文件名称: Java web Filter 简介和工作原理
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 详细说明:NULL 博文链接:https://419443161-qq-com.iteye.com/blog/542335O Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission. 436 Chapter 9 Servlet and jsP Filters Second, it lets you separate high-level access decisions from presentation code This is particularly valuable with JSP, where you usually want to keep the page almost entirely focused on presentation, not business logic. For example, do you want to block access from certain sites without modifying the individual pages to which these access restrictions apply? No probleIn: create an access restriction filter(Section 9.8 and apply it to as many or few pages as you like Finally, filters let you apply wholesale changes to many different resources. Do ou have a bunch of existing resources that should remain unchanged except that the company name should be changed? No problem: make a string replacement filter (Section 9.10)and apply it wherever appropriate Remember, however, that filters work only in servers that are compliant with ver- sion 2.3 of the servlet specification. If your Web application needs to support older servers, you cannot use filters Core Warning Filters fail in servers that are compliant only with version 2. 2 or earlier versions of the servlet specification 9.1 Creating Basic Filters Creating a filter involves five basic steps 1. Create a class that implements the Filter interface. Your class will need three methods: do, init, and destroy. The doFilter method contains the main filtering code(see Step 2), the init method performs setup operations, and the destroy method does cleanup 2. Put the filtering behavior in the doFilter mcthod. The first argunent to the doFilter Inethod is a ServletRequest object This object gives your filter full access to the incoming information includingformdatacookiesandhttprequestheadersThesecond argument is a ServletResponse; it is mostly ignored in simple fil- ters. The final argument is a Filterchain; it is used to invoke the servlet or jSP page as described in the next step 3. Call the doFilter method of the Filterchain object The doFllt thod of the filter interface takes a filtercha object as one of its arguments. When you call the doFilter method Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com ServletandjSptrainingcourseshttp://courses.moreservlets.com/ o Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission 9.1 Creating Basic Filters437 of that object the next ted filter is invoked. If no other filter is associated with the servlet or jSP page, then the servlet or page itself Is Inv 4. Register the filter with the appropriate servlets and JSP pages Jse the filter and filter-mapping elements in the deployment descriptor (web. xml) 5. Disable the invoker servlet. Prevent users from bypassing filter set tings by using default servlet urls Details follow Create a Class That Implements the filter interface All filters must implement javax. servlet Filter. This interface comprises three mcthods: doFilter, init, and destroy public void doFiltcr(ScrvlctRcqucst rcqucst, ServletResponse response Filter Chain chain throws ScrvlctExccption, IOExccption The doFilter method is executed each time a filter is invoked (i.e, once for each request for a servlet or jSp page with which the filter is associated). It is this method that contains the bulk of the filtering logic The first argument is the ServletRequest associated with the incoming request. For simple filters, most of your filter logic is based on this object. Cast theobjecttohttpservletrequeStifyouaredealingwithhttprequests and you need access to methods such as getlleader or getCookies that are unavailable in ServletRequest The second arguinent is the ServletResponse. You often ignore this argument, but there are two cases when you use it first if you want to com pletely block access to the associated servlet or JSp page, you can call response. getWriter and send a response directly to the client. Section 9. 7 gives details; Section 9.8 gives an example. Second, if you want to modify the output of the associated servlet or isp page, you can wrap the response inside an object that collects all output sent to it. Then, after the servlet or JSP page is invoked, the filter can examine the output, modify it if appropri- ate. and then send it to the client. See section 9.9 for details Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com Servletandjsptrainingcourseshttp://coursesmoreservlets.com O Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission. 438 Chapter 9 Servlet and jsP Filters The final argument to doFilter is a FilterChain object. You call doF ilter on this object to invoke the next filter that is associated with the servlet or SP page. In no other filters are in effect, then the call to doFilter invokes the servlet or JSP page itself public void init( FilterConfig config throws ServletException The init method is executed only when the filter is first initialized. It is not executed each time the filter is invoked. For simple filters you can provide an empty body to this method but there are two common reasons for using init F'irst, the Filter Config object provides access to the servlet context and to the name of the filter that is assigned in the web, xml file. So it is common to use init to store the Filterconf ig object in a field so that the dofilter method can access the servlet context or the filter name. This process is described in Section 9.3. Second, the FilterConfig object has a getInit- Parameter method that lets you access filler iniTialization parameters that are assigned in the deployment descriptor(web. xm/). Use of initialization parame- ters is described in Section 9.5 public void destroyo This method is called when a server is permanently finished with a given filter object(e. g, when the server is being shut down). Most filters simply provide an empty body for this method, but it can be used for cleanup tasks like closing files or database connection pools that are used by the filter Put the Filtering behavior in the doFilter Method The doFilter method is the key part of most filters. Each time a filter is invoked doFilter is executed. With most filters, the steps that doFilter performs are based on the incoming information. So, you will probably make use of the Servlet Request that is supplied as the first argument to doFilter. This object is fre- quently typecast to Ht=pServletRequest to provide access to the more specialized methods of that class Call the doFilter method of the filter Chain object The doFilter method of the Filter interface takes a Filterchain object as its third argument When you call the doF ilter method of that object, the next associ ated filter is invoked. This process normally continues until the last filter in the chain Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com ServletandjSptrainingcourseshttp://courses.moreservlets.com/ o Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission 9.1 Creating Basic Filters 439 is invoked. When the final filter calls the dofilter method of its Filterchain object, the servlet or page itself is invoked. However, any filter in the chain can interrupt the process by omitting the call to the dofilter method of its Filter Chain. In such a case, the servlet of sp page is never invoked and the filter is responsible for providing output to the client. For details, see Section 9. 7(Blocking the Response) Register the Filter with the Appropriate Servlets and JSP Pages Version 2.3 of the deployment descriptor introduced two elements for use with fil ters: filter and filter-mapping. The filter element registers a filtering object with the system. The filter-mapping element specifies the URLs to which the filtering object applies The filter element The filter element goes near the top of deployment descriptor (web. xml), before any filter-mapping, servlet, or servlet-mapping elements(For more information on the use of the deployment descriptor, see Chapters 4 and 5. F'or details on the required ordering of elements within the deployment descriptor, see Section 5. 2. The filter element contains six possible subelements icon. This is an optional element that declares an image file that an IDE can use filter-name. This is a required element that assigns a name of your choosing to the filter display-name. This is an optional element that provides a short name for use by ides description. This is another optional element that gives information for IDEs. It provides textual documentation filter-class. This is a required element that specifies the fully qualified name of the filter implementation class init-param. This is an optional element that defines initialization parameters that can be read with the getInitParameter method of Filterconfig. A single filter element can contain multiple init param elements Remember that filters wero first introduced in version 2. 3 of the servlet specifi cation. So, your web. xml file must use version 2.3 of the DTD. Here is a simple Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com ServletandjsPtrainingcourseshttp://courses.moreservlets.com O Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission. 440 Chapter 9 Servlet and jsP Filters < DOCTVPE web-app PUBLIC // Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2. 3//EN http://3ava.suncom/dtd/web-app23.ata"> eb-ap <£1七ex MyFilter my Package. Filterclass fi-ter-mapping>. < DOCTYPE Web-app PUBLIC // Sun Microsys teIs, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN http://iava.suncom/atd/web-app_2_3.ata"> <2⊥ter> MyFilter myPackage. Filterclass Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com ServletandjSptrainingcourseshttp://courses.moreservlets.com/ o Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission 9.1 Creating Basic Filters44 MyFilter/someDirectory/Some Page.]sp /王i1t Ing> Disable the Invoker Servlet When you apply filters to resources, you do so by specifying the URL pattern or serv- let name to which the filters apply. If you supply a servlet name, that name must match a name given in the servlet element ofweb. xml. If you use a URL pattern that applies to a servlet the pattern must match a pattern that you specified with the servlet-mapping web xml element(see Section 5.3, Assigning Names and Cus- tom URLS"). However, most servers use an"invoker servlet" that provides a default Urlforservletshttp://host/webappprefix/serulet/seruletnamE.Youneedtomake sure that users dont access servlets with this URL, thus bypassing the filter settings For example, suppose that you use filter and filter-mapping to say that the filter named SomeFilter applies to the servlet named Some Servlet,as below SomeFilter some Package. SomeFilterClass Somef'ilter servlet Nextyouuseservletandservlet-mappingtostipulatethattheurlhttp://host/ webApPrefi/Blah should invoke Some Servlet, as below servlet-name>Some Servlet somePackage. SomeServletclass SomeServlet /Blah Error some Package. Errorservlet Error cl-pattern>/servlet/* 9.2 Example: A Reporting Filter Just to warm up, lets try a simple filter that merely prints a message to standard out out whenever the associated servlet or jSP page is invoked. To accomplish this task, the filter has the following capabilities 1. A class that implements the Filter interface. This class is called ReportFilter and is shown in Listing 9. 2. The class provides empty bodies for the init and destroy methods Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com ServletandjSptrainingcourseshttp://courses.moreservlets.com/ o Sun Microsystems and Prentice Hall. Personal use only; do not redistribute without permission 9.2 Example: A Reporting Filter 443 2. Filtering behavior in the doFilter method. each time a servlet or jSP page associated with this filter is invoked, the doFilter method generates a printout that lists the requesting host and the HttpservletrequesT, nlot Servletrequest, I cast thein URL that was invoked. Since the getRequestURI method is in Servletrequestobjecttohttpservletrequest. 3. A call to the doFilter method of the Filterchain After print- ing the report, the filter calls the doFilter nethod of the Filter Chain to invoke the servlet or ]Sp page(or the next filter in the chain if there was one. 4. Registration with the Web application home page and the servlet that displays the daily special. First, the filter element associates the name Reporter with the class moreservlets filters. ReportFilter. Then, the filter-mapping element uses aurl-pattern of /index. jsp to associate the filter with the Finally, the filte clement uses a servlet name of Todays Special to associate the filter with the daily special servlet (the name Todays special is declared in the servlet ele sting 9. 3 5. Disablement of the invoker servlet First. i created a RedirectorServlet(Listing 9.6)that redirects all requests that it receives to the Web application home page. Next, I used the servlet and servlet-mapping elements(Listing 9. 3)to specily that all Urlsthatbeginwithhttp://host/ebappprefir/serilet/shouldinvoke the redirectorServlet Given these sellings, the filter is invoked each time a client requests the Web application home page(I isting 9.4, Figure 9-1)or the daily special servlet( isting 9.5, Figure 9-2) Listing 9.2 ReportFilter java package moreservlets filters Import java.10 import javax. servlet. x importjavax.servlethttp* import java.util. *i , For Date class imple ilter that prints a report on the standard output each time an associated servlet or jsp page is accessed Bookhomepagehttp://www.moreservlets.com Servletandjsptrainingcourseshttp://coursesmoreservlets.com



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