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上传时间: 2019-03-15
详细说明:Jason Brownlee 博士的最新力作,深度学习速成课程,共七个章节,每个章节用时5--30分钟,阅读速度根据个人的基础因人而异,很实用的技巧,书里代码运行一遍之后,保障有质的提升。Contents
Before We get started
Lesson 01: Better Deep Learning Framework
Lesson 02 batch size
Lesson 03: Learning Rate Schedule
Lesson 04 Batch normalization
Lesson 05: Weight Regularization
Lesson 06: Adding noise
Lesson 07: Early Stopping
Final word before You go
Before We get started
Configuring neural network models is often referred to as a dark art. This is because there are
no hard and fast rules for configuring a network for a given problem. We cannot analytically
calculate the optimal model type or model configuration for a given dataset. Fortunately, there
are techniques that are known to address specific issues when configuring and training a neural
network that are available in modern deep learning libraries such as Keras. In this crash course
you will discover how you can confidently get better performance from your deep learning inodels
in seven days. Let's get started
Who is this crash-Course for?
Before we get started. let's make sure you are in the right place. The list below provides some
general guidelines as to who this course was designed for
You need to know
Your way around basic Python and NumPy
The basics of Keras for deep learning
you do not need to know
You do not need to be a math wiz
You do not need to be a deep learning expert
This crash course will take you from a developer that knows a little deep learning to a
developer who can get better performance on your deep learning project. This crash course
assumes you have a working Python 2 or 3 SciPy environment with at least NumPy and Keras 2
installed. If you need help with your environment, you can follow the step-by-step tutorial here
How to Setup a Python Environment for Machine Learning and Deep learning
Crash-Course Overview
crash course is broken down into seven lessons. You could complete one lesson per day
(recommended)or complete all of the lessons in one day(hardcore). It really depends on the
time vou have available and your level of enthusiasm below are seven lessons that will allow
you to confidently improve the performance of your deep learning model
Lesson 01: Better Deep Learning framework
Lesson 02: Batch Size
Lesson 03: Learning Rate schedule
Lesson 04: Batch normalization
Lesson 05: Weight regularization.
Lesson 06: Adding Noise
Lesson 07: Early Stopping
Fach lesson could take you 60 seconds or up to 30 minutes. Take your time and complete
the lessons at your own pace. The lessons expect you to go off and find out how to do things. I
will give you hints, but part of the point of each lesson is to force you to learn where to go to
look for help(hint, I have all of the answers directly on this blog, use the search box i do
provide more help in the form of links to related posts because I want you to build up some
confidence and inertia. Post your results online. I'll cheer you on
Hang in there, dont give up!
Lesson 01: Better Deep Learning
In this lesson, you will discover a framework that you can use to systematically improve the
performance of your deep learning model. Modern deep learning libraries such as Keras allow
you to define and start fitting a wide range of neural network models in minutes with just a
few lines of code. Nevertheless, it is still challenging to configure a neural network to get good
performance on a new predictive modeling problem. There are three types of problems that
are straightforward to diagnose with regard to the poor performance of a deep learning neural
network model; they are
Problems with Learning. Problems with learning manifest in a model that cannot
effectively learn a training dataset or shows slow progress or bad performance when
learning the training dataset
Problems with Generalization. Problems with generalization manifest in a model
that overfits the training dataset and makes poor performance on a holdout dataset
Problems with Predictions. Problems with predictions manifest as the stochastic
training algorithm having a strong influence on the final model, causing a high variance in
behavior and performance
The sequential relationship between the three areas in the proposed breakdown allows the
issue of deep learning model performance to be first isolated, then targeted with a specific
technique or methodology. We call sunmarize techniques that assist with each of these problems
as follows
Better Learning. Techniques that improve or accelerate the adaptation of neural network
model weights in response to a training dataset
Better Generalization. Techniques that improve the performance of a neural network
model on a holdout dataset
Better Predictions. Techniques that reduce the variance in the performance of a final
You can use this framework to first diagnose the type of problem that you have and then
identify a technique to evaluate to attempt to address your problem
Your task
For this lesson, you must list two techniques or areas of focus that belong to each of the three
areas of the framework. Having trouble? note that we will be looking some examples from two
of the three areas as part of this mini-course. Post your findings online. I would love to see
what you discover
In the next lesson, you will discover how to control the speed of learning with the batch size
Lesson o2 batch size
In this lesson, you will discover the iinportance of the batch size when training neural networks
Neural networks are trained using gradient descent where the estimate of the error used to
update the weights is calculated based on a subset of the training dataset. The number of
examples from the training dataset used in the estinate of the error gradient is called the batch
size and is an inportant hyperparaneter that influences the dynamics of the learning algorithm
The choice of batch size controls how quickly the algorithm learns, for example
Batch Gradient Descent. Batch size is set to the number of examples in the training
dataset, more accurate estimate of error but longer time between weight updates
Stochastic Gradient Descent. Batch size is set to 1, noisy estimate of error but
frequent updates to weights
e Minibatch gradient descent. batch size is set to a, value more than l and less than
the number of training examples, trade-off between batch and stochastic gradient descent.
Keras allows you to configure the batch size via the batch -size argument to the fito)
function, for example
t fit mode l
history model fit(train, train, epochs=1000, batch-size=len(train))
Listing 1: Example of batch gradient descent
The example below demonstrates a Multilayer Perceptron with batch gradient descent on a
binary classification problem
example of batch gradient descent
sklearn datasets import make circles
keras layers import dense
from keras models import Sequential
from keras optimizers import SGD
from matplotlib import pyplot
generate dataset
X, y=make_circles(n_samples=1000, noise=0.1, random_state=1)
split into train and test
m train 500
train, test =X[:n train :], xln train::
train, testy =yL: n_train], y In-train: I
define model
model= Sequential
model. add (Dense(50, input_dim=2, activation='relu))
model. add (Dense(1, activation='sigmoid))
opt SGD(lr=. 01, momentum=0.9)
model. compile(loss='binary-crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'1)
t fit mode l
history = modelfit(train, train, validation-data=(testa, testy), epochs=1000
batch- size=len(train), verbose=0)
evaluate the model
train_acc = model. evaluate(train, train, verbose=0)
test_acc = model, evaluate(test, testy, verbose=o)
print( Train: %3f, Test: %3f%(train_acc, test_acc))
plot loss learning curves
pyplot. subplot(211)
pyplot.title('Cross-Entropy Loss, pad=-40)
pyplot. plot(history history ['loss'J, label='train')
pyplot. plot(history history['val_loss'], 1
pyplot. legend(
plot accuracy learning curves
pyplot. subplot(212)
pyplot. title('Accur
pyplot. plot (history history ['acc'], label='train')
pyplot. plot(history history['val-acc'l, label='test')
pyplot. legend()
pyplot. show(
Listing 2: Example of MLP with batch gradient descent for binary classification
Your task
For this lesson, you must run the code example with each type of gradient descent(batch
minibatch, and stochastic)and describe the effect that it has on the learning curves during
training. Post your findings online. I would love to see what you can come up with
In the next lesson, you will discover how to fine tune a model during training with a learning
rate schedule
Lesson 03: Learning Rate Schedule
In this lesson, you will discover how to configure an adaptive learning rate schedule to fine tune
the model during the training run. The amount of change to the model during each step of
this search process, or the step size, is called the learning Tale and provides perhaps the most
important hyperparameter to tune for your neural network in order to achieve good perfornance
on your problen. Configuring a fixed learning rate is very challenging and requires careful
experimentation. An alternative to using a fixed learning rate is to instead vary the learning
rate over the training process. Keras provides the ReduceLROnPlateau learning rate schedule
that will adjust the learning rate when a plateau in model performance is detected, e. g.no
change for a given number of training epochs. For example
define learning rate schedule
ReducelROnPlateau(monitor='val-loss', factor=0. 1, patience=5, min_delta=lE-7,
Listing 3: Example of a learning rate schedule callback
This callback is designed to reduce the learning rate after the model stops inproving with
the hope of fine-tuning inodel weights during training. The example below demonstrates a
Multilayer Perceptron with a learning rate schedule on a binary classification problen, where
the learning rate will be reduced by an order of magnitude if no change is detected in validation
loss over training epochs
example of a learning rate schedule
from sklearn datasets import make_circles
raslayers import Dense
port Sequential
from keras optimizers import SGD
from keras callbacks import ReducelronPlateau
from matplotlib import pyplot
generate dataset
X, y=make_circles(n_samples=1000, noise=0. 1, random_state=1)
split into train and test
train,test = X[:n train, ] XIn train:,: 1
rainy, testy =y[: ntrain], yIn_train: I
define model
model Sequential(
model. add(Dense(50, input_dim=2, activation=relu))
model. add(Dense(1, activation=sigmoid))
compile model
opt SGD(lr=0. 01, momentum=0. 9)
model. compile(loss='binary-crossentropy', optimizer-opt, metrics=['accuracy'1)
define learning rate schedule
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