文件名称: Spring Cloud_Greenwich.RELEASE
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 详细说明:Spring Cloud_Greenwich.RELEASE,本文是英文文档。Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus). Coordination of distributed systems leads to boiler plate patterns, and using Spring Cloud developers can quickly stand up services and applications that implement those patterns. They will work well in any distributed environment, including the developer’s own laptop, bare metal data centres, and managed platforms such as Cloud Foundry.2019/2/15 Spring cloud 11.4. Status Page and Health Indicator 11.5. Registering a Secure Application 11.6. Eureka's Health checks 11.7 Eureka metadata for Instances and clients 11.7.1. Using Eureka on Cloud Foundry 11.7.2. Using Eureka on AWs 11.7.3. Changing the Eureka Instance ID 11.8. Using the Eurekaclient 11.8.1. Eureka Client without Jersey 119. Alternatives to the native netflix eurekaclient 11.10. Why Is It so Slow to Register a Service? 11.11. Zones 12. Service Discovery: Eureka Server 121. How to Include eureka server 122. How to run a eureka server 12.3. High Availability, Zones and Regions 124 Standalone mode 12.5. Peer Awareness 126. When to Prefer iP address 12.7. Securing The Eureka Server 12.8. JDK 11 Support 13. Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Clients 13.1. How to Include Hystrix 13.2. Propagating the Security Context or Using Spring Scopes 13.3 Health Indicator 13.4. Hystrix Metrics Stream 14. Circuit Breaker: Hystrix Dashboard 15. Hystrix Timeouts And ribbon clients 15.1. How to Include the Hystrix Dashboard 15.2. Turbine 15.2.1. Clusters Endpoint 15.3. Turbine stream 16. Client Side Load Balancer: Ribbon 16.1. How to Include ribbon 16.2. Customizing the Ribbon Client 16.3. Customizing the default for All Ribbon Clients 16.4. Customizing the Ribbon Client by Setting Properties 16.5. Using Ribbon with Eureka 16.6. Example: How to Use Ribbon Without Eureka 16.7. Example: Disable Eureka Use in Ribbon 16.8. Using the ribbon API Directly 16.9. Caching of Ribbon Configuration 16.10. How to Configure Hystrix Thread Pools 16.11. How to Provide a Key to Ribbon's irule 17. External Configuration: Archaius https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 3/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud 18, Router and Filter: Zuul 18.1 How to Include zuul 18.2. Embedded Zuul Reverse Proxy 18.3. zuUl Http Client 18.4 Cookies and sensitive headers 18.5. Ignored Headers 18.6. Management Endpoints 18.6.1. Routes Endpoint 18.6.2. Filters Endpoint 18.7. Strangulation Patterns and Local Forwards 18.8. Uploading Files through Zuul 18.9. Query String Encoding 18.10 Request URI Encoding 18.11. Plain embedded zuul 18.12 Disable Yul Filters 18.13 Providing Hystrix Fallbacks For Routes 1814. Zuul Timeouts 18.15 Rewriting the Location header 18.16. Enabling Cross Origin Requests 18.17 Metrics 18.18. Zuul Developer Guide 18.18.1. The Zuul servlet 18.18.2. Zuul Requestcontext 1818.3.QEnableZuulProxy VS. QE nableZuulServer 1818.4. EnableZuulServer Filters 18.18.5. EnableZuulProxy Filters 18.18.6. Custom Zuul Filter Examples How to write a pre filter How to write a route filter How to Write a post filter 18.18.7. How Zuul Errors Work 18.18.8 Zuul Eager Application Context Loading 19. Polyglot support with Sidecar 20. Retrying Failed Requests 20.1 Backoff Policies 20.2. Configuration 20.2.1.Zuul 21.httpClients 22 Modules In Maintenance Mode IV Spring Cloud OpenFeign 23. Declarative REST Client: Feign 23.1. How to Include Feign 23.2. Overriding Feign Defaults 23.3. Creating Feign Clients Manually 23. 4. Feign Hystrix Support 23.5. Feign Hystrix Fallbacks 23.6. Feign and Primary 23.7. Feign Inheritance Support 23.8. Feign request/response compression https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 4/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud 23.9. Feign logging 23.10. Feign Query Map support V. Spring Cloud Stream 24.A Brief History of Spring,'s Data Integration Journey 25. Quick Start 25.1. Creating a Sample Application by Using Spring Initializr 25.2. Importing the Project into Your IDE 25.3. Adding a Message Handler, Building, and Running 26. What's New in 2.0? 26.1. New Features and components 26.2. Notable enhancements 26.2.1. Both Actuator and Web Dependencies Are Now Optional 26.2.2. Content-type Negotiation Improvements 26.3. Notable Deprecations 26.3.1. Java Serialization (Java Native and Kryo) 26.3.2. Deprecated Classes and Methods 27. Introducing Spring Cloud Stream 28. Main Concepts 28.1. Application Model 28.1.1 Fat JAR 28.2 The Binder abstraction 28.3. Persistent Publish-Subscribe Support 28.4. Consumer Groups 28.5. Consumer Types 28.5.1. Durability 28.6. Partitioning Support 29, Programming Model 29.1 Destination Binders 29.2. Destination Bindings 29.3. Producing and Consuming Messages 29.3.1. Spring Integration Support 29.3.2. Using StreamListener Annotation 29.3.3. Using StreamListener for Content-based routing 29.3. 4 Spring Cloud Function support Functional Composition 29.3.5. Using Polled Consumers Overview Handling errors 29.4. Error Handling 29.4.1. Application Error Handling 29.4.2. System Error Handling Drop Failed Messages DLQ· Dead Letter Queue Re-queue Failed Messages 29.4.3. Retry Template 29.5. Reactive Programming Support 29.5.1, Reactor-based Handlers 29.5.2. Reactive Sources 30 Binders 30.1 Producers and consumers 30.2 Binder sPl https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 5/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud 30.3. Binder detection 30.3.1. Classpath Detection 30.4. Multiple Binders on the Classpath 30.5. Connecting to Multiple Systems 30.6. Binding visualization and control 30.7. Binder Configuration Properties 31 Configuration Options 31.1. Binding Service Properties 31.2. Binding Properties 31.2.1. Common Binding Properties 31.2.2. Consumer Properties 31.2.3. Producer Properties 31.3. Using Dynamically Bound Destinations 32. Content Type Negotiation 32.1 Mechanics 32. 1.1. Content Type versus Argument Type 32.1.2. Message Converters 32.2. Provided Message Converters 32.3. User-defined Message Converters 33 Schema Evolution Support 33.1. Schema Registry Client 33.1.1. Schema Registry Client Properties 33.2. Avro Schema Registry client Message converters 33.2.1. Avro Schema Registry Message Converter Properties 33.3. Apache Avro Message Converters 33.4. Converters with Schema Support 33.5. Schema Registry Server 33.5.1. Schema Registry Server API Registering a New Schema Retrieving an Existing Schema by Subject, Format, and version Retrieving an Existing Schema by Subject and Format Retrieving an Existing Schema by ID Deleting a Schema by Subject, Format, and Version Deleting a Schema by ID Deleting a Schema by Subject 33.5. 2 Using Confluent's Schema Registry 33.6. Schema registration and resolution 33.6.1. Schema Registration Process (Serialization) 33.6.2. Schema Resolution Process(Deserialization) 34 Inter-Application Communication 34.1. Connecting Multiple Application Instances 342 Instance Index and Instance Count 34.3. Partitioning 34.3.1. Configuring Output Bindings for Partitioning 34.3.2. Configuring Input Bindings for Partitioning 35. Testing 35.1. Disabling the Test Binder Autoconfiguration 36. Health Indicator 37. Metrics emitter 38 Samples 38.1. Deploying Stream Applications on Cloud Foundry https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 6/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud V. Binder Implementations 39. Apache Kafka binder 39.1. Usage 39.2. Apache Kafka Binder Overview 39.3. Configuration Options 39.3.1. Kafka Binder Properties 39.3.2. Kafka Consumer Properties 39.3.3. Kafka Producer Properties 39.3.4. Usage examples Example:Setting autoCommitoffset to false and Relying on Manual Acking Example: Security Configuration Example: Pausing and Resuming the Consumer 39. 4. Error channels 39.5. Kafka Metrics 39.6. Dead-Letter Topic Processing 39.7. Partitioning with the Kafka Binder 40. Apache Kafka streams Binder 40.1. Usage 40.2. Kafka streams Binder overview 40.2.1 Streams DSL 40.3. Configuration Options 40.3.1. Kafka Streams Properties 40.3.2. TimeWindow properties 40.4. Multiple Input Bindings 40.4.1. Multiple Input Bindings as a Sink 40.4.2. Multiple Input Bindings as a Processor 40.5. Multiple Output Bindings(aka Branching) 40.6. Message Conversion 40.6.1. Outbound serialization 40.6.2. In bound Deserialization 40.7. Error Handling 40.7.1. Handling Deserialization Exceptions 40.7.2. Handling Non-Deserialization Exceptions 40. 8. State Store 40.9. Interactive Queries 40.10. Accessing the underlying KafkaStreams object 40.11 State Cleanup 41. RabbitMQ Binder 41.1. Usage 41.2. RabbitMQ Binder Overview 41.3. Configuration Options 41.3.1. RabbitMQ Binder Properties 41.3.2. RabbitMQ Consumer Properties 41.3.3. Advanced Listener Container Configuration 41.3.4. Rabbit Producer Properties 41.4. Retry With the RabbitMQ Binder 41.4.1. Putting it All Together 41.5 Error Channels 41.6. Dead-Letter Queue Processing 41.6.1Non-Partitioned destinations 41.6.2. Partitioned destinations republishToDlg=false republishToDlg=true 41.7. Partitioning with the RabbitMQ Binder https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 7/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud ⅶ l Spring Cloud Bus 42. Quick Start 43. Bus Endpoints 43.1. Bus Refresh Endpoint 43.2. Bus Env Endpoint 44. Addressing an Instance 45. Addressing All Instances of a Service 46. Service ID Must Be Unique 47. Customizing the Message Broker 48. Tracing Bus Events 49. Broadcasting Your Own Events 49.1. Registering events in custom packages VIll. Spring cloud sleuth 50. Introduction 50.1. Terminology 50.2. Purpose 50.2.1. Distributed Tracing with Zipkir 50.2.2. Visualizing errors 50.2.3. Distributed Tracing with Brave 50.2. 4 Live examples 50.2.5. Log correlation JSON Logback with Logstash 2.6 iting span Context B ersus Span Tags 50.3. Adding Sleuth to the Project 50.3.1. Only Sleuth(log correlation) 50.3.2. slEuth with Zipkin via Http 50.3.3. Sleuth with Zipkin over RabbitMQ or Kafka 50.4. Overriding the auto-configuration of zipkin 51. Additional resources 52. Features 52.1 Introduction to brave 52.1.1. Tracing 52.1.2. Local Tracing 52.1.3. Customizing Spans 52.1.4. Implicitly Looking up the Current Span 52.1.5. RPC tracing One-Way tracing 53. Sampling 53.1. Declarative sampling 53.2. Custom sampling 53.3. Sampling in Spring Cloud sleuth 54. Propagation 54.1. Propagating extra fields 54.1.1 Prefixed fields 54.1.2. Extracting a Propagated Context 54.1.3. Sharing span IDs between Client and S erver 54.1.4. Implementing Propagation https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 8/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud 55. Current Tracing Component 56. Current Span 56.1.Setting a span in scope manually 57. Instrumentation 58 Span lifecycle 58.1. Creating and finishing spans 58.2. Continuing Spans 58.3. Creating a Span with an explicit Parent 59. Naming spans 59.1. SpanName Annotation 59.2. tostring()method 60. Managing Spans with Annotations 60.1 Rationale 60.2. Creating New Spans 60.3. Continuing Spans 60.4. Advanced Tag Setting 60.41. Custom extractor 60.4.2. Resolving Expressions for a Value 60.4.3. Using the toString()method 61. Customizations 611.http 61.2. TracingFilter 613. Custom service name 61. 4. Customization of Reported Spans 61.5. Host Locator 62. Sending Spans to Zipkin 63 Zipkin Stream Span Consumer 64 Integrations 64.1. Open Tracing 64.2. Runnable and callable 643. Hystrix 64.3.1. Custom Concurrency Strategy 64.3.2. Manual Command setting 64. 4 RxJava 64.5.httpintegration 64.5.1httpFilter 64.5.2. HandlerInterceptor 64.5.3. Async Servlet support 64.5.4. WebFlux support 64.5.5. Dubbo RPC support 64.6.httpClientIntegration 6.1. Synchronous Rest Template 64.6.2. Asynchronous Rest Template Multiple Asynchronous Rest Templates 64.6.3.WebClient 64.6.4. Traverson 64.6.5. apache Httpclientbuilder and HttpasyncclieNtbuilder 64.6.6.Nettyhttpclient 64.6.7. UserInfoRestTemplateCustomizer 64.7. Feign https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 9/528 2019/2/15 Spring cloud 8. gRPC 64.8.1 Dependencies 64.8.2, Server Instrumentation 64.8.3. Client Instrumentation 64.9. Asynchronous Communication 64.9.1.Async Annotated methods 64.9.2.Scheduled Annotated Methods 4.9.3 Executor Executor Service and ScheduledExecutor Service Customization of executors 64.10 Messaging 64.10.1. Spring Integration and Spring Cloud Stream 64.10.2. Spring RabbitMq 64.10.3 Spring Kafka 64.10.4 Spring JMS 64.11.Zuul 65. Running examples IX. Spring Cloud Consul 66. Install Consul 67. Consul Agent 68. Service Discovery with Consul 68.1 How to activate 68.2. Registering with Consul 68.2.1. Registering Management as a Separate Service 68.3. Http Health Check 68.3.1. Metadata and Consul tags 68.3.2. Making the Consul Instance ID Unique 68.3.3. Applying Headers to Health Check Requests 68.4. Looking up services 68.4.1. Using Ribbon 68.4.2. Using the Discovery Client 68.5. Consul Catalog Watch 69. Distributed Configuration with Consul 69.1 How to activate 69.2. Customizing 69.3. Config Watch 69.4. YAML or Properties with Config 69.5. git2consul with Config 69.6. Fail Fast 70. Consul Retry 71. Spring Cloud Bus with Consul 711. How to activate 72. Circuit Breaker with Hystrix 73 Hystrix metrics aggregation with Turbine and Consul X Spring Cloud Zookeeper 74. Install Zookeeper 75. Service Discovery with Zookeeper https:/cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/greenwich.ReleaSe/sInglE/spRing-clouD.htmlsample13 10/528



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