1. Introduction:A New Ecology is Needed 1 1.1 Environmental management has changed 1 1.2 Ecology is changing 2 1.3 Book outline 3 2. Ecosystems have Openness (Thermodynamic) 7 2.1 Why must ecosystems be open? 7 2.2 An isolated system would die (maxi
In this study, an improved MODIS ocean chlorophyll-a (chla) 3 model (IOC3M) algorithm was developed as a substitute for the MODIS global chla concentration estimation algorithm, OC3M, to estimate chla concentrations in waters with high suspended sed
A simple semi-analytical model to estimate total suspended sediment matter (3S) was established for estimating TSM concentrations in Changjiang River Estuary. The results indicate that 3S model with near-infrared wavelengths provide good estimates of
A raft of sea otters are at play in a narrow estuary at
Moss Landing, near Santa Cruz, Calif. There are 41
of them, says a guy in a baseball cap. He counted.
They dive and surface and float around on their
backs with their little paws poking up o