The swf (pronounced “swiff ”) file format delivers vector graphics, text, video, and sound over the Internet and is supported by adobe® Flash® Player software. The swf file format is designed to be an efficient delivery format, not a format for exch
The most recent Google Maps API for adobe Flash is the map_1_9a.swc and for adobe Flex or adobe Air it is the map_flex_1_9a.swc one. It fixes two bugs: Geocoding and Directions fail if swf is hosted on an https site Mouse event are inconsistent betw
目录 Introduction 9 What’s new in swf 10 10 Chapter 1: Basic Data Types 11 Coordinates and twips.11 Integer types and byte order 11 Fixed-point numbers 12 Floating-point numbers. 13 Encoded integers 14 Bit values 15 Using bit values 16 String values 1