Abstract—Based on demands in proxy pattern, this article proposes informatization solution of proxy pattern which includes enterprise management, proxy management, franchisee management and supply chain management, then discusses basic functions, sy
The traditional approach in texture synthesis is to compare color neighborhoods with those of an exemplar. We show that quality is greatly improved if pointwise colors are replaced by appearance vectors that incorporate nonlocal information such as
This exploratory paper quests for a stochastic and context sensitive grammar of images. The grammar should achieve the following four objectives and thus serves as a unified framework of representation, learning, and recognition for a large number o
This paper addresses the problem of video object segmentation, where the initial object mask is given in the first frame of an input video. We propose a novel spatiotemporal Markov Random Field (MRF) model defined over pixels to handle this problem.
Learning-based methods are believed to work well for unconstrained gaze estimation, i.e. gaze estimation from a monocular RGB camera without assumptions regarding user, environment, or camera. However, current gaze datasets were collected under labo
Dynamic Density Based Clustering.pdf Dynamic Density Based Clustering.pdf Dynamic Density Based Clustering.pdf016Q17
(b)Core graph
(c)One possible p-approximate core graph
Figure 2: Illustration of dbSCan and p-approximate dBS
Functional research on biological macromolecules must focus on specific local regions. PDBlocal is a web-based tool developed to overcome the limitations of traditional molecular visualization tools for three-dimensional (3D) inspection of local regi
This paper presents a robust head tracking algorithm based on multiple cues fusion in a kernel-Bayesian framework. In this algorithm, the object to be tracked is characterized using a spatial-constraint mixture of the Gaussians-based appearance model
Traditional color-based mean shift tracking algorithm is unable to accurately track the object. To address this problem, we present an improved tracking algorithm. The improved tracker integrates the color and motion cues which characterize the appea
Generally, image-based evaluation on the performance of textile appearance such as smoothness and pilling was interfered by fabric pattern, color, and illumination. In this paper, a new method was used to reconstruct a 3D surface of fabric based on i
A Chinese skin colour database is established based on measurements taken from nine bodies areas of 202 Chinese individuals to move towards accurate skin colour reproduction. The colour appearance of each skin point is predicted, and a comprehensive
Person re-identification (re-id) aims to match people across non-overlapping camera views. So far the RGB-based appearance is widely used in most existing works. However, when people appeared in extreme illumination or changed clothes, the RGB appeara