At the very beginning of his book on i, the square root of minus one, Paul Nahin warns his readers: "An Imaginary Tale has a very strong historical component to it, but that does not mean it is a mathematical lightweight. But don't read too much int
2013~2016&专题 一、填空题(每题 8 分,共 64 分) 1.设 ab, 为不相等的实数,若二次函数 2 f x x ax b ( ) 满足 f a f b ( ) ( ) ,则 f (2) 的 值为_______ 2.若实数 满足 cos tan ,则 1 4 cos sin 的值是_____ 3.已知复数数列 { }n z 满足 1 1 1, 1 i(i 1,2, ) n n z z z n ,其中 i 为虚数单