Sybase12.5 ODBC驱动下载后解压到相关目录,设置环境变量path到所在目录增加如下注册表信息:(目录作相应修改)Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers]"Sybase ASE driver"=&quo t;Installed"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Sybase
C++?? A Critique of C++ and Programming and Language Trends of the 1990s 3rd Edition Ian Joyner 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 15-Jun-11 Possibility to load data in TVirtualTable without recreating persistent fields is added Working in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component is improved Loading files opened by other applications is improved Bug with the 15-Jun-11 Possibility to load data in TVirtualTable without recreating persistent fields is added Working in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component is improved Loading files opened by other applications is improved Bug with the
ASP.NET 4高级程序设计Many of the examples in this book use SQL Server. In most cases, it is assumed that you are using SQL Server Express. However, you can modify the connection string in the section of the web.config file to use a different database, su
IEEE 802.3ab 协议规范 1000B ASE-T Type 1000BASE-T PCS, type 1000BASE-T PMA sublayer, and type 1000BASE-T Medium Dependent Interface (MDI) are defined. This supplement provides fully functional, electrical and mechanical specifications for the type 1000B
SoftTree SQL Assistant 7.2 for Oracle, SQL Server, SQL Azure, DB2, Sybase, MS Access, Redshift, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL The ultimate tool for database development SQL Assistant equips database developers and DBAs with the productivity tools th
Analytical solution to calculate the small-signal single-pass gain of a fiber amplifier.
Includes standard parameters for erbium- or ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers.
Use it to produce either of two types of plots:
1. Plot the gain versus pump
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