文件名称: ArduPilot 中用到的 Rotation Vector in Attitude Estimation
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 详细说明:ArduPilot 中用于EKF2公式推导的参考文档 Rotation Vector in Attitude EstimationPITTELKAU Observe also that although a composition rule ( o 2 for XI. Note that in both approaches the attitude perturbation is defined otation vectors can be written(see Appendix), it is not globally by a composition, S=o(-)and dg=g q. therefore, the nonsingular. However, q()=g(,o 2)=g(o,) q(2) and atlitude updale should be defined by a conposition Scbc d or 64 8 4 A( )=A(O,0)=A(1)A(?)can be regarded as nonsingular rather than an additive update. The estimation error for the rotation equivalents. We will make use of this fact in choosing the lineariza vectors, however, defined by S=sp-8. The a priori estimated tion point for the bortz equation and also in formulating the attitude So is zero and is updated additively by the EKF propagation and update equations Equation( 18)and the bias equation together in matrix form are Linearized state equation ×]I[601,「mn The bortz equation is augmented with the bias state to form the 00肠b (19) Sh state equation 中4+中x+立中x(中x4) where, to first order, the coeficient matrix is F()in Eq(14). The discrete-time solution to this equation is b 0 where w is given by Eq (8). Thc augmented statc cquation can be Sxk k-1Sxk-1tTk-Iwk-I (20) written=f(r) The approximated Bortz equation(11)must be linearized about where the state transition matrix k-1=pk-1(Ik)=p(tk, tk-1)is some state trajectory i in order to build an EKE. Thus we seek the given b linearized state equation x= F(r)ax, where k-1()=4(-1+x,4-少「R(-1()S(中-1() (14) (21) b evaluated at T=Tk, where Tk=tr-tk-1. The rotation vector a ab pok-(t)is, to first order, the solution to Eq.(16). This approxima tion is removed by letting k-I(t) be the solution (tk-1+t)to We can consider the estimated body frame to be an instantaneousl Eg (15)with initial condition( k-1)=0. Dcfinc=k-1(t)and fixed inertial reference at the time of each measurement update p=l The matrices R and S are given by (think of taking a snapshot of a moving frame). The Bortz equation then describes the evolution of the attitude relative to this inertial reference starting at ( k-1=0, where tk -i is the time of the mea R()=(cos p)I SIn pp cos [中×+ surement update We seek a state transition matrix for the purpose of covariance propagation. The simplest linearization is about =0, but with some effort we can define a better linearization than that consider S(d)= sin p cos yp 1×1+(g-s:ng d the referencetrajectory (t)given by the solution to the Bortz equa tion for small rotations (22b) d (15) The state transition matrix(2 1)is used only for propagatingthe EKF variance according to in the time interval E[k-1,t ], where (k-1)=0,w=w +b, is the angular rate reference, and b is the bias reference The bias refer- kk P 1k-1k-1k-1 Q ence trajectory b will be the a priori estimated bias, as is customary in an eKF where 2I- is the discrete-time process noise covariance(of For the purpose of linearization, we can ignore the second-order Tk-1Wk-1). This is related to the continuous-time process noise term中x(qx)inEq.(11)andφx(中×)inEq.(15, and so by the reference trajectory is approximately the solution to the coning equation k-1(1)Gk-1(1)(k-1(1)(k-1()Φk-1(1)d q=+=φ (16) Q The rotation error between the true rotation vector o from Eg (11 where Qk-1(1)=diag(Σa,Σ),Gk-1=l6,and and the reference from Eq (15)is obtainedfrom the composition rule for small rotations Eq(A4) O 6=o(-) φ-φ+bφ×φ (17) where o the variance of the angle white noise at the output of the with So(t-1)=0. Differentiating this and simplifying(and omit gyro. The discrete-time process noise covariance matrix is, to first ting second-order terms)yields, with 8b=b-b, 6=-×8中+bb+a 8) 2+Ta2+ O This copacetic result is equivalent to Eq. (135)of Ref. 1, Sec. XI, Tall where S=28g for the &q defined therein. In fact, this result can he derived by using quaternions parameterized by the small-angle rotation vectors and the procedureis the same as in Ref 1, Sec. where T= Tk PITTELKAU Filter State Propagation Filter State Update In general, w is not colinear with q because its direction can vary The rot ation vector estimate and bias perturbation estimate are with time. This is especially true of highly maneuverablespacecraft updated according to Coning motion will reduce the accuracy of the attitude estimate un less the attitude reference is propagated at a very high rate. This is 中k usually accomplished by propagating the attitude quaternion with 84k-1+Kk (30) each gyro sample, which is inefficient if it is performed at a high rate. Savage gives general algorithms for numerically integrating where the bortz equation for attitude propagation using the gyro mea- SureInents. We present one of the simplest of such algorithIns to propagate the reference state equation (15) (31) In this algorithm the gyro sampling and the attitude propagation 8b are performed at a fast rate and the attitude measurement and filter update are performed at a slow rate. Let T be the fast cycle interval is the a priori estimate of the rotation vector relative to the attitude Ts the slow cycle interval, and m the number of fast cycles per slow frame represented by gulk-I. We also have the Kalman gain matrix cycle such that Tf=Ts/m. Let Ok.e be the gyro measurement al Kk=Pkk-1Hk(Hk|Hk +), where Rk is the measure time tk +(e-1)Tf and OK,0=0k-Im. The following propagation ment covariance. The residual vk and the measurement sensitivit algorithm from Ref. 11, Eqs.(46)and(47), is one of the simplest matrix Hk correspond to one of the measurement types defined in a later section and most efficient that can account for coning. For 1o:(frame r-frame b), we can use the first-order cient to compute the measurement sensitivity matrix approximation A()ci-[ox], and so we have H (38) v=TSA(o5) The derived measurement meas is easily and accurately computed from the quaternion quotient TA()A(: )v q(φm)=q8(G8) TA(φ) (39) cT,(I-[φ×)y where q" is the quaternion measurement at time k(which represents the attitude of the measured sensor frame m), s is the body-to =Tbv+Tb×|φ (45 sensor trans fornation quaternion, and 4=9k1k-1 is the a priories timated attitude quaternion given by Eq (28a). Note that the derived noting that the r frame coincides with the b frame when =0, we measurement meas is also the residual vr(also called the predic obtain tion error or innovations )because the a priori estimate of s p is zero (The a priori estimate is zero unless multiple updates are performed dy without moving the estimate to nonsingular storage for efficiency =T[v3×] reasons, in which case the residual is simply vk =dmeas -S. φ=0 If the filter is initialized such that H, P1oHi > Rl, then So(ts)meas so that after moving the attitude information into The measurement sensitivity matrix for the vector sensor is then the quaternion we get /n0-v/(v) q=q(中)②q1 2) T5p”×](47) g()m)8q0 01/n2-2/( (40) where the vectors v'=(Ur, Us, Us)and y" are computed using the a priori estimate of thc attitude quaternion. The prcdictcd measure where the difference between the m frame and the s frame is the ment is given by measurement noise. This filter is well behaved because the esti- mated quaternion equals the measured quaternion converted to the =h(G) body frame when the initial reference attitude is far from the first Measured attitude and the initial covariance is very large (ideally where infinite). In general, nonlinear filters should be initialized with an estimate near the true state to avoid possible divergence problems 讠=TA(,)v (49) For vector sensors which do not observe attitude about their line of determination filter as described in the Initialization section ttitude sight, it is a matter of good general practice to initialize the andA(D=A, the a prioriestimated attitude from eg. (28b) (Note that vh can be computed directly IrOIn qEIk-1 So that Akk-I also have to be computed. The residual is simply Sensitivity matrix: Focal Plane measurements .= Consider a vector v=lu r, us, u in the sensor reference frame s that is measured by some generally nonlinear function with Sensitivity Matrix: Vector Measurements additive noise e The measurement function for a three-axis magnetometer is y=h(w)+∈ y=ν+ For a focal plane measurement Because the three-axis magnetometer is a true vector sensor all three axes are measured, and so ah/ a(v)=I.The measurement sensitivity matrix IS y (42) (51) The predicted measurement is given by We nccd to compute the measurement sensitivity matrix (52) dh dy H ch(v) pa()70 (43) and the residual is simply Dk=yr-yx 860 PITTELKAU Initialization For small I and small p2, we can make the approximation A correct implementation of any nonlinear filter, including an attitude determination filter-correct in the sense of good design φ=φ1+中2-中1X中 (A4) practice and numerically robust-would initialize the reference at- titude with a quaternion measurement or a quaternion derived from Based on this result, a first-order attitude propagation(integration) vector measurements so that the initial attitude error is no greater algorithm can be written for rate-integrating gyros. It is only first order because the rotation vector is not equal to the integral of the than the measurement error. This avoids linearization problems and concomitant convergence problems. The attitude covariance is ini- angular rate in the presence of coning motion. For small angula tialized to the measurement error covariance. The measurement up increments this first-order algorithm is equivalent to accumulating dale is then nowhere near a singularity, and subsequent prediction the angular increments with the computationally more deManding errors and state updates are small. A large initial bias error is of no quaternion product q(中)=q(1)8q(中2) consequences long as the bias covariances initializedaccordingly Acknowledgment Conclusions The idea for this paper arose during a discussion with Landis Markley of the nasa goddard Space Flight Center at a conference The differential equation for the evolution of the rotation vector, known as the Bortz equation, was introduced as a kinematic model in 2001 where I ex pressed concern that some liberties apparently for attitude determination. Although the bortz equation exhibits a had been taken in the development of the attitude determination filter in Ref. 1. I thank Landis for his interest in this paper singularity, as do all three-dimensional attitude parameterizations singularity is avoided by storing the attitude informationin a quater References nion or direction cosine matrix (DCM)and by maintaining the rota tion vector near zero. The quaternionor DCM itselfis not an intrinsic Lefferts, E.J., Markley, F. 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Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Academic Press is globally nonsingular New York. 1981 《知网查重限时7折最高可优惠120元「立即检测 本科定稿,硕博定稿,查重结果与学校一致 免费论文查重:htp:/www.paperyy.com 3亿免费文献下载:htp:/www.ixueshu.com 超值论文自动降重:htp:www.paperyy.com/reduce_repetition PPT免费模版卜载:htp:pptxushu.com 阅读此文的还阅读了: 1. Attitude Coordination Control of Spacecraft Formation Flying Using Rotation Matrix 2. RESEARCH OF SENSORLESS VECTOR CONTROL SYSTEM AND SPEED ESTIMATION Shield Attitude Rectification Decision Based on Support Vector Data Description 4. Particle Filter Based Attitude Estimation with Inertial Measurement Units 5. 6-DOF MOTION AND CENTER OF ROTATION ESTIMATION BASED ON STEREO VISION 6. Sine rotation vector Method for Attitude estimation of an Underwater robot 7. Adaptive robust cubature Ka.man filtering for satellite attitude estimation 8.一种改进的旋转欠量姿态算法 9. An Optimal Estimation Method for Multi-Velocity Vector Integration in Spacecraft Celestial Navigation 10. Aircraft Attitude estimation bascd on central differencc kalman filter 11.A New Rotation Estimation and Recovery Algorithm 12. SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE APPROACH TO DRAG COEFFICIENT OESTIMATION 13. Marginalized particle filter for spacecraft attitude estimation from vector measurements 14.Application of the sun line-of-sight vector in the optimal attitude estimation of deep-space probe OA estimation for attitude determination on communication satellites 16. Quadrotor Aircraft Attitude Estimation and Control Based on Kalman Filter 17.一种单子样旋转矢量姿态算法 18.Application of the sun linc-of-sight vector in the optimal attitude estimation of decp-space probe 19.IEEE 2013 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP)-Beijing, China(201 20.6-DOF MOTION AND CENTER OF ROTATION ESTIMATION BASED ON STEREO VISION 21. Distributed High-Gain Attitude Synchronization Using Rotation Vectors 22.三周期旋转矢量姿态算法研究 23. Distributed High-Gain Attitude Synchronization Using Rotation Vectors 24. Estimation of the Attitude in an Industrial Robot: An Unit Quaternion Approach 25. Multi-invariance MUSIC Algorithm for DOA Estimation in Acoustic Vector-Sensor Array 26. Iterated Unscented Kalman Filter for Spacecraft Attitude Estimation 27. Rotation Vector in Attitude estimation 28 Rotation vector in Attitude estimation 29. Attitude Estimation of 3-DOF Lab Helicopter Based on Optical Flow 30 Distributed High-Gain Attitude Synchronization Using Rotation Vectors 31 On Optimum Data Vector for InSAR Interferometric Phase Estimation 32. Estimation of airspeed based on acoustic vector sensor al 33 Propagator Method Based Two-Dimensional DO A Estimation for Acoustic Vector-Sensor Array 34 2-D DOA and Polarization Estimation of LFM signals with One Electromagnetic Vector Sensor 35. Rotation-invariant scene matching with multi-sample parallel estimation in volume holographic correlator 36. Attitude Determination System Based on Rotation Mechanism and Beidou Receivers 37. A method for improving the precision of motion vector estimation based on gyroscope 38.A UAV Aided Method for Ship Attitude Estimation 39. ESTIMATION OF 2-D DOA JOINT FREQUENCY OF SIGNAL VIA A SINGLE VECTOR HYDROPHONE 40 Feasibility analysis for attitude estimation based on pulsar polarization measurement 41. Parameter Estimation of Distributed Sources with Electromagnetic Vector Sensors 42.等效旋转矢量法在旋转弹姿态解算中的应用 43 In-flight Misalignment Attitude Estimation for UAV Based on GPS and UKF/MPF Filter 44 DOA estimation for attitude determination on communication satellites 45.扩展旋转欠量捷联姿态算法 46 Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Dominant Orientation Estimation Based on Gabor Filters 47.旋转矢量航姿算法的一种新的表达式 48. Color Optical Flow Estimation Based on Vector Homogeneity Analysis 49. Venture capital project estimation based on cost sensitive support vector machines 0.MVM-DCT域的运动矢量估计



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