文件名称: GenesisRTX虚拟现实环境开发说明书
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 详细说明:GenesisRTX是新一代虚拟现实环境开发工具,利用GIS行业标准数据建立大范围虚拟现实场景,可用于飞行仿真等Contents Introduction 2 What's new to the user's guide 2.1 Version10.5.1.0 2.2 Version10.5.0.0. 2.3 Version10.4.7.0 2.4 Version10.4.5.0. 2.5 Version10.4.4.0 2.6 Version10.4.3.0 ·鲁 2.7 Version10.4.0.0,..,. 2.8 Version10.3.21.0 133333344444 2.9 Version10.3.17.0 2.10 Version10.3.11.0 2.11 Version10.3.5.0 2.12 Version10.3.1.0 2.13 Version10.2.7.0 2.14 Version10.2.3.0 2.15 Version10.2.1.0 3 Migration From Previous Versions 3.1 Backing Up 444445556666 3.2 Updating Environment Variables 3.3 Migration From 10.5.1.-and other older versions of genesisRTX 3.3.1 View Control offsets 6 3.4 Migration From 10.5.0. and other older versions of genesisRTX 3.4.1 Animation Stop 3.5 Migration From 10.4.9.and other older versions of genesisRTX 3.5.1 New Windows runtime 3.5.2 New Linux Runtime 3.5.3 Correcting Runway Overrides 3.5.4 New Multi-Window and Multi-View api 3.5.5 SDK: grt Set Window size 7888 3.5.6 Open Flight Ancillary Transformation Rotations 3.6 Migration From 10.4.8. and other older versions of genesisRTX 3.6.1 Field Of View Configuration File Changes 3.6.2 Linear extrusion texturing 8999 3.6.3 Open Flight Ancillary transformation Rotations 3.7 Migration from 10.4.6. and other older versions of genesisrtX 3.7.1 Explosion Particle System 3.7.2 Taxiway sign size 999 3.8 Migration From 10.4.5. and other older versions of genesisrtX 3.8.1 Sea Config. txt 10 3.8.2 RANDOMIZE RADIUS 10 3.8.3 grt Terrain Effect Config 3.8.4 Taxiway Sign Script. 10 3.8.5 Randomization 3.8.6 Publish PointToSprite pixel size properties ..11 3.10 Migration from10.3.23. and other older versions of genesisRTY∴……··1l 3. 7 Airfield Flattening 3.9 Migration From 10.4.3.and other older versions of genesisRTX 3.9.1 Collision Detection 3.10.1 New Windows Runtime .,,,,,..12 3.10.2 New Linux runtime 3.10.3 Dropping 32-bit Support 3.11 Migration From 10.3.3 3.12 Migration From 10.2.7.- and other older versions of GenesisRlt- 3.11.1 Runway Generation 12 13 3.12.1 New windows runtime 13 3.12.2 Local Time 3.13 Migration From 10.2.2 3.13.1 Taxiway Texture 13 3.14 Migration From 10.1.8 14 3. 14.1 RtEnv sh 14 3. 14.2 DemoApp. exe .14 4 Features 15 4.1 Multiple Platform Support 4.2 Run-Time Data Manipulation via Assemblers 4.3 WGS84 Continuous round earth .15 4.4 High-Density Database Generation and Rendering 4.5 Dynamic Terrain 4.6 Advanced Environment .16 4.7 Physics-Based Sensors 16 4.8 Marine 4.9 Entities 16 4.10 Special Effects 17 4.11 High-Performance Mission Functions 17 4.12 Advanced Lighting effects 17 4.13 Human Characters 17 5 Understanding the GenesisRTX Approach 18 5.1 The Traditional Approach 18 GenesisRTX- User's guide ge 5.2 The GenesisRTX Approach 5.3 Run-Time Database Structure 20 6 Getting started 21 6.1 Before installation 6.2 System Requirements ,,,,21 6.2.1 Minimum and Recommended Configuration .21 6.3 Windows installation 6.4 Uninstalling GenesisRTX on Windows 22 6.5L Ion 6.6 Uninstalling G RTX on linux 22 6.7 Installation Folder Structure 23 6.8 Video driver settings 23 6.9 Running the Demo Application 24 7 How to Use The Genesis Family of Products 25 7.1G RTX 25 7.2 Genesis SN 8 Configuration Options 26 8. 1 Configuration files 26 8.1.1 Main Configuration file 26 Using Multiple projects 8.1.I.1.1 Old Project Hierarchy 29 New Project hierarchy 30 8.1.2 Rt Env Script 30 8.1.3 Building Textures 31 8.1.4 Linear extrusion textures 32 8.1.5 Winterization palette ..32 8.1.6 Wet Surface palette 32 8.1.7 Overlay Textures 33 8. 1. 8 Light point palette 33 8.1.9 Model Palette ·: 3 8.1.10 Sea Configuration 34 8.1.11 Terrain Configuration 34 8.1.12 Taxi Sign Configuration 36 8.1.13 Texture Synthesis Configuration 38 8.I14 Shadow Configuration 40 8.1.15 Particle Systems 44 8.2 Environment variables 45 8.2.1 Project Loading Options 45 8.2.2 Demo Application Options 46 8.2.3 Configuration Options 48 8.2.4 Atmosphere Options 51 GenesisRTX- User's guide ge 8.2.5 Cloud Options 57 8.2.6 Fog and Haze Options 62 8.2.7 Weather and Tidal options 64 8.2.8 Imagery Opti 66 8.2.9 Lighting Options 8.2.10 Projected Light Opt 70 8.2.11 Moon Opti 71 8.2.12 DI Guy Options 71 8.2.13 Zoom Options.....,,,,,,, .73 8.2.14 Debug Options 74 8.2.15 Genlock Options 76 8.2.16 Statistics Logging Options 76 8.2.17 Timer Options ..80 8.2.18 Terrain Fidelity Options .84 8.2.19 Data Projection Options 91 8.2.20 Special Effects Options 93 8.2.21 Grass Options 96 8.2.22 Dvnamic Terrain Options 8.2.23 Feature Paging Level Options 8.2.24 Entity Fidelity Options ..101 8.2.25 Scene Graph Options .104 8.2.26 Threading and Task Scheduling Options 110 8.2.27 Rendering Options 112 8.2.28 Overlay Options .,114 8.2.29 Deprecated variable 115 8.2.30 Removed variables 116 9 Technical Support 118 10 Appendices 119 10. 1 Appendix a- Taxiway Sign Script Basics ..119 10.2 Appendix B- Animated Shorelines 124 10.3 Appendix C-SLI Support in GenesisRTX 125 10.4 Appendix d-LOD Transitions 128 10.5 Appendix e- Quick Start Guide to GenesisAM .130 10.5.1 Load Source data 130 10.5.2 Defining Vector Categorization Rules .,,,132 10.5.3 Defining Vector Assembly Lines 133 10.5.4 Vector Publishing Assemblers .,,.133 10.5. 4.1 Point publishers .135 Line Publishers ·· ..135 Polygon Publishers 137 10.5. 4.4 Geometry batch Publishers ····: .137 Renderable Publishers .137 10.6 Appendix F- Luminance Map/ Mask Generator ..139 GenesisRTX- User's guide ce| 4 10.7 Appendix g -Openflight Custom Configuration 140 10.7.1 Openflight Metadata XML 140 10.8 Appendix H-2D Cloud Visibility Reduction 146 10.8.1 DVC GRT AUTO UPDATE VISIBILITY 146 10.8.2Scud 147 10.8.3 Transition through 2D Geometry .147 10.9 Appendix I-Moving Vegetation 149 10.10 Appendix J- Dynamic Texture Swapping 150 10. 11Appendix K-Light Point Palettes 151 10. 12Appendix M-Openflight Setup 155 GenesisRTX- User's guide Page5 1 Introduction Welcome to Diamond visionics'GenesisRTX! GenesisRTX is a, unique and advanced technology that eliminates the boundary between traditional database generation and database visualization GenesisrtX is a dynamic construction engine designed to provide high-fidelity real-time visualization using GIS source data(including vector, model, imagery, classification, and elevation sources) by leveraging modern GPU architectures and multi-core processors. This technology eliminates the need for time-consuming and labor-intensive off-line database generation, while providing significantly higher fidelity than is typically possible using traditional approaches. The result is high-quality, high-performance 3D visualization for a much lower cost, in a much shorter time, with significantly less effort The time saved by using this approach can be applied to producing higher-quality visualizations over larger areas with a shorter turnaround, rather than spent operating complex terrain tools managing multiple versions of off-line terrain databases, and copying large amounts of data for small iterative changes. Furthermore generating the visual scene directly from source data also provides an unprecedented amount of scalability and flexibility, allowing the same data to be visualized on a wide range of hardware for a large range of applications with user-controlled fidelity The Genesis family of products consists of GenesissDk (allowing clients to build their applications by embedding the GenesisRTX technology), Genesis AM(the XML project wn configuration and preview tool), genesisMP (the multi-purposed data analysis and visualization environment), and GenesislG(the turn-key multi-channel image generator). As shown in the figure below, all of these products are built on genesisRTX, which serves as the underlying dynamic construction, data processing, mission function, and 2D/3D visualization engine Using GenesisRTX is as simple as using genesis am to configure an XML project which points to the source data, describes what the source data attributes represent, and then tell genesisRTX what to dynamically construct in the scene on-the-fly at run-time With these steps, the user is given complete control over source data genesisrTX uses and exactly how genesisRTX is to interpret and utilize the data. Since projects are simple XML files, project changes can be immediately visualized and easily tracked using configuration management soft ware, enabling an iterative approach to database development GenesisRTX- User's guide ge ser CIGI HUD User Application GenesisAM Genesis Genesis Genesis SDK GenesisRTX Core Windows Linux Figure 1: The Genesis Family of Products GenesisRTX- User's guide ge 2What’ s New to the User’ s Guide 2.1 Version10.5.1.0 k Added Appendix-10 12 Appendix M-Openflight Setup 2.2 Version10.5.0.0 The following notice has been added to section 6.2 System Requirements:- Note: Starting September 1st, 2016 GPU architectures older than Kepler will no longer be supported. As of that date, releases of GenesisRTx will require a Kepler-based or newer NVIDIA GPU Added Section-8111 Terrain Configuration Updated Appendix -10.7 Appendix g-Openflight Custom Configuration 2.3 Version10.4.7.0 s The following notice has been changed in section 6.2 System Requirements: Windows XP and Linux Centos 5 operating systems have reached the end of their support lifetime. GenesisRTX versions and newer may no longer run on Windows XP or Linux Centos 5 operating systems The following item has been removed from section 4.1 Multiple Platform Support Windows XP 64 bit(support ending July 1st, 2015 s The following item has been removed from section 4.1 Multiple Platform Support: Linux CentoS 5 64 bit(support ending July 1st, 2015) 2.,4 ersion10.4.5.0 k Added Section-8114 Shadow Configuration 2.5 Version10.4.4.0 k The following notice has been added to section 6.2 System Requirements: Starting Jul 1st, 2015: Windows XP and Linux Centos 5 operating systems will reach the end of their support lifetime. As of that date, new releases of GenesisRTX may no longer run on Windows XP or Linux Centos 5 operating systems GenesisRTX- User's guide ge



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