

  1. Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours 1st ed Dave Taylor James C. Armstrong Jr. 1997

  2. Overview Hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Introduction xvi What Is this UNIX Stuff? 1 Getting onto the System and Using the Command Line 21 Moving About the File System 43 Listing Files and Managing Disk Usage 63 O
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    • 发布日期:2010-09-30
    • 文件大小:4194304
    • 提供者:shaoguangleo
  1. Beginning Unix 2005

  2. Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Who Is This Book For? What Does This Book Cover? How This Book Is Structured What Do You Need to Use This Book? Conventions Source Code Errata xix xxi xxi xxii xxii xxv xxv xxv xxv Chapter 1: Unix Fundamentals
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    • 提供者:shaoguangleo
  1. A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu Linux 实战手册

  2. A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu Linux 实战手册 183 7 The Shell 219 PART III Digging into Ubuntu Linux 249 8 Linux GUIs: X and GNOME 251 9 The Bourne Again Shell 275 10 Networking and the Internet 353 11 Programming the Bourne Again Shell 395 x
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    • 发布日期:2010-12-08
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  1. LINUX 24学时教程

  2. 本书详细讲解了用Linux的图形配置工具配置Caldera OpenLinux,通过一个ppp与网络连接、使用K桌面环境、用StarOffice提高在家办公的效率、网络浏览、发传真、接收email及使用GIMP等图形工具。 24学时每次1小时的课程能使你迅速掌握Linux各方面的内容,简单易懂,通俗实用。本书在美国十分畅销,其作者是美国资深计算机书作家。本书适合初、中级读者阅读。 目 录 前言 第一部分 安装和配置 第1学时 准备安装Linux操作系统 2 1.1 什么是Linux操作系统 2
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