DAY 1 Become familiar with the Visual C++ development envi- ronment by building a simple application. DAY 2 Learn about the stan- dard controls used in Windows applica- tions, how you can place and configure them on an applica- tion window, and how
Wireless communication has attracted considerable interest in the research community, and many wireless networks are evaluated us- ing discrete event simulators like OMNeT++. Although OMNeT++ provides a powerful and clear simulation framework, it la
There are many algorithm texts that provide lots of well-polished code and proofs of correctness. Instead, this one presents insights, notations, and analogies to help the novice describe and think about algorithms like an expert. It is a bit like a
As Actionscr ipt has evolved from a few statements in Flash to a full-fledged Internet programming language in the latest release of Flash and Flex, we have the ability to implement sophisticated designs developed for languages using object-oriented
This book is written primarily as a course text for the earUer parts of undergraduate courses, BS courses in the USA and both CEng and lEng courses in the UK. It covers those topics of analog electronics that we consider essential for students of El
Todays premium class vehicles implement a variety of distributed applications cov- ering all areas of the vehicle, such as engine, chassis, body, comfort, as well as driver assistance functions. Most of these systems are interconnected via a com- mo
Array processing has played an important. role in many diverse application areas. Most modern radar and sonar systems rely on antenna arrays or hydrophone arrays as an essential component of the system. Many commu- nication systems utilize phased ar
Welcome to Software Engineering with UML. is book acknowledges and uses the Object Management Group’s Uni ed Modeling Language (UML 2.5) standard to engineer high-quality software solutions. In an age of ever-increasing demand on software developers
Graphs represent one of the most powerful and general forms of data representation, which can express diverse data, ranging from multi- dimensional entity-relation graphs, the web, social networks, commu- nication networks, and biological and chemic
Cryptography has crept into everything, from Web browsers and e-mail programs to cell phones, bank cards, cars and even into medical implants. In the near fu- ture we will see many new exciting applications for cryptography such as radio frequency i
Introduction 3 the CAS role and the Hub Transport role, two updated roles to Exchange Server 2010 that are critical to the Exchange Server 2010 organizational environment. .Part VI: Exchange Server 2010 Administration and Management—In this part, fi