偶在DelphiBox上断断续续也拖了些控件下来,对平时的开发工作帮助很大,为了表示对版主的极力支持,再传一个本人在2001年写的源代码编辑器,程序支持以下的源文件高亮显示: ●Delphi(Object Pascal), ●SQL,支持以下的SQL语法, IBM DB2 Version 5 Informix Online Server 7.22 Interbase 5.0 Microsoft Access 97 Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Oracle
Unicode SynEdit =============== This is the Unicode version of SynEdit, a syntax highlighting editor that had originally been designed for ANSI character sets. For the available information check out the "Unicode SynEdit" Web-site at: http://mh-nexu