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 详细说明:NULL 博文链接:https://xoyozo123.iteye.com/blog/1071185CICS Transaction Server for z/os Ⅴ ersion4 Release l Resource definition guide sc347000-01 Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in"Notices" on page 887. This edition applies to Version 4 Release 1 of CICs Transaction Server for 7/oS(product number 5655-597)and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions C Copyright IBM Corporation 1982, 2010 US Government Users Restricted Rights-Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with ibm c orb Contents Preface .,.,... xi I Chapter 5. ATOMSERVICE resources 37 What this book is about ATOMSERVICE attributes 37 Who should read this book What you need to know to understand this book Chapter 6. BUNDLE resources 41 Notes on terminology BUNDLE attributes Use of the dollar symbol($) Syntax notation Chapter 7 CoNNECTION resources . 45 Changes in CICS Transaction Server stalling connection definitions CONNECTION attributes for z/os. version 4 Release 1 Chapter 8. CORBASERVER resources 61 Part 1. resource definition.,.1 Installing Corbaserver definitions 61 CORBASERVER: related resources Chapter 1. An overview of resource CORBASERVER: interrelated attributes definition 3 CORbASERVER attributes Methods for defining resources Using the CSD and control tables together Chapter 9. DB2CONN resources....71 Where resource definitions are held Installing DB2 connection definitions How resource definitions are organized Checks on definitions of db2 connection Commands for managing resources resources Shared resources for intercommunication DB2conn attributes Security of resource definitions General attributes Auditing resources Connection attributes .74 The definition signature for resource definitions 14 Pool thread attribute The installation signature for resource definitions 16 Command thread attributes Summary of the resource signature field values 17 Getting started with resource definition 18 Chapter 10. DB2ENTRY resources...83 Installing dB2 entry definitions Chapter 2. CSD file management 21 Checks on definitions of db2 entry resources Compatibility mode(Csd file sharing DB2ENTRY attributes Creating a CSD file General attributes Thread selection attributes Chapter 3 Groups and lists. .....23 Thread operation attributes 85 What should be in a group? How many resource definitions should a group Chapter 11. DB2TRAN resources ...89 contain? 24 Checks on definitions of db2 transaction resources 89 Setting up lists for initialization 24 Installing dB2 transaction definitions Using several lists DB2TRAN attribute Creating groups and lists Wildcard characters for transaction IDs Checking groups and lists of resource definitions for consistency Chapter 12. DJAR resources 93 Defining deployed JAR files using the CICs Chapter 4. Resource definition scanning mechanism installation 29 Installing deployed JAR files What happens when CICS is initialized DJAR attributes nitial or cold start Warm or emergency start Chapter 13. DOCTEMPLATE resources 99 What happens when you use the INSTALL DOCTEMPLATE attributes command How to install a limited number of data definitions 30 Chapter 14. ENQMODEL resources 103 Duplicate resource definition names Installing enqueue model definitions 104 ENOMODEL attributes 104 Part 2. RDO resources 33 O Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2010 Chapter 15. FILE resources 107 Chapter 30 SESSION resources .. 215 Remote files Installing session definitions 216 Coupling facility data tables SESSIONS attributes 217 Shared data tables 109 Installing file definitions 109 Chapter 31. TCPIPSERVICE resources 229 FILE attributes 109 TCPIPSERVICE: interrelated attributes TCPIPSERVICE attributes Chapter 16. IPCONN resources 129 Installing ipconn definitions 9 Chapter 32. TDQUEUE resources 243 IPCONN attributes Dual-purpose resource detinition for transient data 243 Installing transient data queue definitions 244 Chapter 17. JOURNALMODEL Replacing existing transient data queue definitions 244 resources 139 Disabling transient cata queues JOURNALMODEL attributes 140 TDQUEUE attributes 245 The default journalmodel 144 Required TDQUEUE definitions Examples 145 Chapter 33. TERMINAL resources... 265 Chapter 18. JVMSERVER resources 147 Terminals for printing 265 JVMSERVER attributes 147 rioters Associating printers with display devices... 267 Chapter 19. LIBRARY resources .. 149 Pipeline terminal definitions 267 Installing LIBrarY resource definitions 149 Defining pipeline terminals LIBRARY attributes Devices with LDC lists APPC(LUTYPE6.2) single session terminal 2 Chapter 20. LSRPOOL resources 153 Terminals for transaction routing LSRPOOL attributes Terminal definitions used in transaction routing 270 .154 Making partial definitions available for transaction routing Chapter 21. MAPSET resources 161 APPC devices for transaction routin MAPSET attributes l62 Transaction routing--summary Installing terminal definitions Chapter 22. MQCONN resources 165 Checking terminal definitions 279 MOCONN attributes 165 TERMINAL attributes 280 Chapter 23. PaRTITIONSET resources 169 Chapter 34. TRANCLASS resources 293 PARTITIONSET attributes 170 TRANCLASS attributes 293 Chapter 24. PARTNER resources...173 Chapter 35 TRANSACTION resources 297 Installing partner definitions 173 TRANSACTION attributes 298 PaRtNER attributes 174 Chapter 36. TSMODEL resources... 315 Chapter 25 PIPELINE resources 177 TSMODEL attributes 315 PIPELINE attributes 177 Chapter 37. TYPETERM resources 319 Chapter 26. PROCESSTYPE resources 181 Default values for TYPeteRM attributes 321 PROCESSTYPE attributes Devices supported Extended recovery (XRF) for terminals 331 Chapter 27 PROFILE resources 185 TYPETERM attributes 333 PROFILE attributes Chapter 38. URIMAP resources... 361 Chapter 28 PROGRAM resources.. 193 Installing URIMAP resource definitions URIMAP: related resources 362 PROGRAM attributes .193 URIMAP attributes 363 Chapter 29. REQUESTMODEL Chapter 39 WeBSeRVIcE resources 377 resources 205 Installing WEBSERVICE resource definitions Installing request models .206 WEBSERVICE attributes 378 REQUESTMODEL attributes 206 Examples Iv CICS TS for z/OS 4. 1: Resource Definition Guide Part 3. Defining resources 381 The autoinstall control program for mvs consoles Autoinstalling APPC connections Chapter 40. Resource definition online Implementing appc connection autoinstall 482 RDO transaction CEDA n.383 Model definitions for connection autoinstall 483 The Ceda transaction tutorial 383 The autoinstall control program for connections 483 Accessing Ceda .383 Recovery and restart for connection autoinstall 484 Using the CEDa Panels 383 Autoinstalling IPIC connections 484 the command line Autoinstalling programs, map sets, and partition Displaying messages 394 sets 485 Using CEDA HELP 394 Implementing program autoinstall 485 CEDA panel functions Cataloging for program autoinstall 486 Resource management transaction CEDA Model definitions for program autoinstall 487 commands 404 The autoinstall control program for programs 48 The CEDA add command 405 Program autoinstall and recovery and restart 488 The CEDa△ LTER command 406 Autoinstalling model terminal definitions The CEDA APPEND command 408 Autoinstalling journals The CEDA CHECK command 408 The ceda copy command 410 Chapter 43. Macro resource definition 491 The CEDa define command 413 Introduction to CICs control tables and macr The CEDA DELEtE command ,415 Using the CSD and control tables togetherS 494 The CEDA DISPLAY command 417 The CEDA EXPaNd command Format of macros 494 419 The cida instal. command Defining resources in CICS Defining control tables to CICS 497 The Ceda lock command 424 The CEDA moVe command Assembling and link-editing control tables: the 425 498 The CEDA REMOVE command DFHAUPLE Procedure CLT and list table The CEDA RENAME command 429 Control section --DFHCLT TYPE-INITIAL.. 502 The CEDa unlock command 430 The CEDA USErDefine command pecifying alternate systens--DFHCLT TYPE=LISTSTART The CEDA VIeW command 435 Specifying takeover commands--DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND Chapter 41. The resource definition Messages to the operator--DFHCLT batch utility DFHCSDUP 437 TYPE=WTO 504 System definition file utility program(DFHCSDUP)437 Closing the command list--DFHCIT Sharing the csd between CICS Transaction TYPE=LISTEND Server for z/oS, Version 4 Release 1 and earlier PDIR-DL/I directory 505 releases .,438 Control section--DFHDLPSB TYPE=INITIAL 50 Invoking DFHCSDUP as a batch program .438 Program specification blocks-DFHDLPSB Invoking the dFhCSdUP program from a user TYPE=ENTRY 505 Program 441 FCT--file control table 506 Rules for the syntax and preparation of Control section--DFHFCT TYPE=INITIAL.. 507 commands for the DFHCSDUP program Local files--DFHFCT TYPE=FILE 507 Command processing in DFHCSDUP following DFHFCT example internal error detection 444 MCT-monitoring control table 515 Resource management utility DFHCSDUI Control section--DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL.. 515 commands 444 User event monitoring points-DFHMCT TYPE=EMP Chapter 42 Autoinstall 465 Control data recording-DFHMCT Autoinstall models 465 TYPE=RECORD Autoinstall control program 465 DFHMCT examples··· 532 Autoinstalling VTAM terminals PLT--program list table 533 Deciding which terminals to autoinstall 466 Control section -DFHPLT TYPE=INITIAL 534 utoinstall and VTAM 468 Entries in program list table--DFHPLT Implenenting VTAM autoinstall 471 TYPE=ENTRY 534 Recovery and restart of autoinstalled terminal DFHPLT example 536 definitions RST--recoverable service table 537 Autoinstalling MVS consoles Control section--DFHRST TYPE=INITIAL 538 Implementing autoinstall for Mvs consoles .478 Recoverable service elements--DFHRST TYPE=RSE .538 DBCTL subsvstems-DFHRST TYPE=SUBSYS 538 Contents DEHRST Part 4. Resource definition online SRT--system recovery table Control section--DFHSRT TYPE=INITIAL... 539 (RDO transaction CEDA .595 Abend codes--DFHSRT TYPE-SYSTEM I USER 540 DFHSRT example 1 Chapter 46. The CEDA transaction TCT-terminal control table 541 tutorial 597 DFHTCT logical device codes: VTAM non-3270 546 Accessing CeDa ..597 Using the CEDa panels 597 Sequential devices Creating a resource definition 598 Remote terminals for transaction routing Displaying a resource definition 600 DEHTCT: CICs terminals li Altering a resource definition 605 TLT--terminal list table 563 Copying a resource definition .605 Control section--DFHTLT TYPE-INITIAL 564 .606 Entries in terninal list table--DFHTLT Creating a resource definition 607 TYPE=ENTRY 565 Renaming a resource definition 607 DFHTLT example 565 Moving a resource definition 607 TST--temporary storage table 566 Checking resource definitions 607 Control section--DFHTST TYPE-INITIAL Removing resource definitions from the CSD file 608 Recoverable temporary storage--DFHTST Displaying messages 608 TYPTERECOVERY Using CEDA HELP 608 Local temporary storage--DFHTST CEDA Panel functions TYPE=LOCAL 569 Using abbreviations .613 Remote temporary storage--DFHTST Changing attribute values 614 TYPE=REMOTE 570 Using the pl keys 615 emporary storage security checking-DFHTST Generic naming in CEDA TYPE=SECURITY Entering mixed-case attributes 617 Temporary storage data sharing-DFHTST TYPE=SHARED 572 Chapter 47. Resource management DFHTST example XIT-transaction list table 574 transaction Ceda commands,,,, 619 Control section--DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL .575 The CEDA add command .619 Entries in transaction list table--DFHXLT The CEDA ALtER command TYPE=ENTRY The CEDA APPEND command DFHXLT example 576 The CEDA CheCK command The CEDA COPy command Chapter 44. Defining application The CEDA DEFINE 630 bundles The CEDA DELEtE command 577 The CEDA DisPl. Ay command Application types that support bundles 578 The CEDa DISPLAy group command 634 Manifest contents The CEDA DISPLAY LIST command 634 Scoping of bundles .580 The CEDA EXPAND command Recovery of resources in bundles 581 The CEDA EXPAND GROUP command 636 The cEDA eXpaNdl.st command 637 Chapter 45. Defining terminal The CEDA INSTALL command resources 583 The CEDA LOCK command ..640 Defining vTam terminals 583 The CEDA MoVe command 641 Defining CICs terminal resources to VTAM 583 The CEDA ReMove command Defining terminal resources to CICs The CEDa rename command Defining the terminal shutdown time limit The CEDA uNlOCK command 646 Choosing an appropriate value for TCSWAIT 585 The CEDA USERDEFINE command Terminal shutdown time limit facility The CEDA VIEW command .651 estriction 585 Defining remote TCAM terminals Part 5. the resource definition Defining sequential (BsAM) devices batch utility DFHCSDUP 653 Defining a sequential device with START equests 587 Terminating Chapter 48. System definition file Defining console devices utility program(DFHCSDUP) 655 Defining console devices to CICS Sharing the csd between cics transaction server Defining VTAM persistent sessions support for z/os, Version 4 Release 1 and earlier releases 656 XRF conSiderations .594 Invoking DFhCsdup as a batch program 656 VI CICS TS for z/OS 4. 1: Resource Definition Guide Invoking the DFHCSDUP program from a user Chapter 53. Autoinstalling APPC program connections ,,,705 Entry parameters for the DFHCSDUP program 659 706 Responsibilities of the user program 660 Implementing APPC connection autoinstall Rules for the syntax and preparation of commands Model definitions for connection autoinstall 706 for the DFHCSdUP program The autoinstall control program for connections 661 Recovery and restart for connection autoinstall.. 708 Command processing in DFHCSDUP following ternal error detection Resource management utility DFHCSDUP Chapter 54 Autoinstalling IPIC commands 662 connections 709 The dthcsdup add command .,662 The dFHCSDUP alter command 663 The dFhCsDUP aPpend command Chapter 55 Autoinstalling programs, 711 665 map sets, and partition sets The DFhCsdUP CoPY command The dFHCSDUP define command Implementing program autoinstall Cataloging for program autoinstall The dfhCsdup delete command 670 Model definitions for program autoinstall 713 The dFHCSDUP eXtract command The autoinstall control program for programs The DFHCsDUP INITialIZe command 674 When the autoinstall control program is The DFHCsDUP List cornmand 674 invoked for program autoinstall 713 The dfhcsdup process command The dfhCsdup remove command 677 Sample programs Program autoinstall functions 714 The dFhCsdup scan command .677 Program autoinstall and recovery and restart...714 The dfhCsduP service command 680 The DFHCSDUP UPGRADE command 680 The dFhcsDuP verify command 681 Chapter 56. Autoinstalling model terminal definitions n715 Part 6. Autoinstall 683 Chapter 57 Autoinstalling journals 717 Chapter 49 Autoinstall models.... 685 Part 7. macro resource definition 719 Chapter 50 Autoinstall control 687 Chapter 58. Introduction to CICS program control tables and macros 721 Chapter 51. Autoinstalling VTAM Jsing the (sn and control tables together 724 Format of macros 724 terminals .689 TYPE=INITIAL (control section) .,724 Deciding which terminals to autoinstall TYPE=FINAL(end of table) utomatic transaction initiation 68 The tcl user area (TCTUa) The terminal list table (tlt 690 Chapter 59. Defining resources in Transaction routing CICS control tables 727 .utoinstall and output-only devices Defining control tables to CICS Autoinstall and vtam 691 Assembling and link-editing control tables: the The process of logging on to CiCS using DFHAUPLE Procedure 729 autoinsta Steps in the DFHAUPLE procedure What happens when the user logs off 694 Implernenting VTAM autoinstall 694 Chapter 60. CLT-command list table 733 Recovery and restart of autoinstalled terminal Control section-DTHCIT TYPE=INITIAI 733 definitions Specifying alternate systems-DFHCLT What happens at CICs restart 697 TYPE=LISTSTART 734 Automatic sign-off, logoff, and tctte deletion 698 Specifying takeover commands--DFHCLT TYPE=COMMAND 73 Chapter 52 Autoinstalling Mvs Messages to the operator--DFHCLT TYPE=WTO 736 Implementing autoinstall for MvS consoles -.701 consoles Closing the command list--DFHCLT 736 702 TYPE=LISTEND Defining model TErMinAL definitions for consoles Chapter 61. PDIR-DL/ directory...737 Specifying automatic preset security 703 Control section-DTHDLPSB TYPE-INITIAI 737 The autoinstall control program for MVS consoles 704 Program specification blocks--DFHDLPSB TYPE=ENTRY 737 Contents V1l Chapter 62. FCT--file control table 739 DIHTCT: CICS terminals list 799 Control section--DFHFCT TYPE-INITIAL .739 VTAM terminals .800 Local files-DFHFCT TYPE=FILE 739 Summary table 746 Chapter 68. TLT--terminal list table 801 DFHFCT example 747 Control section--DFHTLT TYPE=INITIAL 801 Entries in terminal list table--DFHTIT Chapter 63. MCT--monitoring control TYPE=ENTRY 802 table 749 DFHTLT examp 803 Control section--DFHMCT TYPE=INITIAL 749 User event monitoring points--DFHMCT Chapter 69. TST--temporary storage TYPE=EMP table 805 Control data recording--DFHMCT TYPE=RECORD 757 Control section--DFHTST TYPE=INITIAL 806 DFHMCT examples 765 Recoverable temporary storage--DFHTST TYPE=RECOVERY 807 Chapter 64. Plt--program list table 769 ocal temporary storage-DFHTST TYPE=LOCAL 808 Control section--DFHPLT TYPE-INITIAL 770 Remote temporary storage--DFHTST Entries in program list table--DFHPLT TYPE=REMOTE 808 TYPE=ENTRY Temporary storage security checkin DFHTST DFHPLT example .771 TYPE=SECURITY Temporary storage data sharing-DFHTST Chapter 65. RST-recoverable service TYPE=SHARED 811 table 773 DFHTST example Control section -DFHRST TYPEFINITIAL 773 Recoverable service elements--DFHRST TYPE=RSE 773 Chapter 70. XLT-transaction list table 813 DBCTL subsystems--DFHRST TYPE=SUBSYS 774 Control section--DFHXLT TYPE=INITIAL .813 DEHRST example 774 Entries in transaction list table DFHXLT TYPE=ENTRY 814 Chapter 66. SRT-system recovery DFHXLT example 815 table 775 Control section--DFHSRT TYPE=INITIAL Part 8. Appendixes 817 Abend codes--DFHSRT TYPE=SYSTEM I USER DFHSRT example Appendix A Obsolete attributes .. 819 Obsolete attributes- when were they supporled?.819 Obsolete attributes retained for compatibility Chapter 67. TCT-terminal control table 779 DFHTCT macro types 780 Appendix B. CICS-supplied resource Control section--DFHTCT TYPE=INITIAL 781 definitions, groups, and lists.... 827 Migrating tct definitions--DFHICT delist definitions 827 TYPE=GROUP CICS-supplied groups not in DFHLIST 38 DFHTCT logical device codes: VTAM non-3270..783 CICS-supplied compatibility groups 839 Logical device codes-DFHTCT TYPE-LDC nacro 786 Ta CICs the CsD between different releases of Logical device codes--DFHTCT TYPE-LDCLIST 790 The sample application program groups 840 DFHTCT examples: LDC 790 CiCs transactions supplied by IBM 843 Sequential devices .791 TYPETERM definitions in group DFHTYPE... 857 JCL for sequential devices 791 Model terminal definitions in group DFHTERM 862 Sequential devices-DFHTCT TYPE-SDSCI ..792 PROFILE definitions in group DFHEP Sequential devices--DFHTCT TYPE=LINE . 793 PROFILE definitions in group DFHISC .865 Sequential devices--DFHTCT PROFiLE definitions in group DFHSTAND ... 866 TYPE=TERMINAL Model definitions in group DFHPGAIP 868 Remote terminals for transaction routing TCPIPSERVICE definition in group DFHSSOT 9 Remote definitions for terminals for transaction routing 796 Appendix C. Attribute cross-reference Remote terminals, method 1--DFHTCT tables ,871 TYPE=REGION 871 Remote terminals, method 1-DFHTCT Macro operand to RDO attribute TYPE=TERMINAL RDO attribute to macro operand Remote terminals, method 2--DFHTCT TYPE=REMOTE 798 Notices 887 Vlll CICS TS for z/OS 4.1: Resource Definition Guide



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