IEEE的802.3bs_D3.5标准 协议,400G光通信必看。This amendment to IEEE Std 802.3-2015 adds Clause 116 through Clause 124 and Annex 119A through Annex 120E. This amendment includes IEEE 802.3 Media Access Control (MAC) parameters, Physical Layer specifications, and
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Positive Opening Mechanism
1NC/1NO Contact (Slow action)
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Section Eight—Includes Clause 116 through Clause 126 and Annex 119A through Annex 120E.
Clause 116 through Clause 124 and associated annexes include general information on 200 Gb/s and
400 Gb/s operation as well the 200 Gb/s and 400 Gb/s Ph
来自IEEE Xplore官网,IEEE Std 802.3ba-2010 (Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.3-2008),开发100GBASE-ER4、100GBASE-LR4、100GBASE-SR10、40GBASE-KR4、40GBASE-SR4、40GBASE-LR4等产品必备