文件名称: JSP2.1规范
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 详细说明:NULL 博文链接:https://ayufox.iteye.com/blog/391267REPORT: You may wish to report any ambiguities, inconsistencies or inaccuracies you may find in connection with your evaluation of the pecification(Feedback). To the extent that you provide Sun with any Feedback, you hereby: (i)agree that such Feed back is provided on a non-proprietary and non-confidential basis, and (ii)grant Sun a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, irrevocable license, with the right to sublicense through multiple levels ofsublicensees, to incorporate, disclose, and use without limitation the Feedback for any purpose related to the Specification and future versions, implementations, and test suites thereof GENERAL TERMS: Any action related to this agreement will be governed by California law and controlling U.S. federal law. The U N Convention for the International Sale of goods and the choice of law rules of any jurisdiction will not apply The Specification is subject to U.S. export control laws and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. Licensee agrees to comply strictly with all such laws and regulations and acknow ledges that it has the responsibility to obtain such licenses to export, re-export or import as may be required after delivery to licensee Neither party may assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the other party, except that Sun may assign this a greement to an affiliated company This Agreement is the parties' entire agreement relating to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, conditions, representations and warranties and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknow ledgment, or other communication between the parties relating to its subject matter during the term of this Agreement. No modification to this Agreement will be binding, unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each party 1.14.200 Contents Pref Historical note Related documentation x Typographical Conventions xi wleagments Xl Comments xi 1. Language Syntax and Semantics 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.1.1EL 1.2 EL Expressions 2 1.2.1 Eval-expression 2 1. 2.1.1 Eval-expressions as value expressions 3 1.2. 1.2 Eval-expressions as method expressions 4 1. 2.2 Literal-express 1.2.3 Composite expressions 5 1. 2. 4 Syntax restrictions 6 1.3 Literals 7 1.4 Errors, Warnings, Default Values 7 1.5 Resolution of variables and their properties 7 1.6 Opcrators and 8 1.7 Arithmetic Operators 9 1.7.1 Binary operators 1.7.2 Binary operator 10 17.3Bi ary operator 1.7.4 Unary minus operator 10 1. 8 Relational Operators 11 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.9 Logical Operators 12 1.9.1 Binary operator 13 1.9.2 Unary not operator 13 1.10 Empty Operator 13 1.11 Conditional operator 1.12 Parentheses 14 1.13 Operator Precedence 14 1.14 Reserved Words 14 1.15 Functions 15 1.16 Type Convers 15 1.16.1 To Coerce a Value X to Type Y 15 1.16.2 Coerce a to String 16 1.16.3 Coerce a to number typen 16 1.16.4 Coerce a to Character 17 1.16.5 Coerce a to Boolean 17 1.16.6 Coerce a to Any Other Type T 17 1.17 Collected Syntax 17 e Java APIs 21 aⅴax,el23 Arrayelresolver 28 Bcanelresolver 33 Compositeelresolver 39 ELContext 46 ELContext Event 49 ELContextListener 51 ELException 52 ELResolver 54 Expression 60 Expression Factory 6 Functionma pp 66 Listelresolver 68 Mapelresolver 73 MethodExpression 78 MethodInfo 81 MethodnotFoundException 83 Property NotFoundException 85 Property NotWritableException 8 ValueExpression 89 Preface This is the Expression Language specification version 2.1, developed jointly by the JSR-245 (SP 2.1)and JSr-252(Faces 1.2)expert groups under the Java Community ProcessSeehttp://www.jcp.org Historical note The el was orginally inspired by both ECMAScript and the XPath expression anguages. During its inception, the experts involved were very reluctant to design yet another expression language and tried to use each of these languages, but they fell short in different areas The jSP Standard Tag Library (STL) version 1.0(based on JSP 1.2)was therefore first to introduce an Expression Language(EL) to make it easy for page authors to access and manipulate application data without having to master the complexity associated with programming languages such as Java and JavaScript Given its success, the el was subsequently moved into the jSP specification (SP 2.0/STL 1.1), making it generally available within jsp pages (not just for attributes of jstL tag libraries) JavaServer Faces 1.0 defined a standard framework for building User Interface components, and was built on top of jSP 1.2 Lechnology. Because JSP 1.2 technology did not have an integrated expression language and because the sp 2.0 el did not meet all of the needs of Faces an el variant was developed for Faces 1.0. The Faces expert group(EG)attempted to make the language as compatible with JSP 2.0 as possible but some differences were necessary It is obviously desirable to have a single, unified expression language that meets the needs of the various web-tier technologies. The Faces and jsP EGs therefore worked together on the specification of a unified expression language, defined in this document, and which takes effect for the jsp 2. 1 and faces 1.2 releases The ]SP/jsTL/Faces expert groups also acknowledge that the Expression Language(el) is useful beyond their own specifications. It is therefore desirable to eventually move the Expression Language into its own jsr to give it more visibility and guarantee its general applicability outside of the ]sp specification It has not been possible to give the EL its own jSR at this time. However, as a first step, JSP 2.1 delivers 2 specification documents, one specific to the jSp technolog and one specific to the Expression Language(this document). This makes the intent clear that the expression language does not carry a dependency on the jsP specification and will make it easier in the future should the decision be made to move it into its own JSR Related documentation Implementors of the Expression language and web developers may find the following documents worth consulting for additional information avaserver a ges (sp) http://java.sun.com/products/jsp JspStandardtaGLibrary(stl)http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl Javaserver Faces (SF) http://java.sun.com/j2ee/javaserverfaces Java Servlet Technology http://java.suncom/servlet Java2PlatformStandardEditionhttp://java.sun.com/j2se Java2PlatformsEnterpriseEditionhttp://java.sun.com/j2ee Javabeans http://java.sun.com/beans



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