命令操作升级: 登陆设备: Login:admin Password:admin 9806>en Please input password: admin 下载软件: 9806# download IP address of the host where the file resides:[] ―――输入FTP服务器IP(为设备带外IP,需要把电脑IP设置为同一网段) Name of the file(include path) f
ZXAN(config)#show onu unauthentication epon-olt_0/4/4 显示相关PON口下未注册认证的ONU Onu interface : epon-onu_0/5/3:3 MAC address : 4cac.0ab7.ae28 当前ONU MAC地址 SN : AuthState State : deny OnTime : 2001/01/01 00:17:23 ZXAN(config)#show onu all-status epon-olt_0/4
丹佛斯 EMP2_压力变送器pdf,丹佛斯 EMP2_压力变送器Technical brochure
Pressure transmitter type EMP 2
Technical data
-10C to 70'C, see also fig. 1
Temperature of medium
40oC to 100C, depending to some extent on ambient temperature (fg