Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A Practical Approach explains how to apply finite state machines to software development. It provides a critical analysis of using finite state machines as a foundation for executable specifications to r
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Chapter 1 explains how to install Python and makes sure all readers have the closest,standardized environment. I almost removed this chapter since the book is not intended for beginners. But it was kept because there are definitely some experienced
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针对Motorola DSP56F805的PWM模块中不能产生高频正弦波的缺点,根据SPWM原理,由直接面积等效法,计算出对应脉冲的起始点和终点,然后编程实现,经调试发现调制出的正弦波具有良好的特性。 DSP56F805是一种专门用来控制电机的微处理器,内部具有各种功能模块,例如,A/D转换模块、PWM模块、定时器模块等,为开发基于DSP的系统提供了很*利。针对开发系统,Motorola为我们提供了相应的软件开发工具CodeWarrior及SDK,使得我们开发基于Motorola D