很实用的时频分析工具箱,包括短时傅里叶正反变换等,很好,很强大哦~~分享给大家,包括以下函数的源代码: % sigmerge - Add two signals with given energy ratio in dB. % % Choice of the Instantaneous Amplitude % amexpo1s - Generate one-sided exponential amplitude modulation. % amexpo2s - Generate bilater
% Time-Frequency Toolbox. % Version 1.0 January 1996 % Copyright (c) 1994-96 by CNRS (France) - RICE University (USA). % % Signal Generation Files % % sigmerge - Add two signals with given energy ratio in dB. % % Choice of the Instantaneous Amplitud
We describe a hardware-oriented design of a complex division algorithm proposed in .6 This algorithm is similar to a radix-r digit-recurrence division algorithm with real operands and prescaling. Prescaling of complex operands allows efficient selec
For the best SHENZHEN I/O experience, we highly recommend printing this manual and assembling a binder that you can refer to as you play. To assemble the binder, simply follow these instructions: • Get a 0.5-inch 3-ring binder (such as this one) and
Dividers for RecyclerView This is just a simple demo app to demonstrate how to draw dividers for RecyclerView. RecyclerView doesnt provide straightforward interface for drawing dividers of lists. But actually it provides us a much more flexible way
DividerDrawable This library can help you easily layout and draw dividers on existing views. For better performance, dont create new views for drawing dividers anymore, use drawable instead. Install repositories { maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
[]() ToggleButtons This library adds two custom widgets that adhere to the Material Design definition for toggle buttons. Library is backwards compatible to API 9. You can add the library with: compile com.anthonymandra:ToggleButtons:3.0.1 Recent
RecyclerItemDecoration RecyclerItemDecoration allows you to draw divider between items in recyclerview with multiple ViewType without considering items positions! When using recyclerView with different ViewType, you either have only one simple divi
Dividers Dividers is an Android library to easily create separators for your RecyclerViews. It supports a wide range of dividers from simple ones, that apply to all your items equally, to a system of selectors that apply different styles to each ite
A custom ItemDecoration which appends dividers(with same thickness) between items(with same dimension) for RecyclerView 中文版 When using RecyclerView, we often need set dividers between items. Usually, we set right_margin to the root layout of each it
Number Picker The android library that provides a simple and customizable NumberPicker. Its based on android.widget.NumberPicker. Features Customizable fonts(color, size, typeface) Customizable dividers(color, distance, thickness) Horizontal and Ve
Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Development using JoomlaCode.org and SVN 7 Setting up a JoomlaCode.org project 11 Managing members of a JoomlaCode.org project 16 Setting up JoomlaCode.org Subversion 17 Understanding the Subversion skeleton 20
《High Speed SerDes Devices and Applications [ISBN_ 978-0387798332]》David Robert Stauffer.pdf
《高速SerDes器件和应用》 [ISBN_ 978-0387798332]David Robert Stauffer 英文版Davide. stauffer
Jeanne T mechler
IBM Corporation
IBM Corporation
Essex junction. VT
Essex jun
IEC 60358-2 2013 Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers part 2 AC or DC single-phase coupling capacitor connected between line and ground for power line carrier-frequency(PLC) application