这个数据库看性能不错,哪位能破解一下。Overview Absolute Database: Delphi database with SQL support.Absolute Database lets you forget the Borland Database Engine (BDE). This BDE replacement is the compact, high-speed, robust and easy-to-use database engine. With Absolu
博士磨难(The Ph.D. Grind)是一本很火的书,作者Philip是MIT的本科和硕士,Stanford的PhD。他读博的历程并非一帆风顺,也经历过不少迷茫和痛苦。想读博或正在读博的人可以借鉴吸取经验。仁者见仁智者见智。
This book chronicles my six years of working towards a Ph. D. in com- These margin notes are
15. three
puter science at Stanfor
vivado tcl脚本全部命令集合,可作为工具书,方便随时查看。L XILINX
Chapter 1
Overview of Tcl Capabilities in Vivado
The Tool Command Language(tcl)is the scr ipting language integrated in the vivado too
environment. Tcl is a standard language in the semiconductor