可以读写Ext2,以Ext2方式挂载Ext3文件系统(不支持Ext3日志),不支持中文! It provides Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 with full access to Linux Ext2 volumes (read access andwrite access). This may be useful if you have installed both Windows and Linux as a dual boot envir
Shout down –n now 关机时同步备份内存中的数据 useradd + 用户 创建用户 userdel + user 可以用来删除用户 passwd + user 更改用户密码(不加user ,则更改当前用户密码) poweroff 关机 reboot 重启 vim vi 下 :wq 在vim or vi 后保存退出 :q 不保存退出 :q! 强制退出 在非insert 下可用 x来删除光标所在处字符 dw 可以删除一个单词 d 用来删除一行 w - 从当前光标当前位置直到单字/单
Linux Forensics is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource for those wishing to quickly and efficiently perform forensics on Linux systems. It is also a great asset for anyone that would like to better understand Linux internals. Linux Forens
全志R16平台编译linux系统V1.0.txt 2017/4/11 13:36 (编译请使用编译android的lichee的选项编译生成的.config文件,不然直接编译会报错!!!!) rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/linux_r16$ tar zxvf lichee_parrotv1.1_20161202.tar.gz rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/linux_r16$ cd l