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详细说明:LATTICE-ECP3-datasheet 莱迪斯ecp3器件系列的数据手册The LatticeECP3TM(EConomy Plus Third generation) family of fpga devices is optimized to deliver high perfor-
mance features such as an enhanced dsP architecture, high speed serdeS and high speed source synchronous
interfaces in an economical FPGA fabric. This combination is achieved through advances in device architecture
and the use of 65nm technology making the devices suitable for high-volume, high-speed, low-cost applications
The LatticeECP3 device family expands look-up-table(LUT)capacity to 149K logic elements and supports up to
586 user I/Os. The LatticeeCP3 device family also offers up to 320 18x18 multipliers and a wide range of parallel
1O standards
The LatticeeCP3 FPGa fabric is optimized with high performance and low cost in mind the Lattice ecP3 devices
utilize reconfigurable SRAM logic technology and provide popular building blocks such as LUT-based logic, distrib
uted and embedded memory, Phase Locked Loops(PLLs), Delay Locked Loops(DLLs), pre-engineered source
synchronous IO support, enhanced sysDSP slices and advanced configuration support, including encryption and
dual-boot capabilities
The pre-engineered source synchronous logic implemented in the Lattice ECP3 device family supports a broad
range of interface standards, including ddR3, XGMIl and 7: 1 LVDS
The LatticeeCP3 device family also features high speed SERDES with dedicated PCS functions. High jitter toler
ance and low transmit jitter allow the serdes plus pcs blocks to be configured to support an array of popular
data protocols including PCI Express, SMPTE, Ethernet (XAUI, GbE, and SGMII) and CPRI. Transmit Pre-empha-
sis and Receive Equalization settings make the SERDES suitable for transmission and reception over various
forms of media
The LatticeeCP3 devices also provide flexible, reliable and secure configuration options, such as dual-boot capa
bility, bit-stream encryption, and TransFR field upgrade features
The Lattice Diamond m and isplEVER design software allows large complex designs to be efficiently imple
mented using the Lattice ECP3 FPGa family. Synthesis library support for Lattice ECP3 is available for popular logic
synthesis tools. Diamond and isplEVER tools use the synthesis tool output along with the constraints from its floor
planning tools to place and route the design in the LatticeECP3 device. The tools extract the timing from the routing
and back-annotate it into the design for timing verification
Lattice provides many pre-engineered IP (Intellectual Property) modules for the Lattice ECP3 family By using these
configurable soft core IPs as standardized blocks, designers are free to concentrate on the unique aspects of their
design, increasing their productivity
日■ Semiconductor
■■■■"c。 rporation
Each Lattice ECP3 device contains an array of logic blocks surrounded by Programmable I/O Cells(PIC). Inter
spersed between the rows of logic blocks are rows of sysMEMTM Embedded Block RAM(EBR) and rows of sys
DSP TM Digital Signal Processing slices, as shown in Figure 2-1. The Lattice ECP3-150 has four rows of DSP slices
all other LatticeECP3 devices have two rows of dSP slices. In addition, the Lattice EC P3 family contains SERDES
Quads on the bottom of the device
There are two kinds of logic blocks, the Programmable Functional Unit(PFU)and Programmable Functional Unit
without RAM(PFF). The PFU contains the building blocks for logic, arithmetic, RAM and ROM functions. The PFF
block contains building blocks for logic, arithmetic and ROM functions. Both PFU and PFf blocks are optimized for
flexibility, allowing complex designs to be implemented quickly and efficiently. Logic Blocks are arranged in a two
dimensional array. Only one type of block is used per row
The LatticeeCP3 devices contain one or more rows of sysMEM EBR blocks. SysMEM EBRs are large, dedicated
18Kbit tast memory blocks. Each sysMEM block can be configured in a variety of depths and widths as RAM or
ROM. In addition, Lattice ECP3 devices contain up to two rows of dSP slices. Each dSP slice has multipliers and
adder/accumulators, which are the building blocks for complex signal processing capabilities
The LatticeECP3 devices feature up to 16 embedded 3. 2Gbps SERDES (Serializer/ Deserializer) channels. Each
SERDES channel contains independent 8b/10b encoding /decoding, polarity adjust and elastic buffer logic. Each
group of four SERDES channels, along with its Physical Coding Sub-layer(PCs)block, creates a quad. The func-
tionality of the serdES/Pcs quads can be controlled by memory cells set during device configuration or by regis
ters that are addressable during device operation. The registers in every quad can be programmed via the
SERDES Client Interface(SCI). These quads(up to four)are located at the bottom of the devices
Each Pic block encompasses two PlOs(PIO pairs) with their respective sysl/o buffers. The sysl/o buffers of the
LatticeECP3 devices are arranged in seven banks, allowing the implementation of a wide variety of lo standards
In addition, a separate 0 bank is provided for the programming interfaces. 50% of the Plo pairs on the left and
right edges of the device can be configured as LVDS transmit/receive pairs. The Pic logic also includes pre-engi-
neered support to aid in the implementation of high speed source synchronous standards such as XGMll, 7: 1
LVDS, along with memory interfaces including DDR3
Other blocks provided include PLLS, DLLs and configuration functions. The Lattice ECP3 architecture provides two
Delay Locked Loops(DLLs)and up to ten Phase Locked Loops(PLLs). The PLL and dLL blocks are located at the
end of the ebr/dsp rows
The configuration block that supports features such as configuration bit-stream decryption, transparent updates
and dual-boot support is located toward the center of this EBR row. Every device in the Lattice ECP3 family sup
ports a sysCoNFIGTM port located in the corner between banks one and two, which allows for serial or parallel
device configuration
In addition, every device in the family has a jTAG port. This family also provides an on-chip oscillator and soft error
detect capability. The LatticeECP3 devices use 1.2V as their core voltage
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. the specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice
DS 1021 Architecture 01.8
Configuration Logic
Bank o
Bank 1
Dual-boot, Encryption
and Transparent Updates
On-chip oscillat
Pre-engineered Source
Synchronous Support
Bank Generic-Up to 1Gbps
Enhanced dsp
Slices: Multiply,
Accumulate and aLU
Plls dlls:
and clock Alignmen
Flexible syslo:
Up to 486 1Os
sysMEM Block
RAM: 18Kbit
Flexible Routing
Optimized for speed
and routabili
Function Units
CH 1
Up to 149K LUTS
syslo Bank 6
syslo Bank 3
3. 2Gbps SERDES
Note: There is ng bank 4 or bank 5 in LatticeECP3 device
The core of the LatticeECP3 device consists of PFU blocks, which are provided in two forms, the PFU and PFF
The PFUs can be programmed to perform Logic, Arithmetic, Distributed RAM and Distributed ROM functions. PFF
blocks can be programmed to perform Logic, Arithmetic and ROM functions EXcept where necessary, the remain-
der of this data sheet will use the term pfu to refer to both pfu and pff blocks
Each PFU block consists of four interconnected slices numbered 0-3 as shown in Figure 2-2. Each slice contains
tWo LUTs. All the interconnections to and from PFU blocks are from routing There are 50 inputs and 23 outputs
associated with each pfu block
Slice 0 through Slice 2 contain two LUT4s feeding two registers, whereas Slice 3 contains two LUT4s only For
PFUs, Slice 0 through Slice 2 can be configured as distributed memory, a capability not available in the PFF
Table 2-1 shows the capability of the slices in both PFF and PFU blocks along with the operation modes they
enable. In addition each pfu contains logic that allows the luts to be combined to perform functions such as
LUT5, LUT6, LUT7 and LUT8. There is control logic to perform set/reset functions(programmable as synchronous
asynchronous), clock select, chip-select and wider RAM/ROM functions
Slice0 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, RAM, ROM 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, ROM
Slice12 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple. RAM, ROM 2 LUT4s and 2 RegistersLogic, Ripple, ROM
Slice 2 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, RAM, ROM 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, ROM
Slice 3
2 LUT4s
Logic, ROM
2 LUT4s
LogIc, ROM
Figure 2-3 shows an overview of the internal logic of the slice. The registers in the slice can be configured for posi-
tive/negative and edge triggered or level sensitive clocks
Slices 0, 1 and 2 have 1 4 input signals: 13 signals from routing and one from the carry-chain(from the adjacent
slice or PFU). There are seven outputs: six to routing and one to carry-chain(to the adjacent PFU). slice 3 has 10
input signals from routing and four signals to routing Table 2-2 lists the signals associated with Slice 0 to Slice 2
FCO To Different Slice/PFU
LUT4 8
Not in slice 3
FCI From Different slice/PFU
For Slices 0 and 1, memory control signals are generated from slice 2 as follows
RE is from lSR
DI[3: 2] for Slice 1 and DI[1: 0] for Sliced data from Slice 2
WAD [A: D] is a 4-bit address from slice 2 LUT input
Data signal
AO,B0,CO,Do Inputs to LUT4
Data signal
Al,B1,C1, D1 Inputs to LUT4
Multipurpose Input
Multipurpose input
Control signal
Clock enable
Control signal
Local set/Reset
Control signal
System Clock
Input Inter-PFU signal
Fast Carry-in
Input Inter-slice signal
Intermediate signal to generate LUT6 and LUT7
Input Inter-slice signal
Intermediate signal to generate LUT6 and LUT7
Data signals
LUt4 output register bypass signals
Data signal
Q0. Q1
Register outputs
Data signals
Output of a LUt5 MUX
Data signals
Output of a LUT6, LUT7, LUT8 MUX depending on the slice
OutputInter-PFU signal
Slice 2 of each P FU is the fast carry chain output
See Figure 2-3 for connection details
2. Requires two PFUs
Each slice has up to four potential modes of operation: Logic, Ripple, RAM and ROM
In this mode, the LUts in each slice are configured as 4-input combinatorial lookup tables. a LUt4 can have 16
possible input combinations. Any four input logic functions can be generated by programming this lookup table
Since there are two LUT4s per slice, a LUt5 can be constructed within one slice. Larger look-up tables such as
LUT6, LUT7 and LUT8 can be constructed by concatenating other slices. Note LUTB requires more than four
Ripple mode supports the efficient implementation of small arithmetic functions. In ripple mode, the following func
tions can be implemented by each slice
· Addition2-bit
Subtraction 2-bit
Add/Subtract 2-bit using dynamic control
· Up counter2bit
· Down counter2-bit
Up/Down counter with asynchronous clear
Up/Down counter with preload(sync)
Ripple mode multiplier building block
Multiplier support
Comparator functions of a and B inputs
a greater-than-or-equal-to B
A not-equal-to B
A less-than-or-equal-to B
Ripple mode includes an optional configuration that performs arithmetic using fast carry chain methods. In this con-
figuration also referred to as ccU2 mode) two additional signals, Carry Generate and Carry propagate, are gener
ated on a per slice basis to allow fast arithmetic functions to be constructed by concatenating Slices
In this mode, a 16x4-bit distributed single port RAM(SPR)can be constructed using each LUT block in Slice 0 and
Slice 1 as a 16x1-bit memory. Slice 2 is used to provide memory address and control signals. A 16x2-bit pseudo
dual port RAM(PDPR)memory is created by using one Slice as the read-write port and the other companion slice
as the read-only port
LatticeECP3 devices support distributed memory initialization
The Lattice design tools support the creation of a variety of different size memories. Where appropriate, the soft
ware will construct these using distributed memory primitives that represent the capabilities of the PFU. Table 2-3
shows the number of slices required to implement different distributed RAM primitives. For more information about
using RAM in LatticeECP3 devices, please see TN1179, Lattice ECP3 Memory Usage Guide
Number of slices
Note: SPR= Single Port RAM, PDPR= Pseudo dual Port RAM
ROM mode uses the LUT logic; hence, Slices 0 through 3 can be used in ROM mode Preloading is accomplished
through the programming interface during PFU configuration
or more information, please refer to TN1179, LatticeECP3 Memory Usage Guide
There are many resources provided in the LatticeECP3 devices to route signals individually or as busses with
related control signals. The routing resources consist of switching circuitry, buffers and metal interconnect(routing)
The LatticeECP3 family has an enhanced routing architecture that produces a compact design The diamond and
ispLEVER design software tool suites take the output of the synthesis tool and places and routes the design
The sysCLOCK PLLs provide the ability to synthesize clock frequencies. The devices in the LatticeECP3 family
support two to ten full-featured General Purpose PLls
The architecture of the Pll is shown in Figure 2-4. a description of the Pll functionality follows
CLKi is the reference frequency (generated either from the pin or from routing) for the PLL clKi feeds into the
Input Clock Divider block. The CLK FB is the feedback signal (generated from CLKOP, CLKos or from a user clock
pin/logic). This signal feeds into the Feedback Divider. The Feedback Divider is used to multiply the reference fre
Both the input path and feedback signals enter the phase Frequency detect Block(PFD) which detects first for the
frequency, and then the phase, of the ClKI and CLKFB are the same which then drives the voltage Controlled
Oscillator(VCO)block. In this block the difference between the input path and feedback signals is used to control
the frequency and phase of the oscillator a LOCK signal is generated by the vco to indicate that the vco has
locked onto the input clock signal. In dynamic mode, the PLl may lose lock after a dynamic delay adjustment and
not relock until the tLock parameter has been satisfied
The output of the vCo then enters the CLKoP divider. The CLKoP divider allows the vco to operate at higher fre
quencies than the clock output (CLKoP), thereby increasing the frequency range. the Phase/duty cycle/duty Trim
block adjusts the phase and duty cycle of the CLKOs signal. The phase/duty cycle setting can be pre-programmed
or dynamically adjusted. A secondary divider takes the CLKoP or CLKos signal and uses it to derive lower fre
quency outputs(CLKOK)
and CLKOK2)and Phase/Duty select(CLKOS ) are fed to the clock distribution networ econdary dividers(CLKOK
The primary output from the ClOp divider(CLKoP)along with the outputs from the
The PLL allows two methods for adjusting the phase of signal. The first is referred to as Fine Delay Adjustment
This inserts up to 16 nominal 125ps delays to be applied to the secondary PLL output. The number of steps may
be set statically or from the FPGa logic. The second method is referred to as Coarse Phase Adjustment. This
allows the phase of the rising and falling edge of the secondary pll output to be adjusted in 22. 5 degree steps
The number of steps may be set statically or from the FPGa logic
FDAJ3. 0
Duty cycle/
Duty Trim F
Loop Filter
Duty Trim
DFPAll3: 0
Table 2-4 provides a description of the signals in the PLL blocks
Clock input from external pin or routing
PLL feedback input from CLKOP, CLKOS, or from a user clock (pin or logic
1"to reset PLL counters, VCO, charge pumps and M-dividers
1 to reset K-divider
DPA Fine Delay Adjust input
o PLL output to clock tree(phase shifted/duty cycle changed
oPLL output to clock tree(no phase shift)
o PLL output to clock tree through secondary clock divider
O PLL output to clock tree( CLKoP divided by 3)
O|“1” indicates PLL LoCK to CLK
FDA 3: 0
I Dynamic fine delay adjustment on CLKOS output
DRPA[3: 0
Dynamic coarse phase shift, rising edge setting
I Dynamic coarse phase shift, falling edge setting
In addition to PLLS, the Lattice ECP3 family of devices has two DLLs per device
CLKI is the input frequency (generated either from the pin or routing) for the DLL clKi feeds into the output muxes
block to bypass the DLL, directly to the DELAY CHAIN block and(directly or through divider circuit)to the reference
input of the phase detector(PD)input mux. the reference signal for the pd can also be generated from the delay
Chain signals. The feedback input to the Pd is generated from the ClKFB pin or from a tapped signal from the
Delay chain
The Pd produces a binary number proportional to the phase and frequency difference between the reference and
feedback signals Based on these inputs, the aLu determines the correct digital control codes to send to the delay
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