号称比 DELPHI 自带的 zlib 更快 ...Hello,you can found an optimized version of Zlib 1.2.1 that you can embed into every Delphi executable without use external dlls.Further I have build a little example hoping to aid "young" Delphi programmers getti
DIZipWriter is a Delphi component to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. Archive output is completely stream-based and works with any TStream descendant. DIZipWriter therefore direclty writes to files (TFileStream), memory (TMemoryStream), or even
DIZipWriter is a Delphi component to create PKZip-compatible ZIP archives. Archive output is based on TStream and writes directlyfiles (TFileStream), memory (TMemoryStream), or database BLOBs(TBlobStream). DIZipWriter's functionality is contained in
//读取文件函数 function ReadFile1(FileName:String):boolean; var sFileName: string; f: TfileStream; ED_Data: array[0..2048] of char; lRet: integer; lOffset: Longint; lOrigin: Word; i,count:integer; begin sFileName:=form1.opendialog1.FileName; f := TfileStr