Over the years, our computing lifestyles have changed. Today, everyone sees the value ofthe Internet, and our computing lifestyle is becoming more and more dependent on Webbasedservices. Personally, I love to shop, get traffic conditions, compare pr
function isDigit(s) { var patrn=/^[0-9]{1,20}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false return true } //校验登录名:只能输入5-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串 function isRegisterUserName(s) { var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/; if (!patrn.exec(s)) return fal
Managed DirectX was released with the latest version of the core DirectX libraries in DirectX9. It enables developers using the new .NET languages (i.e. C#, VB.NET, etc.) to develop rich multimedia applications with DirectX. Unfortunately the Manage
Mission control to reader . . . you are now nearing the ADO.NET planet in the .NET solar system of the Microsoft technology galaxy. Make sure no architectural mistake alien eats you up for dinner . . . Learning any new topic is like approaching a ne
本书以虚拟的Wrox Car Company站点以及一系列相关网页为示例,详细讲述如何利用各种ASP.NET Web Forms技术和相关的.NET Framework技术,创建一个可方便选择、配置和订购汽车的站点。与此同时,本书还考虑到各种复杂的情况,实现了与多种浏览器的兼容,并为存在某些功能缺陷的用户提供了解方案,从而使您的Web应用程序尽善尽美。 本书适合于对ASP.NET Web Forms和.NET Framework有一定了解的读者
对IOC的解释为:“Inversion of control is a common characteristic of frameworks, so saying that these lightweight containers are special because they use inversion of control is like saying my car is special because it has wheels.”
我想对这一概念执行 一个个人的阐述,以方便我的理解。