"五部曲"包括:《黑客道简史》(A Brief History of Hackerdom)、《大教堂和市集》(The Cathedral and the Bazaar)、《如何成为一名黑客》(How To Become A Hacker)、《开拓智域》(Homesteading the Noosphere)、《魔法大锅炉》(The Magic Cauldron)。
Unix编程经典 Summary: Unix ranks among the great engineering accomplishments of the last half of the twentieth century, and its heir--Linux--seems already imposing and still on its way to achieving its full potential. Eric S. Raymond argues in The Art o
The purpose of this book is to help you program shared- memory parallel machines without risking your sanity.1 We hope that this book’s design principles will help you avoid at least some parallel-programming pitfalls. That said, you should think of
Aplikacija St Pauls大教堂和Unity 3D Objekata,te osnovna znanja iz kreiranja Unity促进了现实的发展。
Osnovna zamisao aplikacije jeste da se skeniranjem fotografije 3D模型St Paul's Cathedral prikaze 3D model katedrale te da se klikom naodređenepojedinostiprik