文件名称: ODOO11报价单确认订单创建入库单(_run_move)
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  上传时间: 2019-01-12
  提 供 者: weixin_********
 详细说明:ODOO11报价单确认订单创建入库单(_run_move) 通过代码的分析和修改实践,了解odoo11 _run_move的运作模型: procurement. group 代码: def run(self, product_ id, product qty, product_ uom, location_id, name, origin, values) values. setdefault( comp f.envllres.companyi.campanydefaultget('procurementgroup)) va⊥ues. setdetau⊥t alues. setdefault( lanned, fields. Datetime. now()) vd⊥ua i+ not ru⊥Le raise UserError(( No procurement rule found. Please verify the configuration of your routes)) getattr(rule, ' run %s' rule action)(product id, product_gty, product- uom, location_id, nane, origin, values) return True 作用:在这里可以看到 getattr○方法,亡会根据产品所设置的路线,运行 run move和 run buy等方法。运行 run move等方法的时候,会传入一些值, 包括我们前面的 prepare procurement values()方法提取到的 sale. order.line的值并保存在 values中返回。这是一个批处理方法。 (5)由runO方法触发 run move 方法。 模块: stock 文件: procurement.py 模型: procurement.rule 代码: det _run_move (selt, product_id, product_aty, product_uom, location_id, name, crigin, values) msg =(No source location defined on procurement rule: %s!')%(self-name, raisc UscrError(msg) f self group propagation option =='propagate' d' False) and values. 'grcup id].id p propagation optIon group id 1. gr'oup iu. iu get stock move values( prcd product_qty, product _uom, location_id, name, origin, values, group id) #1 launch following ement_group hould activate it mcvc= 作用: run move方法中,主要作用就是用于触发创建 stock.move(库存移动单) 和 stock. picking(出/入库单)。可以看到,我们上面传下来的 values被传到 get stock move values(方法中。 (6)由 run move(方法触发 get stock move values方法 模块: stock 文件: procurement.py 模型: procurement.rul 代码 produc oduclyLy, produtL-uom, location_ id, udre, origin, values, group_iu) vaLues that will be used to create a stock move from a proct his function assumes that the given procurement has a rule (action ss 'nove set on ii ement. Returns a dictionary iparam procurement. hawse record type di date expected-(datetime. strptime(values[' date planned'1, DEFAULT SERVER DATETIME FORMAT)-relativedelta( days I ready got some move de orEe y⊥e+t- prcduct gry nanc': namcl:200」, company id id or self location src id company idid or self location id company idid on did or (values get('group_id', False)and values' group_id]partner location src idid, est ius] ur D self, proture meLhod self. picking type idid, ute.id) for route in values get( route i self propagate warehouse idid or self warehouse 'pricnity': values get('priority', 1") 作用:可以看到该方法返回的是一个字典,从(5)中可以看出,这里返回的字 典是用于创建 stock.move。要注意的是,每一个产品行都会创建一个 stock.move。 继承修改:前面我们在 values中加入了我们要传递的信息,在这里被这个函数 所接收,要注意的是,这个函数返回一个新构建的字典,字典的部分值从 values中取出,所以我们要继承并修改这个函数,为这个新构建的字典加入我 们 values中的值。 class ProcurementRule(models Model) anner procurement. rule' api model def get stock mcve values(self, product id, product qty product uom, location id, name 将 values中的 inquiry code和 inquiry code取出,构dato的链值 返国的值用于self.enu' stock,move'l. create(data) Returns a dictionary nf values that will he used to create a stork move from a procurement on assumes that the given procurement has a rule (action move ram procurement: browse record data= super(Procurement le, celf) _get stock move values(product_id, product_nty, product_uom locatio name, origin, values, group id) prcduct packaging: values[ prcduct packaging].id 要注意的是,由于我们返回的data是用于创建 stock.move,所以我们要在 stock.move中添加我们新的字段,让它顺利完成创建,免得报错 lass StockMove( models Model): nherit =stock move nquiry code= fields. Char(string='INQUTR'Y No') packages- fields. Integer(string='Packages' compute=' compute packages ') (7)由 run move(方法触发 assign picking(方法 模块: stock 文件: stock move.py 模型: stock.move 代码: dek"" Try to nesign the moves to an existing picking thar has not hepn assign_picking(self): reserved yet and has the same procurement group, Locat ions and picking type (moves should already have the identicaL). Otherwise, create a new for move in re comput Picking search([ move group idid) ocation move location idid) locaTion desL iu. id) id)i False drafL, 'confirmed,'wdiLing','pdrLially_available, ' '])] limit=1) f not picki g icking values()) move.write([ picking id: pickingid)y H If this method is called in hatch hy a write on a cne2many and H at sone point had to create a picking, some next iterations cculd it tny to find back the created picking. As w look far it by scorching H on some computed fields, we haye to force a recompute, else the H record won 't be found turn True 作用:在这个方法中,会创建一个 stock. picking模型的对象,并根据 stock.move中的信息来搜索出所对应的 stock. picking(出/入厍单),如果找不 到对应的 stock. picking,就会创建一个 stock. picking。最终,该 sock.moⅤe会被加入到对应的 slock. picking中。(可见: move. write({‘ picking id’: picking.id}) (8)由_ assign picking(方法触发 get new picking values方法 模块: stock 文件; stock move.py 模型: stock.move 代码 def Lge=_new_picking_values(self) Prepares a new picking for this move as it could not be assigned to another picking. This method is designed to be inherited. origin': self. origin company id': self company id id move type: self group id and self group id move type or direct partner id: self partner id id picking type id: self. picking type id id, location_id: selflocation_idid location dest id: self location dest idid, 作用:这是前面(7)中所提到的,当不存在 stock.move刈应的 stock. picking的时候,就会创建一个新的 stock. picking,该函数返回的值被 用于创建 stock. picking (9)到这里,我们已经完成由报价单的确认订单按钮创建所对应的入库单全 流程。(sale. order→ stock. picking)。下一篇我们会讲确认订单生成询价 单



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