What's new 2D Toolkit UI Sprite handles - you can resize / move(click and drag) / rotate(alt) sprites using the handles. Turn them off in preferences if you don't like them. Static sprite batcher - supports all sprite types (clipped, tiled, sliced,
What's new 2D Toolkit UI Sprite handles - you can resize / move(click and drag) / rotate(alt) sprites using the handles. Turn them off in preferences if you don't like them. Static sprite batcher - supports all sprite types (clipped, tiled, sliced,
WORKS WITH UNITY 5 and Unity 4.6 or higher See FULL CHANGELOG here BETA VERSION All advertised features are present, but more stuff will be added along the way. If upgrading from a version older than 0.9.100 please follow these instructions. DOTween
版本:DOTween Pro 0.9.550 DOTween Pro extends the free engine DOTween, implementing new features both for scr ipting and visual scr ipting, including extra features for these external assets (if present): - 2D Toolkit - TextMesh Pro VISUAL ANIMATION ED
This is currently the most complete localization system available for Unity. Supports Unity UI, Unity 2D, TextMesh Pro, NGUI, 2D ToolKit, SVG Importer, Standard Components Localizes Image, Text, Sounds, Fonts, Sprites, Atlases, Prefabs, TextMeshes,
This is currently the most complete localization system available for Unity. Supports Unity UI, Unity 2D, TextMesh Pro, NGUI, 2D ToolKit, SVG Importer, Standard Components Localizes Image, Text, Sounds, Fonts, Sprites, Atlases, Prefabs, TextMeshes,
REQUIRES UNITY 4.6/5/2017/2018 or higher (will automatically activate features based on your Unity version). IMPORTANT: if upgrading from a version older than 1.0.000, follow these instructions carefully See FULL CHANGELOG here DOTween Pro extends t
Soft Mask 1.3.1UI遮挡工具插件支持渐变和半透明 Soft Mask v1.3.1 所支持的Unity版本:5.4.5 及以上版本 Soft Mask is a UI component that masks child elements. It works almost like standard Unity’s UI Mask but supports gradients and semi-transparency. Demo | Documentation | Suppor