文件名称: The.Implementation
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 详细说明:The.Implementation.(TCP-IP.Illustrated,.Volume.2) Gray R.Wrightx TCP/IP Illustrated Contents 2.7 Summary of Mbuf Macros and Functions 51 2.8 Summary of Net/3 Networking Data Structures 2.9 m copy and Cluster Reference Counts 56 2.10 Alternatives 60 2.11 Summary 60 Chapter 3. Interface Layer 63 3.1 Introduction 32 Code introduction 33 i Enet Structure 65 34 i fader Structure 73 35 sockadar structure 74 3.6 ifnet and i faddr Specialization 3.7 Network Initialization Overview 38 Ethernet initializatio 3.9 SLIP Initialization 82 3, 10 Loopback Initialization 3.11 if attach Function 5 3.12 i finit Function 93 3.13 Summary 94 Chapter 4. Interfaces: Ethernet 95 Introduction 95 4.2 Code Introduction 90 Ethernet Interface 98 4,4 iect 1 System Call 114 4.5 Summary 125 Chapter 5. Interfaces: SLIP and Loopback 127 5.1 Introduction 127 52 Code Introduction 127 5.3 SLIP Interface 128 5. 4 Loopback Intertace 150 5.5 Summary 153 Chapter 6. IP Addressing 155 Introduction 6.2 Code Introduction 158 63 Interface and Address Summary 158 6.4 sockadar in structure 160 6.5 in ifaddr Structure 161 66 Address Assignment 161 6.7 Interface ioctl Processing 177 6.8 Internet Utility Functions 181 6.9 ifnet Utility Functions 6.10 Summary 183 TCP/IP Illustrated Contents xi Chapter 7. Domains and Protocols 185 了.1 Introduction 185 了.2 Code Introduction 186 73 domain structure 187 7. 4 protoss Structure 了5 IP domain and protoss Structures 191 了6 pffindproto and pffindtype Functions 196 77 pfetlinput Function 198 78 iP Initialization 了9 syst l System Call 7.10 Summary 204 Chapter 8. IP: Internet Protocol 205 B.1 Introduction 205 8.2 Code Introduction 206 B.3 IP Packets 210 8.4 Input Processing: ipintr Function 212 85 Forwarding: ip.forward Function 220 86 Output Processing: ip output Function 228 8.7 Internet Checksum: in cksum Function 234 8.8 setsockopt and get. sockopt System Calls 239 89 ip_sysctl Function 244 8.10 Summary 245 Chapter 9 IP Option Processing 247 9.1 Introduction 247 92 Code Introduction 247 3 Option Format 24B 9. 4 ip_dooptions Function 249 9,5 Record Route Option 252 96 Source and Record Route Options 9.7 Timestamp Option 261 98 ip_insertoptions Function 265 99 1p_pcbopts Function 269 9.10 Limitations 272 9,11 Summary 272 Chapter 10. IP Fragmentation and Reassembly 275 10.1 Introduction 275 10.2 Code Introduction 277 10.3 Fragmentation 278 10.4 ip_opt copy Function 282 10.5 Reassembly 283 10.6 ip reass Function 10.7 ip slot imo Function 10.8 Summary 30 Contents xii TCP/IP Illustrated Chapter 11, ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol 301 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Code Introduction 305 11.3 icmp Structure 11.4 ICMP protoss Structure Input Processing: icmp_input Function 310 11.6 Error Processing 11.7 Request Processing 316 11.8 Redirect Processing 321 11.9 Reply Pr 323 11.10 Output Processing 324 11.11 icmp error Function 324 11.12 icmp_reflect Function 328 11.13 icmp_send Function 333 11.14 icmp_sysctl Function 11.15 Summary 335 337 Chapter 12. IP Multicasting 12.1 Introduction 337 122 Code Introduction 12.3 Ethernet Multicast Addresses 341 12.4 ether multi Structure 12.5 Ethernet Multicast Reception 344 12.6 in multi Structure 345 127 ip_ options Structure 347 12.8 Multicast Socket Options 348 12.9 Multicast TTL Values 348 12.10 ip_setmoptions Function 351 12.11 Joining an IP Multicast Group 355 12.12 Leaving an IP Mult pup 12.13 ip_getmotions Function 371 12.14 Multicast Input Processing: ipintr Function 12.15 Multicast Output Processing: ip_output Function 375 12.16 Perfo e Considerations 379 12.17 Summary 379 Chapter 13. IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol 381 13.1 ntroduction 13.2 Code Introduction 382 133 p Structure 384 13.4 IGMP Structure 384 13.5 Joining a Group: igmp_joingroup Function 386 13.6 igmp_fasttimo Function 387 13.7 Input Processing: igmp_input Function 39 138 Leaving a Group; igmp leavegroup Function 395 13.9 Summary 396 TCP/IP Illustrated Contents xiii chapter 14. IP Multicast Routing 397 14.1 Introduction 397 14.2 Code Introduction 14.3 Multicast Output Processing Revisited 14.4 mrouted daemon 401 14.5 Virtual Interfaces 404 14.6 GMP Revisited 411 14.7 Multicast Routing 416 14.8 Multicast Forwarding: ip_ forward Function 424 14.9 Cleanup: ip mrouter_ done Function 14.10 Summary Chapter 15. Socket Layer 435 15.1 Introduction 435 15.2 Code Introduction 436 15.3 socket structure 437 37 15.4 System Calls 441 15.5 Processes, Descriptors, and Sockets 445 15.6 socket System Call 447 15.7 getsock and sockargs Functions 451 15.8 bind System Call 453 15.9 listen System Call 15.10 tsleep and wakeup Functions 456 15.11 accept System Call 457 15.12 sonewconn and soisconnected Functions 461 15 13 connect System call 464 15. 14 shut down System Call 15. 15 close System Call 471 15.16 Summary 474 Chapter 16. Socket lO 475 16.1 Introduction 475 16.2 Code Introduction 475 16.3 Socket Buffers 4 164 ndto, and sendmsg System Calls 480 31 16.5 gendmsg System Call 483 16.6 sendit Function 485 16.7 sosend Function 489 16.8 read, readv, recvfrom, and recvmsg System Calls 500 16. System Call 501 16.10 recit Function 503 16.11 soreceive Function 505 16.12 soreceive Code 510 16.13 select System Ca 524 16 14 Summary 534 XIY TCP/IP Illustrated Contents Chapter 17. Socket Options 537 17.1 Introduction 537 17.2 Code Introduction 17.3 setsockopt System Call 539 17. 4 get sockopt. System Call 545 175 fcntl and ioctl System Calls 548 176 getsockname System Call 177 getpeername System Call 554 178 Summary 557 Chapter 18. Radix Tree Routing Tables 559 1B.1 Introduction 559 18.2 Routing Table Structure 560 8. 3 Routing Sockets 18.4 Code Introduction 570 18.5 Radix Node Data Structures 573 18.6 Routing Structures 578 18.7 Initialization: route init and rtable_init Functions 1 188 Initialization: rn init and rn inithead Functions 18.9 Duplicate Keys and Mask Lists 587 18.10 rn match Function 18.11 rn search Function 599 18.12 Summary 599 Chapter 19. Routing Requests and Routing Messages 601 19.1 Introduction 19.2 realloc and rtallocl Functions 601 19.3 RTFREE Macro and rtfree Function 604 19.4 rtrequest Function 607 19.5 seagate Function 612 19.6 reinit Function 615 19.7 redirect Function 617 19.8 Routing Message Structures 621 19.9 rt missmsg Function 625 19.10 t ifms Function 19.11 rt newadd Functi 19.12 rt msg1 Function 630 1913 msg2 Function 632 19.14 sysctl_rtable Function 635 19.15 sysctl_dumpentry Function 64 19.16 sysctl iflist Function 2 19.17 Summary 644 Chapter 20. Routing Sockets 645 20.1 Introduction 645 20.2 routedomain and protosw Structures 646 20.3 Routing Control Blocks TCP/IP Illustrated Contents 37 0.4 raw init Function 647 20.5 route_output Function 648 20.6 rt xaddrs Function 660 20.7 rt setmetrics Function 661 20.8 raw input Function 662 20.9 route_usrreg Function 664 20.10 raw_usrreq Function 666 20, 11 raw attach, ra detach and raw disconnect Functions 671 20.12 Summary 672 559 Chapter 21, ARP: Address Resolution Protocol 675 21.1 Introduction 675 21.2 ARP and the Routing Table 675 21.3 Code Introduction 678 21.4 ARP Structures 681 21.5 arpwhohas Function 683 21.6 prequest Functio 21.7 arpintr Function 87 21.8 in_arpinput Function 688 219 ARP Timer Functions 694 21.10 arpresolve Function 696 21.11 arplookup Function 701 21.12 Proxy ARP 703 21.13 arp rtrequest Function 21.14 ARP and Multicasting 710 21.15 Summary 711 Chapter22, Protocol C。ntr。 i Blocks 713 713 22.2 Code Introduction 715 22.3 inpcb Structure 716 22.4 in pcballoc and in pcbdetach Functions 717 22.5 Binding, Connecting, and Demultiplexing 719 22.6 in_pcblookup Function 724 22.7 in_pcbbind Function 728 22. 8 in_pcbconnect Function 735 22.9 in_pcbdisconnect Function 741 22.10 in setsockaddr and in_set peeraddr Functions 741 22.11 in pcbnoti fy, in rtchange, and in_losing Functions 742 22.12 Implementation Refinements 750 22.13 Summary 751 Chapter 23. UDP: User Datagram Protoco 755 23.1 Introduction 755 23.2 Code Introduction 755 23.3 UDP protosw Structure 758 ICP/IPⅢ lustrated Contents 23.4 UDP Header 759 23.5 udp_init Funct 760 23.6 udp_ out put Function 760 7 udp_input Function 769 238 udp. saveopt Function 781 23. 9 udp ctlinput Function 782 23 10 udp usrreq Function 784 23.11 uap sysctl Function 790 23.12 Implementation Refinements 791 23.13 Surmmary Chapter 24. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol 24.1 Introduction 795 242 Code Introduction 795 24.3 TCP protosw Structure B01 24.4 TCP Header 801 24.5 TCP Control Block 803 24.6 TCP State Transition Diagram 805 24.7 TCP Sequence Numbers 807 24.8 tcp_init Function 812 24.9 Summary 815 Chapter 25. TCP Timers 817 25.1 Introduction 817 25.2 Code Introduction 819 25.3 tcp_canceltimers Function 821 25.4 tcp_fasttimo Function 821 25.5 tcps lowtimo Function 822 256t tcp_timers Function 24 25.7 Retransmission Timer Calculations 25.8 tcp_ newt cpcb Function 833 25.9 tcp_setpersist Function 835 25.10 tcp_xmit_timer Function 836 25.11 Retransmission Timeout: tcp timers Function 841 25.12 An RTT Example 846 2513S 848 Chapter 26. TCP Out 851 26.1 Introducti 26.2 tcp_output Overview 852 26.3 Determine if a Segment Should be Sent 26.4 TCP Options 26.5 Window Scale Option 866 26,6 Timestamp Option 866 26.7 Send a Segment 87 268 tcp template Function 884 269 tcp_respond Function 26.10 Summary 888 TCP/IPⅢ ustrated Contents xvii Chapter 27. TCP Functions 891 27.1 Introduction 27. 2 tcp drain Function 892 27.3 tcp_drop Function 892 27.4 tcp_close Function 3s3 27.5 tcp_mss Function 8g7 27.6 tcp_ctlinput Function 904 27.7 tcp_notify Function 90 27,8 tep⊥ quench Function 906 27.9 TCP REASS Macro and tcp reass Function 906 27.10 tcp trace Function 916 27.11 Summary 920 Chapter 28. TCP Input 923 28.1 Introduction 923 28.2 Preliminary Processing 925 tcp dooptions Function 933 28.4 Header Prediction 934 28.5 TCP Input: Slow Path Processing 941 28.6 Initiation of Passive Open, Completion of Active Open 942 28.7 PAWS: Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers 951 28.8 Trim Segment so Data is Within Window 954 317 28.9 Self-Connects and Simultaneous opens 960 28.10 Record Timestamp 963 28.11 RST Processing 963 28. 12 Summary 96 Chapter 29. TCP Input (Continued 967 29.1 Introduction 967 29.2 ACK Processing Overview 967 29.3 Completion of Passive Opens and Simultaneous Opens 967 29.4 Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery Algorithms 970 29.5 ACK Processin 974 29.6 Update Window Information 981 29.7 Urgent Mode Processing 983 29.8 tcp pulloutofband Function 986 29.9 Processing of Received Data 988 29.10F|NP sIng 990 29.11 Final Processing 992 29, 12 Implementation Refinements 994 29.13 Header Compression 995 29.14 Summary 1004 Chapter 30. TCP User Requests 1007 30.1 Introducti 1007 30.2 tcp usrreg Function 1007 30.3 tcp attach Function 1018 30. 4 tcp disc t Functi 1019



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