This is a simple - cross and zeros game which had made when i had started learning VB. I am presenting this with some modifications.if you can do some modifications which makes it more intresting then please mail a copy to me.
%main_IS95_forward.m %此函数用于IS-95前向链路系统的仿真,包括扩 %频调制,匹配滤波,RAKE接收等相关通信模块。 %仿真环境: 加性高斯白噪声信道. %数据速率 = 9600 KBps % clear all close all clc disp('--------------start-------------------'); global Zi Zq Zs show R Gi Gq clear j; show = 0; %控制程序运行中的显示 SD = 0;
OpenCV小项目 这是一个个人在使用OpenCV过程中写的一些小项目,以及一些非常有用的OpenCV代码,有些代码是对某论文中的部分实现。 注意:代码是在Xcode里写的,如果要在win下测试,遇到问题自己修改。 opencv-rootsift-py 用python和OpenCV写的一个rootsift实现,其中RootSIFT部分的代码参照Implementing RootSIFT in Python and OpenCV这篇文章所写,通过这个你可以了解Three things every
KGB Archiver console version ?005-2006 Tomasz Pawlak,, mod by Slawek ( based on PAQ6 by Matt Mahoney PAQ6v2 - File archiver and compressor. (C) 2004, Matt Mahoney, This program is free softw
SVM分类器的相关算法和matlab源码,部分内容如下,1.命令函数部分: clear;%清屏 clc; X =load('data.txt'); n = length(X);%总样本数量 y = X(:,4);%类别标志 X = X(:,1:3); TOL = 0.0001;%精度要求 C = 1;%参数,对损失函数的权重 b = 0;%初始设置截距b Wold = 0;%未更新a时的W(a) Wnew = 0;%更新a后的W(a) for i = 1 : 50%设置类别标志为1或者-1 y
urdf_file = /PATH/TO/URDF/FILE
device = torch.device('cuda')
# You have to pass in the device on construction
robot = TorchURDF.load(urdf_file, device)
# Configurations are passed in batch
cfgs = torch.zeros((batch_size, configuration_size