The traditional approach in texture synthesis is to compare color neighborhoods with those of an exemplar. We show that quality is greatly improved if pointwise colors are replaced by appearance vectors that incorporate nonlocal information such as
Face recognition using adaptively weighted patch PZM array from a single exemplar image per person Hamidreza Rashidy Kanana, KarimFaeza, Yongsheng Gaob,∗
APCLUSTER Affinity Propagation Clustering (Frey/Dueck, Science 2007) % [idx,netsim,dpsim,expref]=APCLUSTER(s,p) clusters data, using a set % of real-valued pairwise data point similarities as input. Clusters % are each represented by a cluster cente
usb转并口的原理图与软件 SB2LPT.SYS - macht, dass der USB2LPT-Konverter mittels USB2LPT.DLL IN- und OUT-Zugriffen ansprechbar ist. ========================================================= USB2LPT ist ein Konverter vom Universellen Seriellen Bus zu einem altbe
Two experiments investigated the effectiveness of computer-assisted prosody training, its generalization to novel sentences and segmental accuracy, and the relationship between prosodic and lexical information in long-term memory. Experiment 1, usin