GDAL/OGR Licensing ================== This file attempts to include all licenses that apply within the GDAL/OGR source tree, in particular any that are supposed to be exposed to the end user for credit requirements for instance. The contents of this
Unix users should download the .tar.bz2 archives; these are bzipped tar archives and can be handled in the usual way using tar and the bzip2 program. The InfoZIP unzip program can be used to handle the ZIP archives if desired. The .tar.bz2 archives
DJ Java Decompiler ver. for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Windows Server 2003 THE PURPOSE: DJ Java Decompiler is a decompiler for Java which reconstructs the original source code from the compiled binary CLASS files (applets). DJ Java Decompi
实际应用中有时候会遇到需要处理 ZIP 压缩解压的情况,这时候我们有大概三种选择: 调用 rar.exe, unzip.exe 等 使用某现成库 完全手写 第一种虽然能完成任务,但是没法知晓结果。曾经有人对说,可以抓命令行输出结果来判断……这种依靠界面文字来进行精确判断的行为个人认为相当不靠谱。第三种,既然我是个“造轮主义”者,当然说好,但是现在我不了解 ZIP 格式,也不了解 ZIP 算法,所以这个日后再说。今天我们就来切切实实地用一次轮子。 ZIP 相关的库中比较有名的可能就是 ZLib