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有了一定的了解。但对于小波变换本身的讲解,一本书都不一定能将讲透,还有很多的基础知识我都没有讲,比如如何构建自己的scaling function,选取合适的系数集
h[k],并由此构建自己的wavelet functions。所以,如果有深入下去研究的同学,好好买一本书来看吧。而只是希望用小波变换来服务自己的应用的同学,个人觉得这
些知识已经足够让你用来起步了。functionality make it attractive for most drivers. Even drivers who do not cur-
rently own a(P)HEV could use this application to predict the energy and en
vironmental impacts if they switch to(P)HEVS. Moreover, the aggregated data
from a large number of drivers can be invaluable for vehicle manufacturers and
researchers as they keep improving the design of (P)heVs
A number of sensing capabilities are available in modern smartphones, mak-
ing it possible for personalized driving behavior monitoring and analysis. How
ever, signals obtained from individual sensors suffer from a number of intrinsic
and contextual issues: (1)noise, drift, and mis-synchronization of multi-modality
driver-vehicle data; (2) substantial disorientation of vehicle movement sensing
at the start of and during each driving trip; and (3)complex(p)hev operation
mechanisms and driver-dependent vehicle performance
To address these issues, we propose innovative techniques that "fuse"to-
gether multiple types of sensor readings to enhance signal quality and driver
vehicle sensing, as well as techniques that classify driver-specific operation
modes and analyze the corresponding energy and environmental impacts Our
work makes the following contributions:
(1) Multi-modality driver-vehicle sensing. We propose fully-automated,
phone-based sensing techniques that effectively correct the noise, drift, mis
synchronization in multiple types of sensor data, as well as compensating ini-
tial/dynamic phone-vehicle disorientation using wavelet-based analysis
(2)Driver-specific(P)HEV analysis. We propose operation mode classifi
cation, run-time energy use and fuel-CO2 emission modeling to map specific
driving behavior to(P)hev energy and environmental impacts; and
(3) Real-world deployment and user driving studies. System evaluation
demonstrates high correlation for vehicle sensing (0.88-0.96), energy use and
fuel use modeling(0. 918, 0.996), operation mode classification(89.9%, 87.8%
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the prob
lem formulation and design overview. Section 3 and Section 4 describe in de
tail multi-modality driver-vehicle sensing and driver-specific(P)HEV analysis
Section5 describes system deployment and user studies. Section 6 evaluates
the proposed system. Section 7 discusses related work Section 8 concludes
2 Problem Formulation and Design Overview
HEVs and PHEVs are the emerging solutions for transportation electrification
HEVs feature a gasoline internal combustion engine(Ice) and an electric mo-
tor equipped with a battery system for harnessing and storing run-time braking
energy PHEVs have an additional electrical plug to directly recharge the bat-
tery system from the electrical grid The energy and environmental impacts of
(P)HEVs are primarily determined by(P)hEV operation, which in turn is heav-
ly affected by user-specific run-time driving behavior, such as speed, accelera
tion, and road condition etc Figure 2 shows the fuel use, CO2 emissions, and
battery system long-term capacity degradation based on eight different users
Q dRiver 3
Driver 6
1 Driver 4
Driver 8
Driver ID
Fig. 2. Heterogeneous fuel use, CO2 emissions, and battery system long-term capacity
degradation based on eight different users' daily commute driving profiles
daily commute driving profiles Among the eight drivers, over 3x variation is
observed in terms of fuel use and co2 emissions for battery system, and based
on the system-level battery model developed by Li et al. [16], over 9x long-term
capacity variation can be expected
a comprehensive and quantitative sensing and analysis system is thus es
sential for advancing(P)HEV technology and promoting its market adoption
by individual drivers. We propose a personalized multi-modality sensing and
analysis system that effectively captures and fuses the following signals: (1)
user-specific driving behavior, including speed, acceleration, road and traffic
conditions; and(2)(P)HEv operation profile, including fuel use, battery sys-
tem charge/discharge current and voltage
Accurate characterization and quantification of the relationships between
user-specific driving behavior and(P)hEv energy and environmental impacts
require fine-grained time-stamped, robust sensor readings during users'driv
ing trips, as well as accurate modeling of (P)HEV internal operation mecha
nisms. We propose a two-staged process, as illustrated in Figure 1
1. Multi-modality driver-vehicle sensing: The first stage captures and en
hances the quality of multiple types of sensor data using novel de-noise, cali
bration, and synchronization techniques. It then automatically identifies poten
tial phone-vehicle disorientation and compensates the corresponding sensor
readings at run-time for accurate vchicle movement sensing
Driver-specific(P)HEV analysis: In the second stage, we propose to first
map users' driving behaviors to the corresponding(P)hev operation modes
ffective mode classifier. Then, leveraging battery system modeling and
fuel-CO2 emission modeling, we quantitatively analyze the energy and envi
ronmental impacts of (P)HEVs under specific user driving behavior
3 Multi-modality Driver-Vehicle Sensing
Using multiple types of sensors that are readily available on mobile phones,we
propose techniques to obtain high-quality sensor data for both user driving be-
havior and vehicle movement. The challenge is to achieve personalized, accu-
rate, and run-time data acquisition with minimum inconvenience and obstruc
tion to individual drivers. Specifically, we allow the phone to be unrestricted
in the vehicle (i. e, not mounted in a fixed position), yet still effectively identify
and remove noises and inconsistencies in multiple types of sensor data, as well
as compensating for potential phone-vehicle disorientation
filtered accA
Fig 3. Linear angular acceleration Fig 4. Acceleration noise when vehicle is sta
sensing using accelerometer and gyro- tionary; de-noise via low-pass filtering
3.1 User Driving Behavior Sensing
A user's specific driving behavior can be represented by his/her driving trips
with regard to speed, acceleration, slope, and turning at individual time points
Specifically, speed is directly reported by gPS; slope of the road can be calcu
lated from altitude reported by GPS; acceleration is reported by accelerometer
but requires further compensation by gyroscope; and vehicle turning informa-
tion is derived from gyroscope readings and calibrated by digital compass. as
illustrated in Figure 3, accelerometer and gyroscope can be used to sense lincar
and angular acceleration. By combining the readings of both sensors, detailed
information about the device s six - axis movement in space can be derived
noise of sensor is a major technical barrier to precise sensing. There are two
primary kinds of noise sources. One is intrinsic high frequency noise due to the
combined effects of thermally dependent electrical and mechanical noise [21]
The other is contextual noise caused by vchicle vibration during a trip whose
frequency usually peaks at around 3-5Hz. For example( Figure 4), acceleration
readings ranging from -0.2 to 0. 2m/s- are reported even when the vehicle is
stationary(speed=O). A low-pass filter with 2Hz cutoff frequency is applied
to improve the signal to noise ratio. The noise characteristics of gyroscope are
more complex, which we address later in this section
nother source
the drift of sensor. In particul
calculating the angular position using gyroscope requires integration of noisy
angle change rate readings, which accumulates over time and results in large
drift. Such drift can be potentially compensated by periodically resetting the
yroscope to the known directional source: gravity, which is collected when
ever the phone is determined to be stationary, e.g. when the vehicle is stopped
for traffic light. The acceleration vector of gravity is parallel to the yaw-axis of
the reference coordinate system, which requires special calibration with the dig
ital compass. Figure 5 shows an experiment in which the phone was returned
to the original position after 14 minutes of driving We can see that digital com-
∠ Speed-
Gyro Calibrated 360
Gyro Original 180
Time (S)
Fig. 5. Degree of drift: Digital compass Fig. 6. Unsynchronized (left)vs synchronized
vS. gyroscope(original and calibrated).(right) signals
pass has much less drift than gyroscope. In our system, the gyroscope value is
calibrated whenever the compass reading is steady for a period of time
Using OBd devices, information regarding the(P)hEV operations can also
be collected, including speed, steering, battery system charge/discharge and
fuel use. Such information is used as ground truth in our evaluations. One ma
or challenge lies in appropriate synchronization of multi-modality data from
three different data sources: mobile phone internal combustion engine, and
battery system. As demonstrated in Figure 6, when the vehicle speeds up from
stationary status both current and acceleration should change to non-zero val
ues at the same time, but they did not in the raw monitored data. We propose
to synchronize the multi-modality data streams by maximizing the correlation
between each data stream and the reference data stream
We select acceleration as the reference stream since its noise can be effectively
removed and is more precise than others. We also exploit stops(based on speed
and acceleration to segment each trip into several sub-trips and apply synchro-
nization to cach sub-trip
3.2 Vehicle Movement Sensing
Although it is possible to obtain vehicle movement information by mounting a
phone in a fixed position before each trip, it is cumbersome and inconvenier
for users. Our solution allows the phone to be unrestricted in the vehicle. This
leads to potential phone-vehicle disorientation. Let(X,Y, z) be the vehicle's
Cartesian frame of reference, and(a, 3, 2)be the phonc's frame of reference. As
illustrated in Figure 7, these two frames of reference should be well-oriented
in the ideal case. However the phone may be placed anywhere in the vehicle
(e.g. driver's pocket)at trip start(initial disorientation), and may shift around
during a driving trip(dynamic disorientation). Such disorientation can be sub-
stantial and highly dynamic, as shown in Figure 8
Fig. 7. Frame of ref
orientation of
(red). Left
ented: Middle: initial
disorientation: Right
dynamic disorientation
Initial Disorientation Compensation. The phone's(a, 3, a)axes are disoriented
with respect to the vehicles(x, Y, Z) axes. Leveraging the automatic attitude
initialization method originally proposed by Mohan et al. [20], the rotation ma
trix needs to be calculated and applied to y, and z in sequence in order to
transform arbitrary orientation of (C, y, 2) to(X,Y, 2). According to the defini-
tion of Euler Angle [1], any orientation of the accelerometer can be represented
a p
o of y followed by a tilt 0 of z, and then a post-rotation a of
Y. Thus, the rotation matrices associated with these three rotation angles are
cos o0-sin g
cos o sin00
cos ao-sin a
in 0 cos00,R
noO cOS o
sin a o cos a
reading ar, ag, az] when the vehicle is stationary, i.e. gravity [0, 10/ ometer
nd e can
lated by applying the rotation matrix to the accele
cos 0 sing 0
in 6 cos 0 0
n 0 coS
Thus, 0
Next, we need to estimate the post-rotation a of y. whe
rip starts, the
vehicle goes from stationary to acceleration, producing a force in a known direc-
tion. Suppose that after rotation of o and 0, the acceleration vector [ax, ay, azI
hanges to
az, reflecting the force produced. While in the vchicle's co
ordinate system, only az has a significant value and ax should be 0
summation vector of ax and a is exactly az, and we get a
In the end, we get a rotation matrix R =Ra*Re Ro, which can transform
accelerometer readings of the mobile phone to the vehicle's true accelerations
Note that this approach also works when car starts on a non-flat surface
Dynamic disorientation Compensation Dynamic disorientation is highly un-
predictable and may occur at anytime during a trip. If not detected and cor-
rected in real time, it introduces significant crror to the sensing valuc, as illus
trated in Figure 8. Thus, it needs to be compensated before the measured accel-
eration values can be used We propose a wavelet-based technique, which ana
lyzes the rotation information received from the gyroscope in order to separate
true vehicle movement from contextual noise. This technique is based on multi
resolution analysis [26l, by which a given time-series signal can be decomposed
into multiple wavelet levels, each corresponding to a specific frequency range
Before filtering
After filtering
Fig 8. Error of dynamic disorientation. Fig 9 Gyroscope de-noise using wavelets
One important observation is that vehicle movements and phone movements
have different characteristics and tend to occur in different time-frequency domains,
e.g,vehicle changing lane vs phone moving in driver's pocket Wavelets are
particularly suitable for such joint time-frequency analysis
Wavelet-based gyroscope noise filtering. The gyroscope signal has unique
noise characteristics. True rotation can appear in both high frequency and low
frequency, and signal noise cannot be removed via simple low /high-pass filter
ing. We leverage a wavelet-based de-noise method [23] to improve the signal
quality from gyroscope. Let s(n)=f(n)+ oe(n) be the raw gyroscope signal,
where n is the index of equally-spaced time points, f(n) is the true signal and
e(n)models the noise. We assume e(n) is a Gaussian white noise and the noise
level o equals to 1. We make the following observations: (i) Signal from gyro-
scope should be mostly smooth, with a few abrupt changes caused by vehicle
turning or phones sudden movement. Therefore, it should have only a few
non-zero wavelet coefficients. (ii)A white noise signal is reflected by the coef
ficients at all levels. Also, a Gaussian noise after orthogonal wavelet transform
still preserves the gaussian property. Thus, noise can be estimated by removing
e correla
ted signal at each level. Thus, for each level of decomposed signal,we
select a threshold(0. 2506 based on our experiments) and ignore high-frequency
coefficients whose absolute values are lower than the threshold. we then recon
struct the signal using all remaining coefficients. As we can see in Figure 9, the
gyroscope signal becomes much smoother after wavelet-based de-noise
Wavelet-based movement analysis. Figure 10 schematically depicts the
wavelet-based procedure that is applied to the rotation rate signal acquired
from gyroscope, which is the combination of three-dimensional signals stotal
ich +sroll+ yau. After dwt decomposition using the db6 wavelet func
tion, the energy content of each level is calculated and plotted against the ob
served movements. As shown in Figure 10, attitude change of the phone caused
by vchicle movement and phone movement are well-separated after the de
composition-the former by higher-level wavelet coefficients (low frequency
domain)and the latter by lower-level wavelet coefficients(high frequency do
main). In the left figure, level 4 and 5 coefficients are selected as they correlated
well with true phone movements relative to vehicle(blue vertical lines). In the
right figure, level 1 and 2 coefficients are selected as they correlated well with
rue vehicle turning events
Level 4
Level I
s 10
Level 2
Fig 10. Wavelet-based detection of phone movement(Left) and vehicle turning(Right)
4 Driver-specific (P)HEV Analysis
Given the multi-modality driver-vehicle data that our sensing system collects
our goal is to analyze, quantitatively, how user-specific driving behavior affects
(P)HEV operation, which in turn results in different energy use and env
mental impacts. This has been a challenging problem due to the high complex
ity of (P)HEVS. Leveraging the multi-modality sensing data, we propose an
analysis approach that consists of three key components: (1)Operation mode
classification characterizes the key(P)HEV operation modes and maps user-
specific driving behavior to corresponding operation mode; (2) Energy profile
analysis identifies and quantifies the underlying relationship between(p)heV
electricity and fuel use and different operation modes; and(3)Fuel-CO2 emis-
sion analysis characterizes the relationship between fuel use and greenhouse
gas emIssions
4.1 (P)HEV Operation Mode Classification
First, we investigate the relationship between user driving behavior and (phev
operation. Modeling(P)HEV energy use is a difficult task. On one hand, users
driving behaviors are diverse and vary by road and traffic conditions. On the
other hand, under different conditions, a(P)HEV may be powered by either
battery or fuel, or both, each of which is a complex process. To address these
ssucs,we have identified five operation modes for the Toyota Prius control
system based on the operation animation displayed on dashboard. The modes
are illustrated in Figure 11. Mode 1: Only the battery system is used to drive
the vehicle. It occurs primarily during city driving with low speed Mode 2
Extra energy (e. g breaking) is harnessed by the vehicle to charge the batter
system. It happens when the vehicle is decelerating. Mode 3: Both the ICE and
battery system are providing energy to drive the vehicle. It happens when the
Motor Vehicle
Motor VehicteMotor
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 4
Mode 5
Fig. 11. Categorization of (P)HEV operation modes under different driving scenarios
Gear Set
Fig. 12(PHEV en
ergy pre
ofile ana
sis. Engine and bat-
the power demand
of the vehicle
vehicle is driving at high speed and needs massive amount of energy to sustain
the movement Mode 4: ICE is charging the battery system. It occurs when the
energy generated by ICE exceeds the need to maintain the vehicle movement
Mode 5: ICE is both charging the battery system and powering the vehicle.It
typically occurs when the battery's SOC (state of charge) is very low while the
vehicle has high energy demand
Based on our analysis of real-world user driving data, we choose to use
speed, acceleration, acceleration change, and altitude as the input for(p)hev
operation mode classification. We then construct a decision tree using the cart
method [5]. The output of the model is the working status of the engine(on or
off)and the battery system(charging or discharging
4.2(P)HEV Energy Profile Analysis
Based on the different operation modes, we develop an analytical (P)HEV model
specifically for Toyota Prius in MAtLAB. Prius adopts series-parallel structure
in its drive-train, where the engine, generator/motor and traction motor are
coupled together through the planetary gear set to provide the demanded trac
tion power. The driving power requirement is distributed between the motor
and ice depending on the different modes and user-specific driving behavior
co us procedure is illustrated in Figure 12. Mathematically, battery energy use
can be expressed as [13]
where AsoC is the change of SOC, which is the integration of the exchanged
energy between motors and battery system. nG and nM are the efficiency of gen
erator /motor and traction motor respectively. They are functions of(TG, wG)
and(fm, wM) respectively, where T represents output torque and w represents
angular speed And fuel consumption can be calculated b
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