IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 This standard defines the protocol and interconnection of devices via radio communication in a personal area network (PAN). The standard uses carrier sense multiple access with a collision avoidance medium access mechanism and
ZJU_Main 主页 下一页 ZJU 题型分类 文演整理版 2008-3-23 数论: 1007 Numerical Summation of a Series 简单题,还是蛮有意思的 1045 HangOver 简单题 1049 I Think I Need a Houseboat 简单题 1028 Flip and Shift 简单题,可以DP/BFS/……,但 是实际上有数学方法可直接判断出来 1026 Modular multiplication of polynomials 简单题
以前和大家分享过SIGMOD2009的论文,朋友们都很感兴趣,现手里有SIGMOD211的全部论文,再次和大家分享~ 一个包放不下,一共分成了3个包,包含百余篇论文,朋友们可以挑选自己感兴趣的部分下载,我尽量把文章目录写得明白一些。 这是第三部分 Emerging Trends in the Enterprise Data Analytics: Connecting Hadoop and DB2 Warehouse (Page 1161) Fatma Özcan (IBM Almaden Re
SEIM E4 E5 半导体数据采集资料 通讯协议资料 设备联网 智能制造基础资料sem‖"
I The seMi equipment Communications Standard Part 2(SECS-In defines the details of the interpretation of
messages exchanged between intelligent equipment and a host. This specificalion has been de
IEEE C62.41, 浪涌测试标准,主要描述波形。TEEE thanks the International Electrotechnical Commission (EC) for permission to reproduce information
from its International Standards, Technical Reports, and Technical Specifications: IEC 61312-1: 1995
Figure A 1 and Figu