文件名称: Matrix factorization for multivariate time series analysis
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 详细说明:Matrix factorization is a powerful data analysis tool. It has been used in multivariate time series analysis, leading to the decomposition of the series in a small set of latent factors. However, little is known on the statistical performances of matrix factorization for time series. In this paper, we extend the results known for matrix estimation in the i.i.d setting to time series. Moreover, we prove that when the series exhibit some additional structure like periodicity or smoothness, it is possible to improve on the classical rates of convergence.MATRIX FACTORIZATION FOR MULTIVARLATE ' TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Example 2. 1(Periodic series). Assume that T=pr with p e N"for the sake of :implicity To as sum.e that the latent series in, the dictionary w are T-periodic is exactly equivalent to writing W=vA where V E MK, (R)andA=(1 1. T(R) is defined by blocks, I being the indentity matri.c in M.(IR) Example 2.2(Smooth series. We can assume that the series in w are smooth For example, say that they belong aa Sobolev space ith smoothness B, ae h.ve where(en)men is the Fourier basis (the definition of a Sobolev space is reminded is Section 3 g below ). Of course, there are infinitely many coefficients Ui.n and to estimate them all is not feasible, howcver, for T large enough, the appro mimation Wita U will be suitable, and can be rewritten as W= UA where Ai, t =c:(t/T). More details will be given in Section 3. 2 where we actually cover more general basis of nnction,s So our complctc modcl will finally be writtcn as X=M+E=UV∧+E, where U∈Mnk(R)andV∈Mk,r(R) are unknown,bur≤ T and a∈Mr,7(C such that rank(A)=r are known(note that the unstructured case corresponds to Tand△=Ir) Note that more constraint can be imposed on the estimator. For example, in nonnegative matrix factorization 35. one imposes that all the entries in U and w are nonnegative. Here, we will more generally assume that uv belongs to some prescribed subsct S Md,T(IR) In what follows, we will consider two norms on dr. For a matrix A, the Frobenius norms is given by A trace(AA") and the operator norm by u1p‖A where ll is the Euclidean norm on RT 2.1. Estimation by empirical risk minimization, By multiplying both side ②2 by the pseudo- inverse A+=A(△A*)-1, we obtain the“ simplified model X=M+E with= XAt, M=uv and a=EAt. In this model. the estimation of m can be done by empirical risk minimization Ms∈ arg min(A where F(A)=‖A-X;A∈Mn,(R). Therefore, we can define the estimator ms= Msa of m PIERRE ALQUIER不 AND NICOLAS MA上 In Section B we study the statistical performances of this estimator. The first step is done in Subsection B I where we derive upper bounds on rresponding upper bounds on S are derived in Subsection 3.2 3. ORACLE INEQUALITIES Throughout this section, assume that s fulfills the following Assumption 3.1. The rows of e are independent and have the same T-dimensional sub-Gaussian distribution, with sccond moment matriz 2e. Morcover, c1.2=1/2 is isotropic and has a finished sub-Gaussian norm, 凡 E(1,∑=12,x)P)p< lx‖l=1p∈[1,∞ Wc remind(scc c g Chaptcr 1 in 13)that when X N(O, In), sup sup p-E((X, 1)7=C or some universal constant C >0(that is, C does not depend on n). Thus, for Gaussian noise, Assumption 3 l is satisfied and Re =c does not depend on the di T 3. 1. The case A-IT. In this subsection only, we assume that A=Ir(and thus T=T). So the simplified model is actually the original model X=X, M=M, c=c and m Theorem 3.2. Under Assumption 3. 1 for every A E0, 1[ anseR 21+入 4 (d+T+sR MS-M mIn A-Ⅳ 1-入A∈S F with probabilily larger than 1-2e As a consequence. if we have indeed M E S, then with large probability, elop k(d+T+s#) d‖Ms Is-M≤ A(1入 dT Thus, we recover the rate O(at )claimed in the introduction, up to the constant Remark 3.3. Since the bound relies on the constant 2 llop, let us provide its value in some special cases (1)If cov(c1, t, C1,t)=olft=t then More generally, whcn C1. l,..., C1. T are uncorrelated, cop= max varel. MATRIX FACTORIZATION FOR MULTIVARIATE TIME SERIES ANALYSIS (2)Let (nttez be a white noise of standard deviation o>0 and assume that there exist s B E R* such that E1.t =tAnt I for everytE 1TI.In other words,(E1t)=1.T is the restriction of a MA(1) process to 1, TI. So 1+6 0 61+620 0 鲁垂 01+62-6 0 061+02 and then Eallop-=o2 1+02-20 min,cos ≤a2(1+ 1+T (3)Let(nt)tez be a white noise of standard deviation g>0 and assume that there is a p with p< 1 such that ci,t=p21,t-1+ nt. So(c1,. is the restriction of a AR(1)p2 1 I1+∑n2(J+(1) T-1 1 where 0 J 001 wc havc ∑ 3. 2. The general case. Let us now come back to the general case. An application of theorem③,2 to the“ simplified model(②2 shows that for any∈]0,1[and s∈R+ 2 1+入 4ck min AA-1‖+ (d+r+82)A+| with probability largcr than 1-2 In order to obtain the desired bound on ms F, we must, now understand the behaviour of∑A+| Lenna 3.4. Forany atri CE MT,(C) p≤|∑=‖p|C*C‖ The situation regarding R is different, we are not aware of a general simple upper bound on Re= RA+ in terms of Re and A+. Still, there are two cases where we actually have Me=R. Indeed. in the Gaussian case, Rg=R=C. see (4D above. For non Gaussian noise. we have the following result Lemma 3.5. Assume that there is C(T, T)>0 such that AA*=c(T, T)I. If ∑c=a2 I,, aith.o>0, then R=民 PIERRE ALQUIER不 AND NICOLAS MA上 Note that the assumption on A is fullfilled by the examples covered in Subsec- tions B 3 and (3.4 The previous discussion legitimates the following assumption Assuinlption3.6.R≤民 Finally, note that 2 Ms-M=(Ms-M)A≤‖Ms=M‖‖AA“|o and in the same way (AA-M)A+|z≤‖AA-MAA+(AA)-41p F By Inequality (5 toget her with Lemmas B 4 and B 5] we obtain the following result Corollary 3.7. Fit A EJ0, 1[ and s E R+. Under Assumption .Iand Assumption B.6 AA-M‖p+ 24cΣlpk(l+r+8f S P1-入A∈sdr w'ith probability larger than 1-2e - s We will now apply this corollary to various examples. 3.3. Application: periodic time series. In the case of T-periodic time series remind that we assumed for simplicity that there is an integer p such that Tp= T and we defined 1∴.I-)∈M,(R) Then T AA I→‖AA and I(AA )-l Thcrcforc, by Corollary 3.7 for cvcry A c0, 1 and s E R+, undcr Assumptions BI and 3.6 4c|∑ Ms-M≤ min AA MIIr A(1-A (d+T+sR with probability largcr than 1-2cs. Now. dcfinc S={A∈Mn,(R):rank(A)≤kand.t,A:t+x=A,t} and assume that me s. Then k(d+7) F dT which is indeed an improvement with respect to the rate obtained without taking the periodicity into account, that is 0((d+TI 3.4. Application: timc scrics with smooth trcnd. Assume we are given a dictionary of functions(en)n 0 such that ∑1()-∑()≤cLN2 n≤|N Definition 3.10. We define S(k, B, L)C MdT(IR)as the set of matrices M such that m=UW,U∈M,r(),W∈Ma,k(R)amd 1) r 2∈[1,d,‖U2,‖2≤1, (2) for any∈1, k and t∈1,],Wet-f(÷) for some f∈W(,L) Denote VN, w=(cn(fe)esk, ImsN Then(7 implie ∥M- UVN wAN/≤C(A,L)N=28 Pluging this into 6) gives lpk(d+7+6) d Ms(k,B, L)-M 21+.C(,D)N PIERRE ALQUIER不 AND NICOLAS MAR上 If B is known, an adequate optimization with respect to N gives the following resu Corollary 3. 11. Assume that M E S(K, B, L). Under Assumptions B. 1 and 3.6 the choice N-l(dT/k)1/(25+1)ensures k M≤C dr with probability larger than 1-2e-, here c >0 is some constant depending on L,β,‖l|lp,A, c and fa That is, the rate of convergence is in o( E+(k)224 e Iloweve, in practice, B is not known- nor the rank k. This problem is tackled the next section 4. MODEL SELECTION Assumc that we havc many possiblc matrices Ar, for E C1,., T) and for each 7, many possible S, for different possible ranks k∈KC{1,……,d∧T} Consider s ER+ and the penalized estimator Ms= Ms, with )∈arg X+pen (丌:k)∈Tx人 F a+7+k(7,k pen(T, he Theorem 4.1. Under Assumptions[ I andB.6 for Every A EJ0, 1[ 2 d mIn (+3) ∥AA,-M/2 A∈S 8C|∑llp(1-4)k(d++s A(1-入)2 with probability larger than 1-2e Rcmark 4. 2. The reader might feel uncomfortable with the fact that the modcl selection procedure leads to ke and Ts that depend on the prescribed confidence level s. Note that if k= ko is known, that is k=ko1 then it is clear from the definition chal ts actually does Teol depend oT s As an application, assume that M E S(k, 6, L)where h is known, but B is unknown. Then the model sclcction proccdurc is fcasiblc as it docs not depend on B, and it satisfies exactly the same rate as Msik, B, L) in Corollary B.l REFERENCeS [1 P. Alquier. 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PROOFS 5.1 Additional notations let us first introduce a few additional notations First. for the sa ke of shortness. we introduce the estimation risk R and the empirical risk r. These notations also make clear the fact that our estimator can be seen as an enpirical risk ininiinizer R(A)=|A-M|}andr(A)=‖A-X|P;A∈Ma(R)



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