Principles of concurrent and Distributed Programming (the 2nd Edition, which is based on Spin), Ben-Ari, Addison-Wesley, 2006. The latest edition of a classic text on concurrency and distributed programming – from a winner of the ACM/SIGCSE Award fo
针对在开发船舶动力系统分布式设计环境过程中遇到的文件传输问题!讨论了分别基于SOcket 技术和.NET Re mOti ng 技术的编程实现方法. 通过比较发现!后者具有编程简单"使用可靠等方面的明显优势. 另外!通过实验方式确定了传送过程中数据块大小的选择!并对文件加密解密的问题采用了加入随机数据的 方式进行解决.
In this paper, we studied the novel problem of targeted modeling. Instead of nding all topics from a corpus like existing models based on full modeling, the proposed model focuses on nding topics of a targeted aspect to help the user perform deeper
[英文文字版]As the title suggests, HTTP: The Definitive Guide explains the HTIP protocol: how it works and how to use it co develop web-based applications. However, this book is not just about HTIP; it's also about all the other core Internet technologie
This series aims to capture new developments and summarize what is known
over the entire spectrum of mathematical and computational biology and
medicine. It seeks to encourage the integration of mathematical, statistical,
and computational methods in
博士磨难(The Ph.D. Grind)是一本很火的书,作者Philip是MIT的本科和硕士,Stanford的PhD。他读博的历程并非一帆风顺,也经历过不少迷茫和痛苦。想读博或正在读博的人可以借鉴吸取经验。仁者见仁智者见智。
This book chronicles my six years of working towards a Ph. D. in com- These margin notes are
15. three
puter science at Stanfor
F.E. Alzofon,波音航空航天公司
Co,西雅图,华盛顿州Anti-Gravity with Present
Technology: Implementation
and Theoretical Foundation
F.E. Alzofon, Boeing Aerospace
Co, Seattle, WAo It is shown that mass quanti zation in the
the gravi ta
一种视觉导航的里程碑文献,描述了场景匹配的评价方式。Kendoul: Survey of advances in GNC of ruAs 317
for launch and recovery. These three categories are domi- Finally, discussions and conclusions about published pa-
nated by conventional helicopter configurations with a sin- pe