文件名称: TMS IntraWeb Grids.pdf
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 详细说明:TMS IntraWeb Grids.pdfproductivity software building blocks TMS SOF TWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE TTIWAdvWeb Grid /TTIWDBAdvWeb Grid availability TTIWAdvWeb Grid and ttiwdBadv Web grid are available as vcl components for delphi and C++Builder TTIWAdv Web Grid is available for Delphi 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE &t C++Builder 6,2006,2007,2009,2010,XEXE2 TTIWDBAdv Web Grid is available for Delphi 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE &t C++Builder 6,2006,2007,2009,2010,XE2XE2 Intraweb7,7.0,7.1,7.2,8.0,9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0 is required TTIWAdvWeBGrid and TIwDBAdv Grid have been designed for and tested with: windows 98 2000, XP, Vista on IntraWeb 7.x or higher IE6 or higher, NS7, FireFox 2.0 and up, Chrome 2.0 and up. Some features, such as gradient th Current version of TTIWAdvWeb Grid, TTIWDBAdv Web Grid has been designed for and tested w support, are available only in IE6 or higher and degrade gracefully on other browsers. TtIWAdvWebgrid ttiwdbadv Webgrid use The tMS TTIWAdvWeb Grid and TtIWDBAdvWebGrid components are designed to be used in all kinds of grid type data presentation and editing in a browser. Data presented in the grid can be database driven in the ttiWDBAdyWeb Grid component and directly web application driven in TTIWAdvWeb Grid. It is from the web application running on the server that this grid presentation Layer is generated along with Javascript code that is executed in the browser on the client side TTIWAdvWeb Grid and TTIWDBAdv Web grid have built-in support for paged output, making the amount of data that is transferred from the server to the client customizable finally TTIWAdyWeb Grid and TtIWDBAdv Web Grid share the underlying presentation layer and browser Javascript generating code, making the end-user experience identical for both data-aware and non data- aware grid TTIWAdv Web Grid/TTIWDBAdvWebGrid organisation The grid components consist of 4 parts: 1. Controller done. Various options are available to customize the appearance of this control age selection is This is the part of the grid from where paging is controlled and presentation of 2: Headers a one or two row column header can be used In its most simple form the column header indicates what data is displayed in each column. It can be used to trigger a column sort, to start a filter, to productivity software building blocks TMS SOF TWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE resize a column or to indicate logically grouped columns by spanning multiple columns. the row header is an extra fixed column that can be used to indicate the row number productivity software building blocks TMS SOFTWARE tmssoftware. com TTlWAdvWebGrid-TTIWDBAdvWeb Grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE 3: Columns The actual data of the grid is displayed in columns. the appearance and type of each column can be defined 4. Footer a footer can be used to display just text information static column calculations or dynamic column calculations. Dynamic column calculations are calculated values in the browser that can change dynamically when cell dynamic edit contents change without requiring a new server connection 1: Controller 123(1o129) Length (cm), Common_Nan Graphic Combined fields 2: Header Also known as the down Triggenfish90020 nin spotter orbiting 90020 an triggerfish. Inhabits Balistoides alled seaperch in Red Emperor DI030 Australia, Inhabits 3: Columns he areas around Giant Maori Wrasse 90050 all the wrasse. It is found in dense reef ommbiring 90050 Cheilinus undulatus ilal is druu Hue Angelfish eID07O ombir ing 9000 and ral ledges and Pomacanthus aires in thallou Bavarois This fish hides in a s a colrtur 50 california Mnr ay n13 halou-water air 些 mhir ing llnl anN 4: Footer aran iust its head Gymnothorax mordax sum= 84 AVg= 90080 Settings of ttiwAdv Web Grid/TtlWDBAdv Web Grid visual elements Controller The controller part of the grid can perform the automatic paging of grid data. a page is equivalent to Row Count rows For the DB-aware grid, the total number of pages will be the total number of rows in the dataset divided by row Count. For the non data-aware grid, the total number of rows is set with the property TotalRows. The page controller then provides selected methods such as Previous page Next page or direct page number hyperlinks to select the desired page. The look of the page controller is set through the grids Controller property with following subproperties Controller properties Alignment: sets the alignment of the text displayed in the controller. Borders: holds various border settings for the controller Caption: this is the text displayed along with the automatic displayed page control elements Color: this sets the background color of the controller. Specify clNone is default browser background color should be used Font: sets the font used in the controller. If no font is specified the default browser font is used Gradient 1: specifies the start color of a gradient color in the controller. When clNone is set,no gradient is used. Note that gradients are only supported in IE6 Gradient2: specifies the end color of a gradient color in the controller productivity software building blocks TMS SOFTWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE Gradient Direction sets the gradient direction to either horizontal or vertica Height: specifies the height of the controller. When height is zero, height of the controller automatically adapts to height of elements inside the controller. HintFind: sets the hint that should appear over the button to start a text search in the grid HintFirst; sets the hint that should appear over the button to go to the first page HintLast: sets the hint that should appear over the button to go to the last page HintNext: sets the hint that should appear over the button to go to the next page HintPrev: sets the hint that should appear over the button to go to the previous page mgFirst: specifies the image to be used for jumping to the first page. this can be a GlF, JPEG or BMP file. Note that the images are used when pager Type is set to cptlmage ImgLast: specifies the image to be used for jumping to the last page. ImgNext: specifies the image to be used for jumping to the next page ImgPrev: specifies the image to be used for jumping to the previous page IndicatorFormat this specifies how the viewed page is indicated in the controller. this is a format string with formatting features of the Delphi Format( function. Text and number specifiers can be used. the numeric data displayed depends on the IndicatorType and can be either record number or page number. Examples Setting IndicatorType to itPageNr and IndicatorFormat to '(Page %d of %od), will display in the controller: '(Page 1 of 12)if on the first page for a 12 page grid Setting Indicator Type to itRecordNr and Indicatorformat to This is record number %od will display in the controller This is record number 1 for the first record. PreY Next Page: 2 of 5 Sample controller with prev next hyperlinks and page indication Indicator Type: Indicator type can be either itRecordnr, to indicate current record index vs total number of records in the dataset or grid, or itPageNr to indicate the current page. The Indicator t ype itnone displays no indicator MaxPages: sets the maximum number of pages to display in the controller. The controller will display a range of pages limited to MaxPages around the currently selected page Pager: this selects the type of paging. Currently, following paging types are defined cpalphaList: not yet implemented cpPageList: paging is done through clicks on page number cpPrevNext: paging is done through previous /next links cpPrevNextFirstLast: paging is done through previous next page links as well as first and last page links cpDropDownList: paging is done through page selection from a combobox holding page numbers PagerType: this selects the visual presentation of the paging which can be: cptLink: page numbers or previous/ next actions are done through hyperlinks cptButton: page numbers or previous /next actions are done through buttons cptlmage: previous, next, first and last actions are done through images specified in properties ImgPrev, Img Next, Img First, ImgLast. Note that Pager Type cptlmage cannot be combined with Pager cpPage List currently cptlmage Button: previous, next, first and last actions are done through buttons with predefined mages productivity software building blocks TMS SOFTWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE Position sets the position of the controller w r t the grid. This can be: cpTop: controller is on top of the grid cpNone: controller is not displayed cpBottom: controller is displayed under the grid cpBoth: controller is displayed on top and under the grid Row CountSelect: when true, a dropdown list is displayed in the controller with which the number of rows to display can be selected the possible rowcount values are set through the RowCount values property Row CountSelectLabelAfter: property that allows setting some text after the row count selector Row CountselectLabelBefore: property that allows setting some text before the row count selector Row CountValues: list of possible rowcount values that can be selected from a dropdown list in the controller Show Find: when true, a find button is displayed in the controller With the find button, text can be searched in the grid and focus is set on the cell where the text is found ShowPagersAlways: when true, the Next, Last and Prev, First are always displayed whether it is possible to go back or forward. If it is not possible to go back or forward, the text is displayed but is inactive TextFirst: sets the text for the button or hyperlink that will be used to go to the first page. By default this is“ First TextLast: sets the text for the button or hyperlink that will be used to go to the last page. By default this is“Last TextNext: sets the text for the button or hyperlink that will be used to go to the next page. B default this is“Next TextPrev: sets the text for the button or hyperlink that will be used to go to the previous page. By default this is“Prev Events associated with the controller. Although the controller handles the paging automatically, events are triggered to indicate to the application what paging action the user has taken. These events are On GotoPage: event triggered when user selects to go to a given page when the controller pager is set to cpPagelist OnFirstPage: event triggered when user selects to go to the first page when the controller pager is t to cpPrevNext or cpPrevNextFirstLast OnLastPage: event triggered when user selects to go to the last page when the controller pager is set to cpPrevNext or cpPrevNextFirstLast OnNextPage: event triggered when user selects to go to the next page when the controller pager is set to cpPrevNext or cpPrevNextFirstLast OnPrevPage: event triggered when user selects to go to the previous page when the controller pager is set to cpPrevNext or cpPrevNextFirstLast Other related paging properties: A few other public and published properties are provided here that affect the controller's paging or are affected by it productivity software building blocks TMS SOFTWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE Page: this provides a programmatic access to set or get the displayed page RowOffset: readonly property reflects the row index of the first displayed row in the page. As such Rowoffset is equal to Page multiplied by row Count Row: readonly property refects the current row in the dataset in a page, starting from zero. To get the actual row index in the dataset, this becomes:(Rowoffset Row Count )+ Row Note that the non data-aware grid, there is no concept of current row in a dataset. Therefore, in the non data-aware grid this current row is replaced by a public property ActiveRow. ROWTot: readonly property reflects the total number of rows in a data-aware grid In the non data aware grid, this is get or set through the property TotalRows Header Enabling the column headers is done by the property show ColumnHeaders. all other column header related settings are done through the Columns property. The Columns property is a collection of TIWWebGrid Column objects that control the appearance of each column in the grid TMs software Intraweb grid demo Personal details Web pages Browse First name Last name 1 2 Example of what is possible in the header When the global property Show ColumnHeaders is true, following properties in each Column determine what the appearance of the headers will be in the browser Columnheader Alignment sets the alignment of the column header text ColumnHeader CheckBox: when true, a checkbox is displayed in the header. Using a checkbox in a column header only makes sense if the column type is ct CheckBox(see later). If a checkbox is present in the column header, checking this checkbox will check all checkboxes in the column Unchecking this checkbox will uncheck all checkboxes in that column ColumnHeaderClick: when true, text in the column header is displayed as a hyperlink and clicking chis link triggers the event On ColumnHeader Click. Most commonly, with a data-aware grid, a SQL statement for sorting the grid can be modified in this event handler In the non data-aware grid, server side sorting is automatically performed if SortSettings Sort is true ColumnHeader Color: sets the background color for the column header ColumnheaderFont sets the font for the column header ColumnHeader Gradient 1: specifies the start color of a gradient color in the columnheader. When ClNone is set, no gradient is used note that gradients are only supported in IE6 ColumnHeader Gradient 2: specifies the end color of a gradient color in the columnheader. ColumnHeader Gradient Direction: sets the direction for the gradient to either vertical or horizontal 8 productivity software building blocks TMS SOFTWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE Columnheader Node: when true, a node is displayed in the header the node in the header will automatically open or close all detail rows when pressed Filter: when true, the Filterlist is used to display a combobox in the header. the FilterIndex property presets the selected value in the combobox. Changing the selection in this combobox triggers the event On Filterselect upon which a database filter can be set FilterIndex: presets the selected value in the filterlist FilterList: list of values to appear in the columnheader to select from Subtitle: sets the text of the second columnheader row the second columnheader row is generated as soon as at least on Sub Title is a non empty text SubTitle Span: sets the number of cells this subtitle spans. Note that if SubTitle Span is set to a value 2 or more, the Subtitle properties in the consecutive columns are ignored SubTitle vAlign: sets the vertical alignment for the subtitle Title: sets the text of the first columnheader row Title Row Span Set this to true if the title and subtitle cell must be displayed as merged Title Span: sets the number of cells this title spans note that if Titlespan is set to a value 2 or more, the Title properties in the consecutive columns are ignored Titlevalign: sets the vertical alignment for the title Example For the sample header image above, the following Title, Title Span, SubTitle and SubTitleSpan properties were set for each column: Column o Title =",TitleSpan=0, SubTitle ='Browse,, SubTitleSpan =3 Column 1 Title =", TitleSpan =0, SubTitle ='Browse', SubTitle Span =0 Column 2 Tite=“, Titlespan=0, Subtitle=‘ Browse’, SubTitle span=0 Column 3: Title ='Personal Details,,Title Span = 2, SubTitle ='First name,, SubTitle Span =0 C Title =, TitleSpan =0, SubTitle='Last name,, SubTitleSpan =0 Column 5: Title ='Web <]> pages,, TitleSpan =0, SubTitle SubTitlespan =0 Column data display and column types The ttIWDBAdvWeb Grid and T TIW Adv WebGrid allow other than displaying information from a dataset or cell contents, display of various grid control elements. This can range from simple text cells, hyperlinks to row numbers, DB edit/post / cancel buttons and much more... productivity software building blocks TMS SOFTWARE tmssoftware. com TtWAdyWebgrid-TTWDBAdvWeb grid DEVELOPERS GUIDE down Triggerfish Also known as the 4320 big spotted mbining 90020 and Lriyver fish [nlidlils Balliswuiles cunsyicillu Example of column type state indicator, row number link, numeric edit control, text, date picker, popup memo tie hs, DB The above example already shows several of these types such as from left to right Db button graphic and template based data field combining Column types: To explain the various capabilities and how these can be set it should be noted that a grid cell can be set to 4 different main types: always static cell: this cell can not be edited and just displays fixed data an action cell: this cell allow a fixed action, such a handling a button click editable cell: when the grid is in editing mode, a cell editor is displayed otherwise the cel displays data. Note that setting the grid in editing mode, sets one full row in editing mode at a time. As a result of this, a connection to the server is only done once per row when o editing starts and once when editing ends. All cells of a row are thus updated at the end of editing in a single action dynamic cell: this type of cells is either always in editing mode or displays a client side calculated value The settings for these cell types are done per column through the property Column ColumnType which currently has following capabilities: ctNormal: column contains normal text cells. It is the Editor property that determines whether this column can be edited and if so, what type editor is used. Note: for the DB -aware grid, using this default ctNormal style will render text as well as image fields of the db. For image BLOBs, it is required that the blob type is set to ftGraphic. See fields editor at design time to set the blob type) The grid will try to load GlF, JPEG or BMP file types from the BlOb stream ctNoWrap: this is identical to the ctNormal columntype except that cell dimensions will not adapt to cell contents but will be constrained to the row height and column width settings ctcheckbox: column contains row select checkboxes ctButton: column contains a button. Button caption is set with the Button Text propert ctRowIndicator: column contains a glyph that shows for the current row the browse, edit or insert state ctRownumber: column shows the row num be ctScroll: column shows text in a scrollbox this is suitable for memo fields ctPopup: column shows text in cell with button showing text in popup when clicked ctPopuplmage: the image is displayed in full size when mouse is over the image otherwise the age height is limited to the row heigh ctProgress: the value of the column(between 0 and 100)is displayed as a progress bar ctLink Field: column shows text with hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink moves the current row to the row clicked ctLinkRow Number: column shows the row number as a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink moves the current row to the row clicked ctDatacheckbox: checkbox state reflects the cell value. checkbox is checked when cell value is equal to the CheckTrue value or unchecked when equal to CheckFalse ctlmage: column shows image from assigned imagelist selected image is choosen with the ImageIndex property 10



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