CONTENTS 1 MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES 1.1 Invariants 1 1.2 Some geometrical invariants 2 1.3 Elements of differential geometry 5 1.4 Gaussian coordinates and the invariant line element 7 1.5 Geometry and groups 10 1.6 Vectors 13 1.7 Quaternions 13 1
MinGW, a contraction of "Minimalist GNU for Windows", is a port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), and GNU Binutils, for use in the development of native Microsoft Windows applications. Offered in easily installed binary package format, for nativ
This book is designed to introduce some important methods for nonlinear evolution equations.、 Nonlinear evolution equations, i.e., partial differential equations with time t as one of the independent variables, arise not only from many fields of mat
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(共126页)目前由于网络技术的发展,新事物不断出现,而且日益频繁,在用中文叙述这些新技术时,有不少同志喜欢用缩写的英文(譬如ATM等)来表述各种技术的发展。殊不知,英文是拼音字,一个缩写可以代表若干个意思。譬如前面举例的缩写ATM就有两个常用的不同英文组词可以缩写成ATM,他们分别是①Asynchronous Transfer Mode,和②Automatic Teller Machine。前者①是异步传输模式,是通信系统的一种传输方式。后者②为自动取款机。再如CAS,如果在www.acro
PCI Express M.2 specification-Revision 0.7, Version 1.0,November 27, 2012, The M.2M.2 form factor is used for Mobile Add-In cards. The M.2 is a natural transition from the Mini Card and Half-Mini Card to a smaller form factor in both size and volume
The QRS complex is the most prominent wave component within the electrocardiogram. It reflects the electrical activity of heart during the ventricular contraction and the time of its occurrence. Its morphology provides information about the current
3 The M.2 form factor is intended for Mobile Adapters. The M.2 is a natural transition from the Mini 4 Card and Half-Mini Card (refer to the PCI Express Mini CEM Specification) to a smaller form factor in 5 both size and volume. The M.2 is a family
# RoutingKit []( RoutingKit is a C++ library that provides advanced route planning functionality. It was developed at [KIT](htt
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 13th International Conference, HAIS 2018, Oviedo, Spain, June 20-22, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference o
Preface ix 1. Basic inequalities I 2. Normed spaces and bounded linear operators 18 3. Linear functionals and the Hahn—Banach theorem 45 4. Finite-dimensional normed spaces 60 5. The Baire category theorem and the closed-graph theorem 75 6. Continuo
The Vertices of Lower Degree in Contraction-Critical $\kappa$ Connected,袁旭东,李婷婷,Let $G$ be a contraction-critical $\kappa$ connected
graph. It is known (see {\it Graphs and Combinatorics}, 7 (1991)
15-21) that the minimum degree of $G$ is at most $
A Biophysical Mechanism For Muscle Contraction and Spontaneous Oscillation,郭维生,罗辽复,Based on a simplified model of mechanochemical actin–activated myosin ATPase cycle the muscle state equation and muscle kinetic equation are deduced from the biochemic
Caldesmon is a key factor in contraction and stiffness of vascular smooth muscle cells,JIANG Qifeng,,In this paper, the potential role of CaD in mediating mechanical properties of VSMCs was probed and the regulatory effect of CaD on cell motilities w