数组章节作业 1、将一个数组中的元素倒排过来,不能新开一个数组的临时存储空 间,只能在原数组上改。 2、写一个类用来模拟栈这种数据结构,要求底层 使用数组存储数据, 并给出相应的进栈和出栈的方法。MyStack int arr[]; int count;//栈中元素个数 public MyStack(int n){ arr = new int[n]; } boolean push(int num){ if(count==arr.length){} arr[count++]=num; } int
A metaprogram is a program that generates or manipulates program code. Ever since generic programming was introduced to C++, programmers have discovered myriad "template tricks" for manipulating programs as they are compiled, effectively eliminating