accurate, the mechanics of deformation be
Tween successive toolpath notions needs lo be Modeled so that
[9 Skjoedt, M, Hancock, M. H, and Bay, N 2007, "Creating 3D Spiral Tool
forming times can be potentially reduced even further
Paths Tor Single Point Incremental Forming, "Key Eng. Mater. 344. pp. 583-
[10 Verbert, J, Duflou, J.R., and Lauwers, B, 2007. "Feature Based Approach for
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This work has been supported by Department of Science and [11] Hagen, E, and Jcswict, J, 2004, "Analysis of Surface Roughness for Parts
Technology, New Delhi, India and National Science Foundation
Formed by CNc Incremental Forming, Proc. Inst Mech. Eng, Part B, 21
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Delhi, for supporting the exchange visits. The authors would like [12] Ham, M, Powers, B. Brown, C.A., Jeswiet. J, and Hamilton. K. 2009.
o thank ankit Surti and Samarjit Singh for their help
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061003-10/vo.132, DECEMBER2010
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