1. ON THE COMPLEXITY OFFULLERENES AND NANOTUBES 1 ′ ˇ ′ MilanRandic, Xiaofeng Guo,DejanPlavsicand Alexandru T.Balaban 1. Introduction . . .......................... 1 2. On the ComplexityoftheComplexityConcept . . ....... 3 3. Complexity and Branchi
by Donald E. Knuth, Tracy Larrabee, and Paul M. Roberts This report is based on a course of the same name given at Stanford University during autumn quarter, 1987. Here’s the catalog descr iption:
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In the fall of 2000 the Engineering Information Foundation (EIF) Board of Directors asked Donald W. King to advise them on possi-ble future research directions. In a presentation to the Board, Mr. King recommended a four-phase approach to a research
作者:Erik M. Buck, Donald A. Yacktman 《Cocoa设计模式》介绍了Cocoa框架中用到的面向对象的设计模式。Cocoa框架是Apple的面向对象开发环境,用来开发:Mac OS X的应用程序。主要的开发语言为Objective-C,它是Mac下进行开发必不可少的开发环境。 《Cocoa设计模式》共分为5个部分,按照由浅入深、循序渐进的原则详细介绍各种设计模式在Cocoa中的应用,并且提供了丰富的代码示例,方便读者学习《Cocoa设计模式》内容。《Cocoa设计
以前和大家分享过SIGMOD2009和2011的论文,朋友们都很感兴趣,现手里有ICDE2013的全部论文,再次和大家分享~ 一个包放不下,一共分成了4个包,包含142篇长文论文,还有64篇短文论文,朋友们可以挑选自己感兴趣的部分下载,我尽量把文章目录写得明白一些。 这是第二部分,共有50篇论文。 300. Finding Interesting Correlations with Conditional Heavy Hitters Katsiaryna Mirylenka Graham Co
英文的 质量不错 Table of Contents Foreword ................................................................................ xv By Donald A. Norman Preface ..................................................................................... xix Things Are
Erik M. Buck Donald A. Yacktman All of Cocoa is organized according to the ModelView Controller (MVC) design pattern.Apple’s tools and frame- works encourage and in some cases enforce the use of MVC design.The chapters in Part I explain what MVC is,
Barabási Lab 不用介绍了,网络科学、复杂网络研究大牛 Complex Networks- 配套讲义第二讲THE BRIDGES OF KONIGSBERG
Can one walk across the
bridges and never
cross the same bridge
Network Science: Graph The
本书详细地介绍了如何用R语言进行meta分析,讲解全面细致并附上代码Chapman Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series
Shein-Chung Chow, Ph D
Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham north carolina
Series Editors
Byron Jones
IEEE C62.41, 浪涌测试标准,主要描述波形。TEEE thanks the International Electrotechnical Commission (EC) for permission to reproduce information
from its International Standards, Technical Reports, and Technical Specifications: IEC 61312-1: 1995
Figure A 1 and Figu
802.3af-POE协议,更多资料见微信公众号:硬件工程师炼成之路EEE St 802.3af-2003
Amendment to lEEE Std 802.3-2002
including ieee Std 802. 3ae-2002
IEEE Standard for Information technology
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
Local and metropolitan area n