Face detection has drawn much attention in recent decades since the seminal work by Viola and Jones. While many subsequences have improved the work with more pow- erful learning algorithms, the feature representation used for face detection still ca
Face detection has achieved great success using the region-based methods. In this report, we propose a region-based face detector applying deep networks in a fully convolutional fashion, named Face R-FCN. Based on Region-based Fully Convolutional Ne
本文是 论文《Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks》的中文翻译。在本论文中,我们提出了一个深度联级多任务框架,利用他们之间内在联系来提高他们的性能。特别地,我们的框架采用一个由三层精心设计的深度卷积网络组成的级联结构,可以以粗略到精准的方式预测面部和特征点定位。另外,在学习过程中,我们提出一个新的在线难例(hard sample)挖掘策略,可以自动提高性能,而无需手