Dim filem As String '保存文件名 Dim str As String Dim msg Dim bu As Boolean '用于判断文本框中的内容是否改变 Public Nexts As Double '用于存储查找末字符的位置 Public Sv, mo As Double 'sv用于存储查的下一个字符的位置,mo用于存储查找第一次查找字符的位置 Dim Cmt(3) As Single, Cml(3) As Single, Cmw(3) As Single, Cmh(3
Pyscr ipter相关组件安装说明.pdfJVCL 3.50 Installation
jyCL350 Installation
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JVCL 3. 50 Installation The JEDi Vis jal Component Library (JVCL)consists of a huge collection(currenty ca. 5c0)
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