BMP to TIFF Freeware version 2.0 - Dec 10, 1998 Copyright (c) 1998, Wolfgang Krug CONTENTS 1. Target platforms 2. Descr iption 3. Installation 4. Read this 5. Known bugs & problems 6. More informations 7. Contact 1. Target platforms Delphi 1.0 D elp
Editorial Reviews Product Descr iption The iPhone and iPod touch have provided all software developers with a level playing field—developers working alone have the same access to consumers as multinational software publishers. Very cool indeed! To m
With the advent of Microsoft® DirectX® version 8.0, the revolution of programmable graphics had arrived. With vertex shaders for the programmable geometry pipeline and pixel shaders for the programmable pixel pipeline, the control over geometry and
Apress, 2009 The book opens with Wolfgang Ante, the developer behind the Frenzic puzzle game, showing how timers, animation, and intelligence are used to make game play engaging. It moves on to Rogue Amoeba's Mike Ash explaining how to design a netw
The iPhone and iPod touch have provided all software developers with a level playing field—developers working alone have the same access to consumers as multinational software publishers. Very cool indeed! To make your application stand out from the
好书不敢独享,我认为这是最好的一本XNA教程(初学者直接看《Professional XNA Game Programming: For Xbox 360 and Windows》会很累的),思路也是我推崇的“提出问题→解决方案→工作原理→具体实现”,这本书应该是模块学习,而要做一个游戏必须先学好一个个模块,但每个模块都学好不见得会做游戏,所以最后推荐如果条件成熟,自己做个游戏吧,在制作的过程中你会学到很多东西。此书的作者是Riemer Grootjans,如果你到网上搜一下,会发现很多网址或
With the advent of Microsoft® DirectX® version 8.0, the revolution of programmable graphicshad arrived. With vertex shaders for the programmable geometry pipeline and pixel shaders forthe programmable pixel pipeline, the control over geometry and pi
Product Descr iption Find an introduction to the architecture, concepts and algorithms of the Linux kernel in Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, a guide to the kernel sources and large number of connections among subsystems. Find an introductio
linux kernel architecture Wolfgang Mauerer is a quantum physicist whose professional interests are centered around quantum cryptography, quantum electrodynamics, and compilers for — you guessed it — quantum architectures. With the confirmed capacity